Seeded Into Being ~ Light Unto Light
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- Written by AndEl

Through the Light the seeding began.
The ever shifting seeded Light Being that you are, is shifting as you expand, life unto life. Death unto life. Old ways into new ways.
As the old passes away, the inherent seeding of your individuality becomes the well-spring for the arising of the new you.
Clothed in a light form, all becomes new.
This is inherent in your original seeding. As in nature. As above so below. You are.
Encased in what appears to be a form, it too is ever-changing, as in A womb, to be birthed into being.
This is reflective of the seed unfolding. Busting out of its encasing.
The seeding we are speaking of is your encoded light frequencies.
When the Divine Union takes place within you there is a new birth of consciousness. That which is the marriage of the eternal within the consciousness of the seeded light.
The seeded Light transformation changes the form again.
Light unto Light.
Expansion unto expansion.
This marriage of UNIONS is your eternal seeding that awakens spontaneously on its own as you progress along what appears as linear course. It is not linear. It is a seed that blossoms. That lives out its encoding into then yet another re birth.
So to the nature of walk ins. The seeding gives birth to the seeding. The outer shell of the Light nature then transforms itself to it.
The seeding is the Light nature that is constantly unfolding.
Linking life unto life, death unto death, as in nature. As above so below.
Birthed into the UNION of Union you emerge from the void of Light through darkness of being, your underground of the ETERNAL Womb, where you emerge in a constant state of LIGHT Being.
In its myriad of forms and expansions of your own seeded awareness.
This seeding is expanding upon itself as in a bursting forward of Light that is now recognizing itself.
Look into this mirror.
You will see Your seeded self unfolding and blooming of your own seeded Light nature.
This unfolds as a unique LIFE frequency that Is LIGHT Encoded and specific to YOU.
The force that feeds the seeded nature is the Love that is the eternal Light.
This love as it builds in the seeded nature, bursts forward as it blossoms.
All that moves through the blossoming seeded one, moves around it, encompasses it, as in the face of eternity itself.
Unfold seeded ones as this is calling to awaken the seeded nature of the Light within your seeded consciousness.
The love that is eternal calls you now as you awaken and blossom.
This has many names you may call this process.
It is what calls you.
It is what is awakening within you ~ through your SEEDING.
It is the Light that calls all the seeds to awaken.
It is the Light unto the Light.
The darkness filled with Light.
The Light that is the encoding and seeds of all the universes.
It is Now the seeded one.
Light unto Light.
Seed awakening all seeds. Feel and receive. It is that which is calling you.
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