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November Astrology Forecast 2022

November Astrology Forecast 2022

November 1st is the halfway point between the equinox and the winter solstice celebrated as Samhain in Celtic tradition as the cross quarter days and as All Saints Day.

This year November holds extra planetary energy to connect with universal mind intelligence. Jupiter has retrograded back into Pisces where it is the traditional ruler of that sign, which means it has a lot of strength to deliver on promises of being able to go beyond limitations and find opportunities to grow and learn.

Mars is retrograde and is retracing its steps for the next 2 ½ months. Wherever you feel you have rushed over something, especially around communication, travel plans and ideas, it will be natural to reconsider how much energy you have or want to extend towards those areas. It is a fabulous time to dust off the old journal or pick up the book you never finished, or the writing project that you shelved long ago. Remember Mars is action and in Gemini the action will be towards communication, ideas, travel, and connecting the dots that allow us to have a better flow in life.

Total Lunar Eclipse

On November 8th there is a lunar eclipse at 16 degrees of Taurus. This is another power day and is a time to reveal whatever has been hiding in the shadows in regards to your own personal power. If you have been harboring concerns around finances the full moon lunar eclipse will bring clarity for how to use your talents and personal gifts to support you in the material world.

What is exciting about this lunar eclipse is the full moon is exactly connected to the planet Uranus, the great awakener. Uranus is known as the planet that shakes up the norm in ways that are unexpected.  The sun and moon are also connected to Saturn which indicates an ongoing pattern we have been experiencing between Uranus and Saturn. Do we break free from the past and live in the moment untethered by duty and responsibility? Or do we stay mindful of commitments we have made in order to fulfill our obligations?

The push pull of this energy can manifest in many ways, sometimes a huge event such as quitting a job without a safety net and going out on your own, or as simple as charging your credit card for a spontaneous purchase when you made a promise to yourself to stay on budget. Relationships can be evolving at this time, with lovers, family, friends and the relationship with yourself. Ultimately the full moon eclipse in Taurus wants us to know ourselves deeply enough to take action to break away if we are not being true to our values and find a path to build or rebuild a life of our dreams.

Venus is the planet that rules the sign of Taurus. She lends more meaning to the lunar eclipse as she is in the sign of Scorpio with the sun. The desire of Venus in Scorpio is to merge deeply into something that you find fascinating. The path with the sun can purify your wishes to get to the diamond core of what is most dear to you. The caution is not to get burnt out or overcome with obsession.

Venus spends half the month in Scorpio and on the 16th steps into the cosmic land of Sagittarius. Leaving behind that which no longer serves you and bringing lighter and carefree times ahead. She reminds us to know the difference if we are running towards something we want or if we are running from something we no longer want. Life is a journey and she is here to remind us there are no mistakes, simply experiences from which we can learn and grow.

The sun enters Sagittarius on the 22nd and is immediately followed by the new moon in Sagittarius on the 23rd which brings a joyful message to be with friends that are open minded, always ready to learn, and love a good adventure. The greatest friendship you can have is the one with yourself, therefore take to heart the gift this new moon brings and set your intentions.

Sagittarius New Moon

The Sagittarius new moon is the day before the USA Thanksgiving holiday weekend, traditionally a time of travel and gathering with friends and family. Jupiter, the planet that rules Sagittarius moves direct the day of the new moon which is setting the wind beneath our wings to take off and take a risk to have something that is dear to you. The cosmic channel to Jupiter is strong now, open up to the gift Jupiter brings of faith and confidence to go beyond your limitations and trust that you can find and learn what you need to know along the way to get to where you want to be.

With love, light, and gratitude,

Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Taurus at 16 degrees Tuesday November 8th at 6:02am. This Full Moon Eclipse is connected to Uranus and Saturn: Cosmic dance of the quest to go towards the unknown or remain with what you have built upon.


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