Your Weekly Guide To Planetary Influences - August 7 to 13, 2023
- Details
- Written by Pam Younghans

RETROGRADE VENUS: This week, retrograde Venus aligns with the Sun, transitioning from its role as Evening Star and taking on the mantle of Morning Star. Although we cannot see the planet right now, due to it being so close to the bright Sun, it will become visible in the predawn sky in late August.
When Venus is retrograde (July 22 to September 3), we are called to reflect on our values and to reassess what we love, whether that be another sentient being, an object, a creative form or activity, or an idea. This week, with the goddess of Love and Beauty in square aspect to Uranus (Wednesday, August 9) and then conjunct the Sun (Sunday, August 13), some may realize a need to modify an existing relationship or perhaps be emboldened to take a new creative risk.
The urge with Uranus is always for greater freedom of self-expression. We are more restless with restrictions and resistant to any expectations that we follow the rules or adapt to structures that are not to our liking. Uranus gives us permission to be what some might judge as "selfish," since it asks us to live authentically.
Most relationships have unspoken contracts based on what each person expects of the other. These unwritten agreements often provide the foundation for the relationship. With a Venus-Uranus square, one or both partners may feel the urge to break free of those "shoulds," whether they have been implied by the other person or have been maintained internally. This week, we are liberated from the Venus-in-Leo need for approval and some may find themselves singing, "I Gotta Be Me."
As a result, relationships may experience challenges now. Those that are flexible and able to accommodate change — those that accept the emergence of the real person from behind the mask — will survive and be enriched, as each partner gains a stronger sense of their own individuality and expresses their true needs.
DAILY ASPECTS: Here are this week's most important planetary aspects, with my brief interpretations.
Sun sextile Ceres: "Home is where the heart is" today. The desire for cooperation, especially between family members, is a strong motivator.
Mercury sesquiquadrate Pluto: People may be overly critical today and speak impulsively, resulting in communication problems. There is a tendency to use words to manipulate or control, perhaps passive-aggressively. The ability to face problems honestly and directly is tested.
Venus square Uranus: The need for freedom of expression is heightened, perhaps leading to dramatic outbursts. Emotions are changeable.
Mercury trine Jupiter: This aspect helps us think more optimistically. Outgoing people may be especially verbose. Solutions can be found through brainstorming ideas, without offering judgment or criticism.
No major aspects are exact today.
Mars quincunx Chiron: Impatience, anger, and criticism may be cloaking an underlying sense of insecurity. Over-reactions indicate a need to accept and love the part of us that feels it is not OK to have our own needs or to be "imperfect."
Sun trine Chiron: Hearts are more open and generous today, making it easier to accept our own and others' imperfections.
Sun conjunct retrograde Venus: Some may "wear their hearts on their sleeve" today. The desire to connect with others and to feel a sense of belonging is strong. With Venus retrograde, this is an opportunity to reassess a relationship, to discover whether it truly feels emotionally and creatively satisfying or if it is mostly an exercise in longing.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: Relationships, values, and finances play a central role in your new year, Leo. A passion for something new, and the willingness to take risks, is strong. There can also be a tendency to do everything in a big way or to be overly impulsive. It may be best to consider this as a year to experiment with different options rather than a time to make a long-term commitment. But, taking reasonable risks will help you gain self-confidence and fill you with a new joy in life. (Solar Return Sun conjunct retrograde Venus, square Jupiter, square Uranus, trine Chiron)
In peace, love, and gratitude,
Aspects of Note This Week:
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.
- Monday: Sun sextile Ceres
- Tuesday: Mercury sesquiquadrate Pluto
- Wednesday: Venus square Uranus, Mercury trine Jupiter
- Thursday: No major aspects are exact today
- Friday: Mars quincunx Chiron
- Saturday: Sun trine Chiron
- Sunday: Sun conjunct retrograde Venus
FIRST "SOLAR MONTH" CLASS: The first class of my new "Solar Month" series, which will cover the Month of Virgo (August 23-September 22), will premiere on August 17! A few business items:
- To learn more about this class or to register, please visit
- If you wish to register for this class, please do so this week so that you receive all the class materials and links in time.
- If you've already registered:
- You should have received a confirmation email right away. Please check your spam/junk folder if you don't find it in your inbox. I will be sending out an email later this week with links to download class handouts, so watch your inbox or check other folders, too.
- If you checked "Yes" on the registration form indicating a desire to ask questions about your personal chart, you should have received your natal chart by now. Please let me know if not received.
- If you paid by PayPal or check, please know that you must still officially register in order to receive all class materials and the Zoom link (next week). Let me know if you need more instructions.
SAVE THE DATE: My next webinar, covering September through December 2023, is set for September 13! My working title is "A Cosmic Initiation: Entering the Taurus Gate of Avatar." I hope to include specifics and a registration link in next week's Journal. Stay tuned to this channel!
Astrologer Pam Younghans writes the NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and insights received. Her hope is to bring astrology "down to earth" in a way that will help readers navigate current energies, while also utilizing these energies for spiritual and personal growth.
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