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January 2024 Galactic Numerology Energy Map

January 2024 Galactic Numerology Energy Map

Welcome to January 2024 Galactic Numerology™ Energy Map

Galactic Numerology™ welcomes you to this Month of January 2024 and is transmitting supporting and nourishing energies for you in this transmission.  

Galactic Numbers embody an enlightened consciousness representing the wholeness and unity within the Cosmos.  Our energies encompass the evolution of traditional numerology, awakening and connecting the inner Divine essence to your outer life experience, fostering unity and oneness.

Traditional numerology focuses on the positive and negative aspects of numbers, and has served as a vital tool in navigating a world of duality.  Yet, progressing on an expanding soul path into unity consciousness has called forth this new evolution of numbers, and is why Galactic Numerology has come to the Earth. The multidimensional wholeness-bridging energies of enlightenment acknowledge our role within the evolution of consciousness. 

In this transmission, you’ll learn about key dates, numbers, and cosmic energies, Galactic Numerology™ energies that are tools for manifestation that are available specifically in January 2024. See how this energy map helps set the stage for maneuvering and creating your life in union with what your soul purpose is for this lifetime.

There is an infinite amount of happenings under way in the energy realms, and here we bring specific highlights and key insights that flow from our vibrational streams with the Divine Cosmic Alchemy happening from and through Galactic Numerology™. We also take a brush stroke to the surface, to acknowledge some of the many events and expansions happening within the cosmos and astrologically as well. All of this is being transmitted to support you as you navigate upon your life path, and it is our JOY and delight to assist you.

1 is a Sacred Number of Unity. And it is the energy of the Infinite: everlasting, eternal, enduring and perpetual. The soul knows its infinite nature and connection in unity to All That There Is, and is continually sending reminders, nudges and sparks of Light to assist in that awakening and remembering.

1 stands ready, not in the old paradigm energy of “one stands alone”, yet 1 stands ready to be the INFINITE co-creator, and to contribute both the unique and universal aspects of itself (of yourself).

Our physical sun resides in Capricorn where it began on the Solstice on Dec 21st through to January 20th, providing energies of structure, being task oriented, accountability, and accomplishment.  This is very motivational energy providing that extra nudge to step fully into the actions that bring your 2024 goals and intentions into being. And with the Infinite energy of this 1 month, that combination provides a freedom of the unlimited opportunities that arise just from taking action upon your goals.

There are several planetary astrological positions and movements, and highlighting that Mercury returns direct on January 1st - opening up that outer communication with more flow. Venus shines brightly as the morning star - there’s much more than can be seen with the physical eyes - so tuning into these bright rays to feel the Love from this beautiful planet and her Beings. And, at the end of this month, as Uranus moves direct - all planets are in direct position until April - so it’s full steam ahead as you continue on your soul journey.

January 1st marks New Year's Day globally, representing a Portal of Infinite opportunities and possibilities. There's immense power in a balanced, unified approach, acknowledging the boundless nature of everything. It's like shedding the illusion of limitations, constraints, and boundaries. Moreover, there's the enduring essence of all potential shaping into reality, constantly evolving and transforming.

On these portal days, we bring forth this understanding, buoying you with concentrated energies that bolster your Infinite states of being. January 1st serves as a Portal Day, 1/1, providing the fuel for forward movement and momentum in your calendar year. It harnesses the additional energies of this first month, combining with the supportive cosmic energies of planets and numerology to propel you forward.

1/2/2024 is the first of three 11 Master Number days this month January 2024.  The Master Number 11 occurs through the numerology energy of today’s date 1/2/2024, on 1/11/2024 and also on 1/20/2024.  11 is a Master Number in which the energy of that number is powerfully reflecting the infinite nature of all things, and provides a deeply unifying energy to spirit and the unseen realms - connecting all in oneness. You can harness the power of these Master days by acknowledging your capabilities, embracing your unique gifts and talents, and actively taking steps to manifest and fulfill them in the world. For example: what can you do for a significant relationship in your life to bring more unity and cohesion, or, what areas of your life have you been keeping separate when bringing them together you have more harmony and stability in both areas?  You can utilize the energy of these Master Number days to meditate on these things, or schedule something into your day that allows you time to work on significant tasks that bring action to move something into its next evolutionary stage. 

January 3 and 4 is a peak of the Quadrantids Meteor Shower with a huge showering of meteors per hour, especially in the early hours before dawn.  Connect with these Cosmic showers as they pour in upon the Earth and to you’re in connection to all within the universe.  Perhaps showering your crystals or pure water with extra charge from these meteor showers to really feel connected to the movement of the universe and the cosmos onto the Earth and within you.

1/11 is a power-packed day of the exponential Portal of the 1/1 Portal and The Moon is New in Capricorn, and is an 11 Master Number Day (1+11(1+1=2) +20+24 (8) all add up to 11). 

The sequence 111 holds a special significance, drawing attention to its magical and auspicious nature whenever these numbers appear. Originating from inner guidance and the heart's direction, imagine having an awareness of infinite possibilities at your disposal. You possess the ability to attract resonant possibilities aligned with your deepest desires. Doesn't that sense of empowerment feel incredible? Every instance you encounter this number sequence, especially on this particular day, seize the opportunity to channel this potential. Witness the wondrous manifestations in your outer world and life. Similar to the 11:11 sequence, what thoughts or desires occupy your heart when you notice these repeating ones?

And, this New Moon in Capricorn: fresh beginnings beckon, showcasing your boundless potential as the architect of your own existence. Capricorn's influence aids in laying the groundwork for what truly holds significance, harnessing deliberate focus for new creations and for charting fresh paths. This earthy energy really boosts that foundational grounding in of your new year intentions and goals.

What ignites your inspiration? When was the last time you connected with your Inner Child? Perhaps within them lies profound wisdom waiting to be shared—a reminder of the playful, adventurous spirit that existed before the notion of worldly divisions. It's your sanctuary of pure delight, your source of joy. Your Inner Child perceives from the depths of your being, recognizing your unity with all things and reveling in sharing this insight, bridging it into your external reality. Are you prepared to listen? Ready to delve deeper into what brings you utmost joy during this New Moon's phase of exploration?

The numerological sequence of 6-digit date 1/24/24 is a magnificent opportunity to tap into your dream and intension states.  Day Dreams through vivid imagination, night dreams through intention before drifting off to sleep. Today allows for beautiful moments for meditation and introspection, to immerse yourself in nature and uncover the radiant path your soul is lighting for you. Recognize your infinite and eternal connection to the Light of the Universe. There's tremendous energy in this space. By attuning yourself to it, you'll experience those "Ah-ha" moments, forging a profound connection to your inner wisdom to power your life's journey. We encourage you to delve deeper into moments of silence and solitude on this day. Watch as this reflection time materializes and integrates into your life. The pace of this transformation is accelerating, Dear One. Embrace and delight in the realization of everything you desire and create.

1/25/24 is the Full Moon in Leo. Everything is illuminated in it’s fullness and when you tap in during the full moon you can intuit what is ready to be completed so you can move into the next project or level to whatever it is you’re focusing upon.  Full moons are bright and stir up excitement and energy.  What do you want to put action to - especially through the Leo energy of creativity, love, pleasure and joy.  When you focus upon what gives you satisfaction in your life and feel fulfilled, you are coming from that place in all of your relationships as well.  Let the moonshine show places that might otherwise be hidden.

This month, during these potent and specific energies windows, you are given the opportunity to magnify your purpose and intention, and harness the powers that are available unconditionally for you!

We send our love and blessings and gratitude to you, and we complete this transmission now.

Denise Ricard

Denise Ricard:

Denise is here in service as an Ambassador of Light and Love for the evolution of consciousness, and to co-create the New Seventh Golden Age, to realize Heaven upon the New Earth.

She assists Lightworkers and Starseeds to fully activate their Ascension blueprint by providing the most advanced encoded Divine frequencies from across the multiverse. This empowers them to embody WHOLENESS – to actualize the state of Unity into their reality, therefore creating a life that reflects their truth and joy.

She is the Galactic Numerologist and transmitter of Sacred Number Energies, Divine Channel and Intuitive Soul Path Coach, a Licensed Quantum Light Practitioner, and transmitter of Sacred Codes through Light Language in all of its forms.

From her Cosmic Lineages, she works in co-creation with multi-universal Divine Beings of Light: Intergalactic Councils, Angels and Archangels, Dragons and Elementals, Ascended Masters, Crystals and Nature in all her forms. This enables her to contribute to others from the highest and most optimal evolutionary energies available for their expansion.

Source Here

This article was submitted to CrystalWind.ca by Denise Ricard on December 30 - 2023 with written permission to reblog this article exclusively on CrystalWind.ca.  Stay tuned for more enlightened articles and teachings from Denise! 

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