What is a Mala?
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- Written by AndEl

A Mala is a meditational tool given as an honouring and initiation into the meditational path. In the Conscious Meditation tradition it is a necklace made from sacred Tulsi beads – a very auspicious plant that has been used for thousands of years due to its specialities of:
- maintaining ritual purity and ward off evil.
- being worn for the purification of the body.
- giving peace of mind and reducing stress.
- in Ayurveda being useful for throat diseases.
Tulsi means ‘the incomparable one’ or ‘Divinity.’
A mala is worn by choice and is typically given to one who has committed to a path of loving kindness and inner growth through the primary principal of non-violence or peace by repeating the mantra Hu Satya Naam or whatever words that bring to focus the activity of loving kindness.
The Mala is a rosary containing 108 beads. It is used for keeping count while reciting, chanting, or mentally repeating a mantra.
Tradition holds that the correct way to use a mala is with the right hand, with the thumb flicking one bead to the next, and with the mala draped over the middle finger. The index finger represents ego, the greatest impediment to Self-Realization, so it is considered best avoided (as with the ego) when chanting on a mala.
Mala beads are used for chanting and build up energy within them the more they are used. It is particularly auspicious to have your mala beads blessed by your Spiritual teacher.
Chant from the big bead all the way around and back to the big bead but not over it: reverse the beads and go back the other way. The energy of the chants becomes imbued into the beads of the mala and in particular into the big bead. Wearing the beads under clothing can assist one to retain a high vibration even during stressful or challenging times.

With the guidance of Sat Tony Samara, discover a path of profound transformation, evolution of consciousness and inner peace. This path is open to all people from all walks of life who seek Health, Happiness and Inner Wisdom. www.tonysamara.com
Sat Tony Samara, author of ‘Shaman’s Wisdom,’ ‘The Simplicity of Love Meditation,’ ‘Different Yet the Same,’ ‘Karma, Mantra and Beyond’ and ‘Discover Your Inner Buddha’ was born in England, grew up in Egypt and also in Norway where he discovered the “Zen Buddhist philosophy”.
Credit: tonysamara.co.uk
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