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Horoscopes: February 16th Thru The 23rd

Horoscopes: February 16th Thru The 23rd

For the week of February 16th thru the 23rd, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


The North Node in Aries is asking you to get out of your own way, and allow yourself to be brought center stage. And with Chiron in your sign these past 6 years, you’ve been reminded again and again, that it’s not selfish to focus on your own needs, your own self-care, and your own healing journey. Generally it is in your nature to just keep powering on, dragging any broken limbs and beleaguered egos along for the ride. Thinking that you are Superheroes by nature, Chiron has been here to remind you that you are just as mortal as the rest of us, and whatever gaping wounds and kryptonite-prone parts of you that have been bleeding out on the rug, can no longer be ignored. Not only can they not be ignored any longer, but by pushing yourself forward, and taking care of that which ails you, can also help to place you in the spotlight of your life. But perhaps the most important lesson of the Chiron/Node connection is that you cannot help others, or be an example for others to follow, if you don’t first focus on your own healing journey. Pay attention to any new insights, either recently received or that will be received over the weeks ahead.  For like a sudden and inexplicable realization something is being revealed to you about yourself that could ultimately be life-changing. 


Your ruling planet Venus enters Aquarius on Friday, tripping over a wine glass and right into the arms of Pluto and Mars. This could be a little surprising, as you become aware of emotions that you might not have even thought you had, and at a level of intensity, you might not have thought yourself capable of. This may impact your relationships, but all that passion and intensity can also be channeled into fulfilling some sort of goal that you had set for yourself. Also pay attention, for whatever is stirring the cockles of your heart right now, is trying to inspire and tune you into what the Pluto in Aquarius theme may be for you moving forward. And part of that story may be about accepting who you are, all in all, without having to make any excuses to yourself and others. Truth is, with Chiron conjunct the North Node this week, we are all being asked to consider what our own healing journey may look like. And for Taurus much of that has to do with healing old wounds that you have been carrying for ages past. For by healing your own wounds, it not only allows you to lay some things to rest, but also prepares you to be a better healer, teacher and guide to others. Trust your intuition to guide you and lead with your compassionate heart. 


Due to a few bumps and detours, you may have encountered some changes and updates that could not be avoided. As a result you may find yourself struggling to adjust to whatever new paradigms or new information were being disclosed, which could have been a little bit surprising, but not necessarily unexpected. Nonetheless it could have changed the picture. Not only in your own life, but also concerning others that are close to you. It might seem unusual for Gemini to feel as if they are alienated, or not quite able to fit in, but with this week’s Chiron/North Node conjunction that precisely how it could feel. This could be within a group that you are associated with, or it could be with a friend, forcing you to reevaluate your connections with them. This can include the ways that you may have been compromising yourself, just to fit in, or not rock the boat. Within this context, you are being asked to stop trying to adjust yourself to fitting in with others. Rather that conforming to everyone else’s expectations, you are being asked to be the one that everyone else is needing to adjust to. Even if it is imperfect. For when you are willing to stand for what you believe, and be who you are, totally without pretense, you serve as an inspiration for others, and become the group that everyone else wants to belong to. 


Things begin to pick up steam this week with a first quarter moon on Friday. We are approaching a Full Moon on the 24th, and as we inch closer to that Full Moon, you will feel the activity rising along with the tides. The Full Moon in Virgo is our spring-cleaning Moon in which we attempt to clear out the cobwebs and accumulated clutter from the winter months. But in the mean time Chiron makes an exact conjunction this week to the North Node of the Moon, at the very top of your natal or Solar chart. And in some way, despite yourself, you are being beckoned to put yourself forward, instead of remaining behind. This includes putting aside any doubts, misgivings or apprehension about being so visible (and so vulnerable!), you are merely being asked to be exactly who you are, without pretense, without shame, in order to share your story with the world. It is precisely because you are human, and because you have lived, that others will most relate to your story in whatever form, and whatever venue that takes place. And it is precisely because you are imperfect that others can relate to you so well. The self-acceptance that goes along with this can go a long way towards making a name for yourself in the world at large. 


Later this weekend, the Sun enters the sign of Pisces, in which we begin to close out the astrological year. It is time to tie up some loose ends, and prepare for some sort of transition. The things of the past are being laid to rest, in order to put your life in order, and make ready for the future. And as the Sun enters Pisces on the 18th/19th, it also makes a minor, but significant aspect to Chiron and the North Node which make an exact conjunction on the 19th as well. It may feel as if you have little control over the proceedings, as things have already been set in motion. And all you can do is make ready, and be prepared for what may be, while facilitating the changes that are well nigh due. Rather than focusing on the things that you don’t have control over, focus on those that you do. Chiron can often represent our guides. And that can include being a guide and counsel to others. People will often turn to Leo for guidance, or to set the example for others. And with the conjunction to the North Node this week, that role as guide, teacher, and example to others, becomes that much more profound. For as we approach a Solar Eclipse in April, you are being asked to be a ray of light in the storm, guiding the ships around the rocky shores of life. And that readiness that you are focusing on, is preparing the way. 


Due to some unexpected changes in recent days, you may find yourself trying to adjust over the weekend. It may have simply been some unforeseen schedule changes. But it could also be indicative of some sort of new normal that is trying to insinuate itself into your life. Chiron traveling in Aries for the past 6 years could have brought things to light that have been both profound and yet enlightening. Part of the reason for this is that you were being given some insight, both into the nature of others, as well as into your own psyche, that could have brought up all sorts of feelings in the process. And although what you have been made aware of may have been terribly uncomfortable, it is also an opportunity to turn something that could feel painful, into something that also has the potential to help and heal others who share the same sort of pain. It can also be that by admitting that you even have wounds, or make some sort of mistake, can be terribly humbling. But Chiron, in revealing our wounds, also brings us the tools, knowledge and guidance to heal them, which because of Chiron’s proximity to the Nodes of the Moon, can prove to be a crucial turning point in the course of your healing journey. 


Through other’s wounds and ailments, you can come to recognize your own healing path. And it is especially so now, that in order to be a better caregiver, guide and teacher to others, you have to first take yourself out of the background, and back onto the front line of self-care, self-healing and even self-protection. You are no use to others if you completely lose yourself in the needs of others. There is also an understanding, through the auspices of Chiron and the North Node in Aries, that there is something important about accepting the wounds that others bear, without necessarily trying to change, fix or heal them. Some wounds simply cannot be healed. But what you can do is let them know that you Understand, and that you Accept them for who and what they are, wounds and all, and all in all, without trying to fix them. Pivotal events can occur in our relationships when the Eclipses fall in Aries, as there will be this coming April. And Chiron has a strong role to play in that process, which is already setting the stage for what may come later on. Meanwhile your ruling planet Venus enters Aquarius on Friday, falling head over heels into the lap of Pluto with all his attending intensity and profundity. And if you find yourself fixated, obsessed or emotionally distracted as a result, you can blame not only Pluto, but Mars as well, for bringing all sorts of passion and desire to the surface. As if you don’t have enough on your plate!


As Venus enters Aquarius this Friday, it immediately joins your ruling planets Mars and Pluto. It is here where you have been connecting to the ancestors in some significant way. Like a calling from beyond, or something significant that has been passed down from generation to generation, you are being asked to connect to your roots. This may be an old wound. It may be something even deeper. But it can also show you something important, something that you are needing to pay attention to now that Pluto has entered Aquarius. Venus is making it that much more personal. Meanwhile mystical and magical Chiron colluding with the North Node of the Moon are beckoning you to pay greater attention to your health and well-being. It may be that you have already been made aware of a health problem. If that is the case, Chiron can bring the remedy and the best sort of healing methods that are needed. One thing that can become apparent, is that when you take care of yourself and make yourself a priority, then you are in a better place to be of help and service to others. Be open to guidance. But also be open to accepting the human condition for what it is, which at best is imperfect. 


What is keeping you from being able to live your own best life? What is standing in the way? The North Node in Aries has been calling you to step forward, show the world what you have to offer and not be afraid to just be you. And as Chiron has been in Aries for the past 6 years it has been daring to expose your deepest wounds down to their very core, down to the very source of your angst and discomfort. But know that once those wounds are revealed they also bring you the opportunity to heal them. Heal them through your art, heal them through dance and song, through sports and nature and laughter and running through the fields of your life. Those deep wounds in your heart of hearts are your well of inspiration. And when you surrender to it, you can draw on the healing nature of Chiron transiting Aries. This is who you are when all the facades are stripped away. Finding that center. Connecting to your heart. That is the path that will lead you to your healing journey. 


For the past 6 years that Chiron has been in Aries, Capricorn has been coming to a deeper appreciation and understanding of where you come from, including your past, your roots, your culture, family and early childhood memories. All of these have contributed in some way to the person that you are now. And if you believe in rebirth, let us say, then the conjunction between the North Node and Chiron could also bring opportunities to access knowledge that you possessed in previous lives, that could be applied now. For instance, you may have been a healer or teacher in a previous life, and these capabilities now come to the foreground, so that you can use them to care for and guide others in this lifetime. This can have an impact on your goals and objectives going forward. But perhaps more importantly than what you do, or how you are seen in the outer world, is the impact that being able to use your talents and gifts in a way that can benefit those that are nearest and dearest, can bring some of your greatest rewards right now, and over the year ahead. 


No sooner does Venus enters Aquarius on Friday, then she finds herself swept off her feet as she crosses paths with passionate Pluto and lascivious Mars. Not even Aquarius can remain cool, calm and collected in this sort of weather! So if you find yourself wondering, obsessing, and yearning for something a little more intense than usual, you can blame this trifecta of compelling desire sitting at your doorstep. But even as Venus/Mars/Pluto are trying to stir up the cockles of your heart, note that they can also inspire you to achieve great things. There is power in this Plutonian transit, that is trying to make you all that much more aware of the ingress of Pluto into your sign, and what that actually will mean for you personally in the foreseeable future. This is the sort of activity that can inspire you, and get you focused precisely on what your actual needs and desires are, and what you can do to make these manifest. Aquarius is about to embark on a journey of self-transformation, and the Venus and Mars transits can give you an inkling as to what that exactly could look like. 


Pisces will often lead from behind, if they lead at all. Quite content to let everyone else be in the foreground, it could almost feel foreign to put your own needs first. But that is precisely what you are being asked to do with the Chiron/Nodal conjunction this month. Understanding and healing arises by valuing your own self-worth, as well as the skills and gifts that you have to offer the world. It is so easy to get caught up in the values and expectations of the outer world, that you can neglect those things that you really care about, want and need. So the lesson of this invaluable conjunction is primarily about being more willing to value, take care of, and invest in yourself, without the unnecessary burden of guilt or reproach. We are entering Pisces season this week which will better allow you to connect with your self. And that includes all aspects of yourself. Sometimes the very thing that usually trips you up, can prove to be your greatest asset this week. Self-compassion and self-understanding can prove to be helpful allies this week, especially when and if any self-doubts try to insinuate themselves into the equation.


Astrology By Lauren
A Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. 

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