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Your Weekly Guide To Planetary Influences - May 15 to 21, 2023
- Details
- Written by Pam Younghans
A PERFECT PLANETARY STORM: Over the next 10 days, we will be working with some powerful and life-changing planetary energies.
A trio of planets — giant Jupiter, warrior Mars, and transformative Pluto — will be forming a "fixed T-square." To visualize this configuration, imagine a giant letter "T" in the sky, with Mars at one end of the crossbar, Pluto at the other end, and Jupiter at the base of the stem.
In a T-square, there is a buildup of tension that seeks an outlet, some way for the pressure to be released. This is why some may act irrationally or impulsively under this influence. In general, we can feel stressed and off-balance as the planets pull us in three different directions at once, as if we are at the center of a three-way tug-of-war.
All three planets will be in fixed signs for the T-square (Jupiter in Taurus, Pluto in Aquarius, and Mars in Leo), so this configuration will test those areas in which we are immoveable, rigid, willful, resistant to change, or overly attached to a specific form. The darker side of Jupiter is particularly highlighted, since the great planet is at the "apex" (the base of the stem). Thus, we may observe intolerance, fixed opinions, self-righteousness, prejudice, or greed in the world. We will also want to monitor ourselves for any ways in which we express or are motivated by these shadow qualities.
The effects of the T-square are already building, but are likely to be much more noticeable once Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16. After that, the energy moves like dominoes falling: the Jupiter-Pluto square perfects on May 17, Mars enters Leo and opposes Pluto on May 20, and Mars then exactly squares Jupiter on May 22.
We can expect to feel this powerful influence throughout the rest of May. During these weeks, we will benefit by focusing on the higher intentions of this configuration, which is teaching us to be more flexible, open-minded, generous, and tolerant.
JUPITER IN TAURUS: As the largest planet of the known solar system, Jupiter expands, magnifies, and exaggerates the qualities of whatever sign it is transiting. Jupiter will be in the sign of The Bull from May 16, 2023 to May 24, 2024 and will emphasize Taurean themes throughout that time. Here are a few of the possibilities we may see:
- An emphasis on simple pleasures and enjoyment of the physical senses, especially through experiencing Nature and the arts
- The need for a spiritual practice that enables greater inner peace
- New forms of religious art
- New food sources
- New sound therapies
- Calls for economic justice
- New environmental laws
- A growth of shamanism and Earth-based religions
- An increased use of herbs and mushrooms to enhance spiritual experiences
- A deepening connection to Mother Earth
- Greater value placed on the qualities of generosity, charity, patience, and kindness
We may also observe the shadow side of Taurus being exaggerated while Jupiter transits the sign:
- Seeking comfort and security above all else
- Materialism, an insatiable desire for more, resulting in impulsive spending or eating
- Overindulgence, the need for instant gratification
- Possessiveness, attachment
- Stubborn resistance to change or anything that breaks from tradition
JUPITER-PLUTO SQUARE: The Jupiter-Pluto square in itself represents a major test of belief systems, especially those that interfere with our ability to release the past and be open to new possibilities. Over the next few weeks, the revelation of new information may challenge our view of reality. Those who respond in a less evolved way may exhibit mental arrogance, self-righteousness, or moral superiority.
Other possible manifestations of the Jupiter-Pluto square include disruptions in religious institutions, economic systems, and the overall power balance in the world. A fear of loss of security could drive stronger controls to be put into effect. We may also see a blossoming in science and technology; however, since a square is a challenging aspect, new developments in these areas will likely upset fixed or traditional ideologies and world views.
The last time Jupiter in Taurus was square Pluto in Aquarius was in 1786-87. Pertinent historical events included the passage of the Statute for Religious Freedom in the state of Virginia, which prohibited the government from interfering in or supporting any religion. There were several advancements in science and technology, highlighted by the first test of William Herschel's 40-foot telescope, the largest in the world for the next 50 years. Shay's Rebellion also occurred at that time; farmers in the state of Massachusetts launched a series of attacks on courthouses and other government properties, in protest of state economic policies that were causing poverty and property foreclosures.
Another angle to consider is that this month's Jupiter-Pluto square is the first major aspect between the two planets since they aligned in Capricorn in 2020. This square thus represents a "next step" of a process that began three years ago. We see evidence of the Jupiter-Pluto effect of 2020 in the expansion (Jupiter) of controls (Pluto) by governments worldwide. There was also a rampant spread (Jupiter) of conspiracy theories (Pluto). Passionate, unyielding beliefs were the rule of the day. We saw financial gains (Jupiter) by specific industries, which concentrated the world's economic power (Pluto). There was also a restructuring of the power balance (Pluto) in the justice system (Jupiter) in the United States.
Events related to the Jupiter-Pluto square will likely occur throughout this week and next. They may be especially noticeable once Mars enters Leo next weekend and triggers the T-square energies.
NEW MOON IN TAURUS: We also have a New Moon in Taurus this week. Thankfully, this lunation is a gift from the cosmos, providing very practical, grounded, and supportive energy for us to work with. The New Moon occurs on May 19 at 8:53 a.m. PDT, when the Sun and Moon align at 28°26´ Taurus.
The aspects involved in the New Moon are all beneficial: A sextile to Mars energizes us and helps us have courage. A sextile to Neptune increases idealism, compassion, and our ability to hold a higher vision. And a trine to Pluto enables us to receive insights, enhancing our ability to perceive and utilize new thoughtforms and perspectives. The main challenge here may be to make sure that actions we take are for the good of all, rather than being merely self-serving.
DAILY ASPECTS: Here are this week's most important planetary aspects, with my brief interpretations.
Mars trine Neptune: This harmonious aspect supports our taking a leap of faith today. Intuition and action work well together.
Jupiter enters Taurus: Jupiter enters Taurus at 10:19 a.m. PDT.
Jupiter square Pluto: The effects of this square may be very strong starting on Tuesday and throughout the rest of May.
Sun sextile Neptune: This aspect helps ease tensions, supporting us in coming into center and feeling more peaceful and grounded.
Mercury sextile Saturn: This is a good time for reasonable conversations and for implementing plans one step at a time.
New Moon in Taurus: The New Moon occurs at 8:53 a.m. PDT, when the Sun and Moon align at 28°26´ Taurus.
Mars enters Leo: Mars will travel through Leo from May 20 to July 10. Under usual circumstances, this transit would encourage us to act more spontaneously, to enjoy the moment, and to be more playful. However, with Mars activating the Jupiter-Pluto square as it begins its journey through the sign of The Lion, we may instead experience challenges to creative self-expression at this time.
Mars opposite Pluto: This opposition can manifest as an excessive need for control, high drama, power struggles, and aggressive action. The ripple effects of this aspect will be with us for several days.
Sun enters Gemini: The Sun will be in Gemini from May 21 to June 21 this year. During this zodiac month, we are encouraged to be open-minded, to socialize, and to speak our truth while also taking the time to truly listen when others speak.
Sun trine Pluto, Sun sextile Mars: These aspects provide the energy and passion necessary to courageously pursue a higher purpose. We may feel inspired to take action on new creative ideas.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: This year, there is a great deal of energy available to you, energy that is perhaps best directed into activities that you find both valuable and practical. At the same time, your intuition and creative imagination are strengthened, thus becoming assets that you can draw upon as needed. The power of your convictions and your passion for your work can inspire you to take new risks and enable you to feel that you are fulfilling your higher purpose. (Solar Return Sun semisquare Venus, sextile Mars, sextile Neptune, trine Pluto)
In peace and with gratitude,
Aspects of Note This Week:
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.
- MON: Mars trine Neptune
- TUE: Jupiter enters Taurus
- WED: Jupiter square Pluto
- THU: Sun sextile Neptune, Mercury sextile Saturn
- FRI: No major aspects are exact today
- SAT: Mars enters Leo, Mars opposite Pluto
- SUN: Sun enters Gemini, Sun trine Pluto, Sun sextile Mars
WEBINAR REPLAY: If you missed my recent webinar on the energies we'll be working with now through August 2023, no worries! You can still purchase the class materials for "A Quickening," which include the video replay, slideshow, and monthly calendars. Just send an email to with "Webinar Replay" in the subject line, and I'll reply with details.
Astrologer Pam Younghans writes the NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to bring astrology "down to earth" in a way that will help readers navigate current energies, while also utilizing these energies for spiritual and personal growth.
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