Energy medicine is one of five domains of “complementary and alternative medicine” (CAM) identified by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) in the United States.
NCCAM distinguishes between complementary and alternative interventions involving actual, well-known forms of physical energy ("Veritable Energy Medicine"), and those involving "energies" of unclear nature, as with the Chinese concept of Qi or the Indian concept of prana, which are invoked in the traditional medicine of those countries without being defined in any way that offers ready quantifiability and falsifiability ("Putative Energy Medicine")
Types of Veritable Energy Medicine include magnet therapy and light therapy, collectively referred to as electromagnetic therapy. Mainstream medicine involving electromagnetic radiation (radiation therapy) is not accounted "electromagnetic therapy" in the terms of complementary medicine. Cymatic therapy uses sound waves.
Types of Energy Medicine involving Putative Energy Fields include acupuncture, qi gong, Reiki and related concepts involving the notion of Qi, the similar idea of Prana in Indian Ayurvedic medicine as well as homeopathy, Therapeutic Touch, distant healing (under which NCCAM counts intercessory prayer) and related concepts.
Color Energy and Therapy
Colour is simply light of different wavelengths. Each colour has its own specific wavelength and vibration. These wavelengths resonate with energies in different areas of the body. We absorb colour energy through the eyes, the skin and the electro magnetic field or aura. Colour can be used on the body in a number of different ways.
Each color has its own light frequency or energy. Color therapy is when the vibrations of light are used to stimulate the body to promote healing. This can be done by using colored lights, colored crystals, color meditation, colors of environment and adornment, and other means.
Electromagnetic Therapies
Electromagnetic therapy, is a form of alternative medicine which claims to treat disease by applying electromagnetic radiation or pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) to the body. There is no scientific evidence that electromagnetic therapy is effective in treating any condition. Practitioners claim that these methods can treat a wide range of ailments, including ulcers, headaches, burns, chronic pain, nerve disorders, spinal cord injuries, diabetes, gum infections, asthma, bronchitis, arthritis, cerebral palsy, heart disease and cancer.
Even though some of the early works in bioelectromagnetics are being successfully applied in clinical medicine, there is no relationship between alternative devices or methods which use externally applied electrical forces and the use of electromagnetic energy in mainstream medicine.
Source: Wiki
Polarity Therapy
Polarity Therapy is the art and science of stimulating and balancing the flow of life energy within the human being. The term Polarity relates to one of the fundamental laws of nature, namely the attraction and union of opposites through a balanced middle point.
The human body is an energy system like a battery or magnet. It has positive, negative and neutral poles and currents of energy that flow through them. Polarity Therapy concerns itself with the flow of a very subtle high-frequency energy which in the East is called prana or chi, but which is perhaps best referred to in this context as life-energy.
To maintain good health the life energy must flow freely and easily through the entire body. There should be no areas of excess or depletion. The complete energy system must be balanced however and the balance looked for is not a static one but rather a dynamic uninterrupted cyclic flow of energy.
Polarity Therapy uses four different approaches to balancing the life energy: body work, nutrition, exercise and counseling. A typical polarity session will consist of a body work treatment and a combination of work in the other three areas.
Reiki (霊気?, English pronunciation: /ˈreɪkiː/) is a spiritual practice developed in 1922 by Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui. It uses a technique commonly called palm healing as a form of complementary and alternative medicine and is sometimes classified as oriental medicine by some professional bodies. Through the use of this technique, practitioners transfer healing energy in the form of ki through the palms.
There are two main branches of Reiki, commonly referred to as Traditional Japanese Reiki and Western Reiki. Within both Traditional and Westernised forms of Reiki, there are three forms of degrees, commonly referred to as the First, Second, and Master/Teacher degree. According to Reiki practitioners and Masters, at First Degree, a Reiki practitioner is able to heal himself and others, at Second Degree is able to heal others distantly (commonly called distant healing) with the use of specialised symbols, and at Master level (specifically Master/Teacher level) is able to teach and attune others to Reiki.
A 2008 systematic review of randomised clinical trials concluded that "..the evidence is insufficient to suggest that reiki is an effective treatment.." for the conditions studied (depression, pain and anxiety, and others).
Sound Therapy
Sound healing is the therapeutic application of sound frequencies to the body/mind of a person with the intention of bringing them into a balanced state of harmony and health.
Our organs, chakras and different areas of our bodies, all sing a different note, which when blended together, produce a symphony that is as unique as a fingerprint. In an ideal world we would all be in harmony and balance, but due to the constant bombardment of factors (stress, negative energy, pollution etc) we are often being pulled 'out of tune' with our true song, therefore resulting in dis-ease.
Therapeutic Touch
Therapeutic touch (commonly shortened to "TT"), known by some as Non-Contact Therapeutic Touch (NCTT), is an energy therapy which practitioners claim promotes healing and reduces pain and anxiety. Therapeutic Touch is a registered trademark in Canada for the "structured and standardized healing practice performed by practitioners trained to be sensitive to the receiver's energy field that surrounds the body; touching is required." The College of Nurses of Ontario includes Therapeutic Touch as a complementary health-related therapy that is among permitted nursing interventions. New York University's Department of Integrated Health Programs offers Therapeutic Touch through its Patient and Care Partner Services at the Langone Medical Center. Therapeutic Touch was developed by NYU professor Dolores Krieger.
Source: Wiki
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