Are You Ready?
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- Written by Vital Frosi

Beloved ones!
How many times have you asked yourself: am I on the right track? Right here on this page, with every text or every audio, how many have asked this question! Such a question is understandable, but it is only asked by those who really care about following the path of Light.
Many of the incarnate already have knowledge and understanding of the truth, and they don't just know how they are aware of it. There are, in the meantime, those who indeed desire to follow the path of righteousness, but still fear to be wrong. This comes from unsuccessful experiences in past incarnations, when in fact they have lost themselves from the path of good.
Such painful memories come from the effort and difficulties required to walk back on the path, in the successive incarnations. A failed existence, requires dozens of mending incarnations, in order to zero in due accounts. Even if the conscience doesn't remember, the subconscious knows all this very well.
But there's yet another portion of humanity incarnate that has no idea what it's doing here on Earth. Unfortunately, this group will follow the dark fate of the Third Dimension, still in Planets of Trials and Atonement. Not that they are condemned but by choice. They are so absorbed, so alienated, that they gladly accept to be just the instrument of those who keep humanity under their control.
How many times has it been said here that we are a consciousness in experience and evolving in a world of duality subjected to the veil of oblivion. However, this consciousness, although limited, it possesses an internal direction sensor, which makes the incarnate, feel that there is something ahead, and that its goal, is the relentless search for that something more. This is the mechanism that moves souls for their ascension.
However, the alienated consciences belonging to this group are nothing more than mere dark programs. When we talk about primary implants, we report on such mechanisms used by non-Light dominators. It was a successful strategy so far. The Agents of Darkness are cunning, however, lazy and impatient. They don't bother to put in any effort or anything that will give them work.
The most common method used by them, is to use their own incarnations, to dominate, control and divert other human beings. Apart from the leadership within the hierarchies between constituted powers, they also use the famous method of primary implants, to which all incarnations are subject.
Three are the major primary implants. Primary because they are not physical. They are in the ethereal body of every human being. Such implants are actually programs, which we can compare with computer programs. Everyone is reincarnated with them, however, not everyone is controlled by them. When consciousness is more expanded, it does not let itself be controlled, because such programs obey internal commands according to the frequency of each one.
For example: the one who has the tendency to addiction, when he feels like it, he activates the program, which then controls his consciousness. At this point, your reason loses the battle to the implanted program, being so at the mercy of addiction.
We could list here hundreds of situations like theft, corruption, break-ups, lying, doing evils etc. But today let's focus only on a fact that very few realize. I am here referring to the large, controlled mass currently on the Planet. It's such a load of maneuver. This parcel of humanity is so immersed in the illusion that it doesn't even know it's consciousness anymore. Each one has become merely an instrument of non-Light.
The Darkness knew their time here on Earth was coming to an end. They knew that the only way to extend their stay, would be to use their own incarnations to keep their programming active. And this is why primary implants were created. Even if all the dark hierarchies are removed from the Planet, still, such programs implemented, continue to work, because they were not shut down.
Remembering that many incarnate, have already widened consciousness enough, reaching a higher frequency, which enables the shutdown of the program. Once turned off, it will no longer be activated, as the shadowy remote is no longer here to do so. We are also receiving information, that Light will intensify in such a way in the coming times, enough to dissolve such primary implants. Including the other two, who control through fear and through anger.
It has never been easier to tell the distinct groups among those still suffering the implant command. Even so, we cannot judge and nor nurture any negative feelings towards them. Yes, we must develop compassion, for they will be part of the group that will leave the Earth after this current incarnation.
They will also be the ones who will feel the biggest impact on this Planetary Transition. The program is so deafening that it can open up infinite possibilities, including leading the incarnate to completely lose their rational consciousness. Yes because the uncontrollable of the mental implant will trigger all possibilities and properties of too many especially the one you control through fear and anger.
You who are reading or hearing this message, you are only doing so because you already have control of your conscience. Have you disabled or are deactivating such implants. And so, it will be able to help those soul brothers who will suffer the painful deprivation of the Old Earth 3D Final. Practice compassion and unconditional love. Its time for your mission. And it can begin with understanding how humanity has been controlled through the ages.
If you indeed shine in the Light, it illuminates everything around you without any distinction. Remember that after the ascension of your soul, you will be in the condition of ascension, i.e., an Ascension Master. Rise cause you rise. Master because you have learned how to master your mastery. And as the heir of the New Earth, you will also have the opportunity to assist the exiled souls of Earth, right there on those Planets of Trials and Atonement, to which they will be relocated. As they do today, our Spirit Guides and Guides who have supported us so much. Light up everything and everyone around you, for who is Light, does not choose what to light up. Just illuminates without distinction, even your pseudo-defects.
I am Vital Frosi, and my mission is enlightenment!
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