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The Priority Is You

The Priority Is You


Wishing for a better world; a harmonious society; fair laws; prosperity for all; health, education and security for all; dignified and rewarding opportunities and occupations;

in short, really wanting the best for the collective, is always proof that your heart is mirroring a soul ready to leave a World of Trials and Atonements and move on to a World of Regeneration.

This compassion certainly demonstrates the unconditional love and respect needed to build the pillars of ascension. But we must understand that these predicaments are constructions of character and frequency acquired over the course of successive incarnations.

You are the result of yourself today. The architecture of this work bears your signature. No two consciousnesses are the same, although the journey is practically a single road, which is the path of ascension. Even if the souls of TErra had only had one incarnation, they still wouldn't have felt the same emotions with the same intensity all the time. Each situation experienced imprints a soul record of its own, because the feeling is not the same for everyone, although a situation can be experienced by a large number of souls at the same time.

You have written your own book of life, and there will never be another one like it. Every soul has sent every page of that book to the Library of Alcyone in real time, every minute of every incarnation. From Alcyone, each page passed through each Central Sun of the Galaxy, of the local Universe, of the Multiverse, and arrived at the Cosmic Central Sun, which we call the Creator Source, that is, the consciousness that never ceases its creation.

Many understand this consciousness to be God. It doesn't matter what we call it or how we understand it, because our consciousness, which is still so limited, finds it difficult to comprehend the greatness of everything, and why not say, of you, and of myself. In the Third Dimension, the weight of matter covers consciousness like a thick veil and prevents it from expanding, so much so that it has been said here many times that a 3D mind cannot understand 5D, let alone the Higher Dimensions. 

The Cycle of Planet Earth and its humanity, within the Divine Plans, has now reached Point Zero. This means that it will go through a phase. Within the spiral movement of the worlds, the Solar Systems and the spiral movement of the Galaxy itself, the time has come for Earth to change its position too.

As we enter an octave in the galactic spiral, the Light received from the Zero Point becomes crystalline Light, also called Gamma Light or Adamantine Light. This is the Light that creates or modifies everything that exists on a given planet. It's no different on Earth.

Human consciousnesses are decisive at this Zero Point, because they will be the ones who promote the destiny of humanity, that is, the part that is ready to continue on this planetary energetic ascent, or the part that does not yet have the necessary energetic vibration. This second group needs more time, which will be given to them in other worlds of Trials and Atonements.

So we are at a time of great energetic and consciousness movement here. Those who already see the change feel that the frequencies have changed. They are more aligned with the incoming energy and want to change others and the world at all costs. There is a certain conflict of ideas and a certain clash of opinions. Everyone believes that their way of understanding the real situation on the planet is the true one. This is a mistake, because as we said at the beginning of this text, there are no two consciences that are exactly the same. What exists are two distinct groups that form two antagonistic Timelines.

If you're on one Line, it's obvious to think that the others are wrong. It doesn't matter which one you're on. That's how everyone feels today, and that's the point to understand in order to avoid conflicts, arguments and animosities. You're not here to save the world or anyone else. YOU ARE HERE TO DECIDE WHICH TIMELINE YOU WANT TO FIT INTO.

THE PRIORITY IS YOU! Nothing, absolutely nothing, will matter more than saving your own soul right now. Choosing the Timeline that will lead to exile from Earth will mean passing through successive incarnations for another long time in Worlds of Trials and Atonements, a situation that is well known to you, because it is exactly what everyone has lived and experienced here on Earth so far.

The priority is you, remember that. You can't save the Earth or others, because everything is individual consciousness. Just as no one can stop you from saving yourself. You don't depend on anything outside, because your soul is using your body, your mind and your neural system. The power is with you, and always has been. Use this premise and make the last efforts necessary. It will be worth every breath you take. Don't hand over your power to those who want you out of the New Earth. You have won by your own strength, and if you have come this far, you are at Point Zero. This point is the true crossroads of life. You have the sovereign choice to decide where you want to go now. Excuses will not be heard because your conscience will be your judge.

I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment!


Translation by CrystalWind.ca


Vital Frosi 
Vital is a cultured man. He speak sPortuguese, Italian, Spanish, Veneto dialect and is studying English and French. He knows a lot about History and Geography. He is always up to date and follows everything that happens in the world. He doesnt't like parties. A man who believes in love. Who believes that life is only worthwhile when shared. A man who claims that the woman is the reason for everything, as she is the generative source of life. It all depends on how we conduct our actions. But most of all, we need to fulfill our mission in this lifetime. Find the path of Light, which will lead us to our ascension.

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