February 2024 Galactic Numerology Energy Map
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- Category: Divine Cosmic Alchemy
- Written by Denise Ricard
- Views: 1607

Welcome to February 2024 Galactic Numerology™ Energy Map
Galactic Numerology™ welcomes you to this Month of February 2024 and is transmitting supporting and nourishing energies for you in this transmission.
In this transmission, you’ll learn about key dates, numbers, and cosmic energies, Galactic Numerology™ energies that are tools for manifestation that are available specifically in February 2024. See how this energy map helps set the stage for maneuvering and creating your life in union with what your soul purpose is for this lifetime.
Galactic Numbers embody an enlightened consciousness representing the wholeness and unity within the Cosmos. Our energies encompass the evolution of traditional numerology, awakening and connecting the inner Divine essence to your outer life experience, fostering unity and oneness.
Traditional numerology focuses on the positive and negative aspects of numbers, and has served as a vital tool in navigating a world of duality. And, progressing on an expanding soul path into unity consciousness has called forth this new evolution of numbers, and is why Galactic Numerology has come to the Earth. The multidimensional wholeness-bridging energies of enlightenment acknowledge our role within the evolution of consciousness.
There is an infinite amount of happenings under way in the energy realms, and here we bring specific highlights and key insights that flow from our vibrational streams with the Divine Cosmic Alchemy happening from and through Galactic Numerology™. We also take a brush stroke to the surface, to acknowledge some of the many events and expansions happening within the cosmos and astrologically as well. All of this is being transmitted to support you as you navigate upon your life path, and it is our JOY and delight to assist you.
February, being the 2nd month of the year, a 2 month energy that supports a strong knowing in your own inner guidance, and with belief that what you receive from your own heart is, indeed, your truth. You are greatly buoyed this month in making decisions and choices based on what your own Divine guidance is showing you, and not what the outside world is dictating as being “best for you”. This is the energy of freedom, Dear One, and the opportunity to look at all that is occurring in your life, and assess whether it is helping you or hindering you. And then, what action can you take from that assessment to create change. Only you know what is best for you - can you believe in yourself more? We are supporting you in doing that, Dear One.
And, with the 2 energies of February there’s recognition of relationship to self and others, and recognizing each individual as part of the whole within that relationship. The number 2 embodies the energy of harmony, partnership, and peace, serving as a potent key to aligning your life and restoring balance. Embracing this energy helps create a state of flow and unity in which your life can truly get back on track.
Of note astrologically in this retrograde-free month, is the energy (as of January 21, 2024) of the planet Pluto moving into the sign of Aquarius, and with a retrograde out of Aquarius into Capricorn briefly later this year, will stay in Aquarius until 2043. The energy of this movement and placement is monumental, and is a forecast of consciousness expanding out of duality and separation - and into the higher states of power and transformation - for the best of humanity, the Earth and all of her inhabitants. Freedom is already happening, much below the surface of the conscious awareness of the collective still in separation, yet foundations are being built and will continue to unfold as the frequency rises and expands. The energetic impact of this particular astrological foundational positioning is evolutionary. We are weaving in our Galactic Numerology energies into all of this as this heralds the consciousness shifts into the New Age. The consciousness in unity and WHOLENESS. This is being felt as a lighter frequency woven within all of life, and as you continue to tap into the joy of that - notice how you’re expanding even more, Dear One!
In astrological terms, February marks the Aquarius season, bringing forth an energy of liberation and outward expression, regardless of external circumstances. It's a time to embrace the freedom to be true to yourself. If you know any Aquarians or happen to be born under this sign, they are the go-to companions for enjoyable moments filled with spontaneity and unique charm! If you've been keeping a low profile, spending time with an Aquarian, who proudly displays their true colors and initiates exciting ventures, can be a refreshing experience. (As a side note, this writer and channel is an Aquarian, embodying and living out these qualities and more!)
February 2nd is this months Portal date of 2/2/2024. Numbers are magnificent tools of manifestation. These Cosmic portals are dynamic openings and in-pouring of energies that become accessible during specific times, manifesting within each month with their own distinctive energies. These unique portal days are heightened by the specific rhythm and flow of nature and the Earth's energies during that period. So to honor them, to step into all that these portals offer as a gift to you, and as you choose to step into that rhythm being offered as a Divine opportunity, your evolution expands, and then it is a sacred offering back to nature and the cosmos from your choices.
And, this 2/2/2024 Portal date is a day of exponential flowing belief systems based in and from the truth of your heart, and a sweeping energy of letting go of anything that seems to tell you otherwise. In this 6-digit date sequence there’s the 222s in a row- and that with a total of four “2s”. These are numbers that are dancing and sparking with the energy of the fulfillment, overflow and realization. How can you harness that energy to make choices based on what your heart is telling you - if you’ve been waiting, or letting your mind tell you “I don’t know the answer” - instead know and believe that you do know the answer, and make the decision or choice based on that answer. You are really supported on this day to do so, Dear One.
2/11/2024 and 2/20/2024 are the mini portal days to call forth those energies for amplification from this 2/2/2024 portal energy.
Feb 2nd is also the Gaelic festival of Imbolc, which is one of 8 celebrations that coincide with the natural seasonal changes, and are truly celebrations of nature and her relationship to the Cosmos. This is a time in the Wheel of the Year when it is considered the “cross-quarter” point which is about halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere. This is a wonderful time to be in ceremony from sunset Feb 1 to sunset Feb 2, and perhaps even using this ceremony to make life-changing decisions, and to celebrate doing that.
Imbolc is also known as Candlemas or St. Brigid’s Day, which is adopted from the ancient ritual of celebrating the goddess Brigid who assists with fertility. It’s nature’s beginning of spring when the first lambs are born. So fertility, pregnancy and birth are all sparked with this seasonal celebration and the energies of nature. What do you wish to birth in this new season?
February 5th brings a New Super Moon in Aquarius. This is an excellent time review your intentions for the year and add more dreamy, feeling, intention to them from where you’re at this point in the 2nd month of this year. What do you want to create right here, right now. This is a new starting point to take full advantage of - super size your intention in this Super New Moon! Where are you being called to contribute to your own community - it’s about partnerships, associations, and coordination with like-hearted souls.
On February 10th, a Lunar New Year is celebrated and known by many as the Chinese New Year. The energy of the dragon flies in with this Lunar New Year - and what a powerfully elemental energy to tap into! Who’s your elemental dragon - do you know what you’re here to accomplish with your dragon? What’s your dragon’s name? If you’re feeling deep resonance with this - you can tap in and find out more with a Dragon Session by clicking HERE.
February 14th, St. Valentine's Day is often associated with Cupid, starry-eyed love, and, when approached from a standpoint of unity, becomes a beautiful means of expressing love for one's unique Divine Presence as well as for others. This isn't just a momentary or occasional way of living; it's a conscious choice to dedicate time, engage in activities, and infuse romance into the life you're currently living. Inject a bit of enthusiasm into everything you do, pamper yourself, and observe how that positive energy ripples out into the world. Living in a state of being filled and fulfilled is the most optimal way, allowing you to share from a place of wholeness with others and the world.
Venus moves into this month of February in her own spiraling course and entering into Aquarius on the 16th. She's emphasizing the genuine nature of Love, highlighting that it transcends the dualistic portrayals on Earth. Love exists in a multidimensional state of wholeness, bringing joy, happiness, fulfillment, and acting as a precious treasure within your energy - as you navigate life with consciousness and intention.
February 24th brings the Full Moon in Virgo. Virgo is very grounding, feeling your feet on the ground and see what’s be illuminated on your path. This Full Moon is showing you the path ahead with much clarity - remember that being in the 2024 Universal Year of 8 that clarity is always available as a foundational way to be consciously creating your life. There’s absolutely no room for doubt - rather tap into your inner truth, your own belief system despite what the outside world is displaying. Go for it - you’re always fully supported, Dear One!
This month moves quickly, as time is already seeming to crunch and fly by (that’s you being more multidimensional). And, as February 29th brings an extra day to the magic of February 2024, what would you dream to do and be with the gift of a whole additional day to this month? Move through with dedication and determination to your path and dreams, and remember to have fun in the process.
Many blessings for all of your creations in this month, February 2024.
And we complete our transmission now.
Denise Ricard:
Denise is here in service as an Ambassador of Light and Love for the evolution of consciousness, and to co-create the New Seventh Golden Age, to realize Heaven upon the New Earth.
She assists Lightworkers and Starseeds to fully activate their Ascension blueprint by providing the most advanced encoded Divine frequencies from across the multiverse. This empowers them to embody WHOLENESS – to actualize the state of Unity into their reality, therefore creating a life that reflects their truth and joy.
She is the Galactic Numerologist and transmitter of Sacred Number Energies, Divine Channel and Intuitive Soul Path Coach, a Licensed Quantum Light Practitioner, and transmitter of Sacred Codes through Light Language in all of its forms.
From her Cosmic Lineages, she works in co-creation with multi-universal Divine Beings of Light: Intergalactic Councils, Angels and Archangels, Dragons and Elementals, Ascended Masters, Crystals and Nature in all her forms. This enables her to contribute to others from the highest and most optimal evolutionary energies available for their expansion.
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This article was submitted to CrystalWind.ca by Denise Ricard on January 31 - 2024 with written permission to reblog this article exclusively on CrystalWind.ca. Stay tuned for more enlightened articles and teachings from Denise!
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