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Relationships: The Key To Well-being

Relationships: The Key To Well-being


Today is not the day I traditionally bring you a message to clarify something important for your inner growth. But I'm here to recommend a good opportunity that can help relieve many of the pains, discomforts and problems of everyday life.

A message I received back in 2016 said that almost all the pain and suffering a human being faces is caused by a poorly resolved relationship. At first, I can say that I thought it was a bit of an exaggeration, but over time I came to understand that this is real. If we are in a World of Trials and Atonements, we are also subject to the Law of Action and Reaction.

A relationship is always an action. The result will then be the reaction. The world and what is in it reacts with each one of us, always according to the vibration we emit. This results in the frequency we emit, and we attract energies of the same tune through affinity.

We are in a relationship with something all the time. Some people may think that relationships are only those of an affective nature, such as marital, family or friendship. However, there are others that are much more or just as important. Relationships with work, the company or employer, with colleagues, with the activity itself, with the community, especially the neighborhood, with nature (animals, plants, the earth, water, and even with the consciousness of Gaia), with your home, your things, and finally, with yourself.

When we carry guilt, even if it's unconscious guilt from past lives, we're not having a good relationship with ourselves, because even if it was a flaw in a past life relationship, it's still latent within us, and we need to clear that negative energy. This is also true of anger, lack of affection, victimhood and, above all, fears.

All of this is coming to the surface in order to correct and harmonize a relationship that was poorly conducted at some point in the past. The quickest way to adjust current relationships is to harmonize past relationships, whether in this current incarnation or in past existences.

As we don't remember our past lives, the process is a little more difficult. So, the quickest way to adjust is undoubtedly to work on the unconscious.

There are many possibilities and many techniques for doing this. Among them, I'd like to recommend Dinara Schio's NINTH DAY OF QUANTUM HEALING to those who want to get a head start on this energetic adjustment.

Why do I recommend it? Because I receive hundreds of messages every day, most of them asking for guidance on how to solve certain problems. I make an effort to respond lovingly to each message, but I'm not always as helpful as I'd like to be. I'm easy to explain, but I don't have all the necessary techniques. Occasionally I even recommend a procedure, but I don't have the crystal ball to show me who has the best technique.

I worked and lived with Dinara for 8 years, and I know her well enough to recommend this Journey of Healing. I know her Spiritual Team that anchors her. And I know how responsibly she dedicates herself to her therapeutic work.

After each Healing Journey, your Spiritual Team determines the theme of the next one. Also, how the work should be done and how the healing energies should be directed. And it is also with this trust that I have in her that I can suggest this work to each of you. Otherwise, I would refrain from recommending it.

Dinara opens registration today for those wishing to take part and runs until the 29th of this month. The treatment will start on March 6th and run until March 26th. There will therefore be, as always, 21 days of treatment, always from 8:45 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Brasília time.

Registrations must be made via WhatsApp 054 99958 9292. For other countries, add the code 55 for Brazil. Everything is done with Dinara. Even if she takes a while to reply, she will contact everyone who sends in an application. Remember that I'm only recommending the work, but I don't take part in either the registration or the application.

When we adjust the energies surrounding relationships, we balance the frequency that brings us well-being. We are in our last incarnation on Earth as Trials and Atonements, but most incarnates just need to harmonize their energies. It has often been said in previous texts that pain is an option. And every day, this becomes more apparent. We can alleviate and even transmute all pain, but it depends on each person's effort to want to. And everyone certainly wants it.

I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment!


Translation by CrystalWind.ca


Vital Frosi 
Vital is a cultured man. He speak sPortuguese, Italian, Spanish, Veneto dialect and is studying English and French. He knows a lot about History and Geography. He is always up to date and follows everything that happens in the world. He doesnt't like parties. A man who believes in love. Who believes that life is only worthwhile when shared. A man who claims that the woman is the reason for everything, as she is the generative source of life. It all depends on how we conduct our actions. But most of all, we need to fulfill our mission in this lifetime. Find the path of Light, which will lead us to our ascension.

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