Unlock the Power of Your Higher Self: 10 Min Daily Practice
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- Written by Laura Smith Biswas
- Views: 1116

In this session of Love is Alchemy, learn how to cultivate a sacred relationship with your Higher Self — the part of you that holds wisdom, peace, and divine love.
You’ll learn key ways to strengthen your connection with your Higher Self and experience a simple daily practice to tap into inner guidance and clarity. If you're seeking more alignment, ease, and flow in your life, this session is for you. Subscribe for more transformative content to expand your relationships from a foundation of love.
Daily Practice for Connecting with Your Higher Self
So here I'm offering a daily practice for connecting with the higher self. This is incredibly valuable because as we experience our lives, the more connected we are to our higher aspect. You can think of it as your wisdom self, your divine self, your higher self.
You discover that you tap into incredible flow in your life, and particularly, it gives you greater access to higher perspectives, information, guidance, and what's even more important, you connect at a really visceral level as you get more familiar with it. So that you're actually sensing and feeling the presence of the expanded part of yourself, and this allows you to be in an entirely different way in your life. It allows you to operate in a blended and harmonized way with the higher self as you get to, you know, more and more practice with it.
So, and you really feel it, so you don't feel that sense of aloneness or that you're on your own in life, but you feel really held in the presence of the higher self.
So let's get started, and I'll say a few things. If you have time to move your body before you do this, that's ideal. If you've been sitting a lot or need to just get your energy moving, moving the body is ideal, and it can just be a little bit of yoga, stretching, maybe you're somebody who's tried Tai Chi, or maybe it's just spreading around, you know, the block.
It's just really good to get your body moving before, and this is why yoga was developed as a practice of movement and meditation together. It was never meant to be just an exercise.
Once you feel like things are moving and you're not feeling tense and stressed, you also want to get in a very comfortable position with your spine straight. So this could be seated or laying down, and ideally, if we had a long practice, we would add clearing our chakras.
We won't do that in the short practice; we'll do that separately sometime. And I want you to move into a meditative mode, soften your body, and just intend to relax and open. The important part of this is to just be fully present in this moment.
Feel yourself sinking down into your body, set anything that's in your mind aside as if you can pick it up later after the meditation, and allow yourself to feel a sense of calm and trust that this is a safe practice that you can open to.
Check your breath to just see if you're breathing in a relaxed manner. If you're not, you can just take a deep breath in through your nose and either exhale with an audible sound or you can try just letting it out slowly through your lips.
If you need to do that a couple of times, that often helps relax the nervous system. Invite an attitude of neutrality so you're open to whatever your experiences today, whatever senses or information that comes through you're able to just hold it from this place of balance.
First, we'll imagine a column of light. You can think of this as Spirit, whatever you think of as the energy of the universe, divine presence. Some people use the word God, but whatever you think is the essence of what is beyond this life, that loving energy that created all things, let it come down and fill you like a column of beautiful light coming down through the top of the head through your crown, just surrounding you.
It's a soft diffused light. It may be any color that you're receptive to, but I'll use a white light for our purposes. And as it filters through, just feel it filter through your head down through your neck and throat, and each breath as you breathe is pulling it through you gently, almost like it's massaging your muscles and bones, helping you just open.
Feel it pass through your shoulders, your arms, and hands sitting softly on your lap or whatever you have nearby, and feel that light descend through you through your central channel, through your spine, the torso, all the way down into your belly and your reproductive organs, your lower back, your hips, and just feel that soft filtering of light going through you and surrounding you so it's even beyond your body, soothing each layer of you—the mental body, the physical body, the emotional body, your energetic template—all the layers of your aura and so forth.
You can feel it slowly filtering down through your legs, past your knees, and down into your ankles, all the way through your feet to the tips of your toes. As you feel this soft light encompassing you, turn your focus to the heart, soften its edges, invite it to open, be receptive to this connection you are cultivating.
Invite feeling a direct connection with your divine self or the higher self as I have been calling it. Sense the expansiveness of this part of you, feel its subtle nature but presence within you. You might imagine a ball of light or a beautiful flower at the center of your heart opening or radiating out as you feel this presence that you are filling you up, expanding out through your chest, upwards, downwards, out all through your body, filling you with light, filling you with love, giving you a place to rest in peace.
Invite this presence to stay with you, continue to support you so that you can tune to it at any time during the day when you feel you need to reestablish this connection.
You can ask for inspiration or propose specific questions. A couple of examples are, help me to move with ease through my day, help me to tune to the flow as I make decisions throughout the day, please bring those opportunities that help me to align with my soul path today, help me to recognize the love that I am and bring that through my life.
I invite you to feel this expanded presence that I am throughout my day. Relax and open to receive these things. When you complete your requests, ground this feeling in your heart, within your belly, all the way down deep in you, all the way through to the Earth, giving thanks for this connection, this reminder of the beautiful love that you are.
Laura Smith Biswas
Dec 26, 2024
Submitted to CrystalWind.ca by Laura Smith Biswas with written permission to repost her articles, videos, and other content.
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