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Weekly Forecast: January 22 - 28, 2023

Weekly Forecast: January 22 - 28, 2023

1/22 ~ Uranus Direct in TAURUS:
We have just completed this year’s annual Uranus Retrograde in Taurus. The personal planets will interact with Uranus in Taurus in a similar way every year so we can consciously co-create with them.

Every year’s annual retrograde is a special time to assimilate the changes you’ve been going through. Uranus is a collective planet and so affects many people and takes 7-years to accomplish its mission in each sign. During 2018-2026, it will awaken the Taurus Department of Life (House) and stimulate any of your planets in Taurus/Scorpio or Leo/Aquarius (by default). The last 4-5 months have revealed what aspect of your life needs the most awakening and/or vitality. This will be an annual process that you can consciously co-create with if you’re paying attention. Uranus wakes us up & shakes up our routine with a sudden shock of some sort and it is up to you to not fall back asleep or back into the old patterns. There is a shift in the values & priorities that support the newly awakened Emergent Self and how that works on the ground, in your body, on the Earth, in real time. So, use this annual energy to wake up dormant resources within you and learn how your electro-magnetic field really works. It takes conscious practice and dedicated focus when working with your own power & magnetic field. We are cultivating a whole new way of living in our bodies and on the planet and each year that Uranus traverses through Taurus is going to awaken you to this reality.

1/22 ~ Venus (values & priorities) ~conjunct~ Saturn (responsibility & structure): This is a powerful initiation, when you can infuse your current reality with more beauty & true value, as well as anchor a renewed sense of your own Inner Authority. It’s time to live a life that you create, a life that nourishes beauty and provides sustenance in the here & now. This is your life, and it is way too short to be living someone else’s values or priorities. This energy supports you entirely, for renewing your commitment & dedication to that which is most important to your Heart & SoulSelf. Saturn lends fortitude, strength & resolve to the current process of pruning the non-essential, plugging the energy-leaks and protecting what you love. If you define what you truly love & value, (re)commit and channel this considerable power & energy, then you will find that all you need, desire & deserve can manifest, take root & grow ~ with ease, grace & beauty! Venus rules our relationships, and often a Saturn contact pushes us to face the reality and renegotiate the relationship so that both parties can (re)commit with integrity, and at a whole new level where everyone knows their new roles & responsibilities.
*Saturn in Aquarius (2020-2023) We just spent the last 2+ years, in Aquarius, upgrading & fortifying that Area of Life. This will be the last meeting between Venus & Saturn so we are Initiating completely new levels of individual sovereignty & inner authority which allows us to initiate all new, higher level relationships, partnerships & collaborations. This is a larger cycle that is personal for those with strong Leo/Aquarius and/or Taurus/ Scorpio.

1/24 ~ Sun (core Self) ~sextile~ Jupiter (optimism):
This energy is sometimes considered “lucky” but the success you achieve under this influence, is more likely due to a positive outlook and clear vision of who you are and what you want. Your life is expanding, your self-understanding is deepening and it will be easier to be around other people of higher consciousness, improving things and creating opportunities that benefit a larger number of people. There is a healthy dose of optimism around some grand plan, and things are moving, but make sure to do the foundation work to support this larger vision as it manifests in reality. If you are a teacher/guide/leader of any sort, this energy supports your group efforts, so giving workshops, seminars or new classes is totally supported and will benefit you, while serving others.

1/26 ~ Venus Enters PISCES (until Feb 20th):
Venus moving through Pisces activates the values of healing & wholeness. It is the most creative & inspiring for artists or healers, activists who care about ALL Life on the planet and for the rest of us, perhaps a little of that fairy dust & synchronicities will rub off on us too! It is a good energy to reflect on how you will infuse your Spring Goals with soul & beauty. Later in Spring the energies are going to get active and fiery, so let’s use the cool waters of Venus in Pisces to reconnect with our own intuition about what might be worthy of our attention & investment this year. I also cooked up this little list of the Light & Shadow of Venus in Pisces. IN-Joy!!

LIGHT Expression
• Being Mystical, Magical, Imaginative & Devoted in Love
• Spiritually Anchored with Innate Self-Trust
• Ability to Heal & Integrate Fragmented Relationships
• Valuing Intuition & Knowing Your Connection to Source
• Dissolving Boundaries So Greater Love Can Emerge
• Maintaining the Connection Between Body & Spirit
• Acknowledging & Honoring the Divine or Sacred Feminine
• Being a World Server, Dedicated to Global Oneness
• Ability to Easily Navigate Other Dimensions of Reality
SHADOW Expression
• Being Overly Critical & Demanding in Love
• Self-Doubt & Inability to Deal with Confrontation
• Prone to Martyrdom, Self-Sacrifice & Manipulation
• Insufficient Boundaries & Subsequent Confusion
• Being Delusional & Having Blind Faith in Love or Money
• Excessive Anxiety or Fear of Loss & Abandonment
• Lack of Faith or Inability to Connect to & Follow Your Intuition
• Unreasonable Fears or Phobias (re: Love or Money)
• Imbalanced & Entangled with Social Fears & Collective Trauma


* KarmicTools.com * Copyright © 2000-2023 * Kelly M Beard *
All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy/redistribute Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that it’s distributed freely, content remains intact and includes contact/link back to post. 
The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast by Kelly M Beard covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. 
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