New Roles of Compassion
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- Written by AndEl

We have been witnessing one disaster after another, more so in this past year than ever before. Despite all the chaos, I have continually been guided to hold the high road, to shine the light, to remind others of the joy that is equally present.
I don’t tune into the media’s frenzy, engage in political or religious debates, or fight for causes. Nor do I judge those who choose to do so. I simply turn the other cheek, as Yeshua/Jesus says. I turn my face away from that which I have no control over and do what I can do in the presence of my own life and my immediate surroundings. I continue to do what my Soul is guiding me to do. And for each of us that may look very different, for we each have our own unique soul path.
However, with all the current disasters there are moments I question what feels like my lack of compassion. That’s when I remember the conversation I had with Quan Yin years ago with her reflections on compassion:
“Compassion is often misconstrued as sympathy or pity, which draws us more deeply into the stories of victimhood. But true compassion is quite the opposite. Compassion honors the sovereign right for each person to experience life according to their own soul’s journey. When we choose compassion we are free of judgement and there is no such thing as a victim, for both parties are playing a role in their soul’s growth. True compassion is fostered in our acceptance rather than our scrutiny. When we listen with the intent of truly hearing one another, compassion can find a place in our lives, giving birth to the unconditional Love and acceptance of all human beings, especially ourselves. That, my love, is the ultimate freedom that comes with compassion”
“So how does compassion couple with forgiveness?” I ask.“Forgiveness is the ultimate act of letting go and freeing ourselves from the endless cycles of judgment, blame, shame and guilt. Judgment stems from our expectations and beliefs. It’s our own expectations, not someone one else’s, that set us up for the fall. Forgiveness is not directed toward another. It is a precious gift to one’s self. For-giving is the giving forth of Love. Once we love ourselves, compassion becomes a natural way of life. When we live in unconditional love and compassion, there’s nothing to forgive. You see, it’s all rooted in Love.”
“Well, that’s certainly a new perception. I always thought forgiveness was about someone else, us absolving them for what they did.” I replied.
Quan Yin smiles, “I think you’re confused, dear one. That’s called Love.”
Even with that knowing I will occasionally pause and question my soul’s guidance. How can I possibly post something joyful on fb when the rest of humanity is in despair? Where is my compassion? Should I not be feeling the loss others are feeling?
That’s when my Soul popped in with an answer:
“Humanity is moving through its own chaos and turmoil as it transitions into a new world. If you were to emotionally hook into every disaster present on the planet you would soon become lost in the anguish, despair and misery that is prevalent. If you gave away all your energy and resources, then who would be available to forge a new path and light the way for others?
YOU are compassionate by nature. There is nothing you need do to prove this to yourself or to others. There is no such thing as a compassion yardstick to measure how compassionate you or anyone else is. If you are not acting in a way that others consider to be compassionate, it’s because there is an old concept of compassion. You have been taught that compassion requires you to give yourself away in order to be compassionate in the eyes of others. You have since learned otherwise.
You have learned that the heart will always act compassionately free of the interference of the mind which is simply ego’s way of making you feel good about the person it thinks you should be. True compassion is innate. It is who you are and you demonstrate it with a humility in ways you do not even realize.
Your true compassion is the expression of your Soul, reacting as your GodSelf, seeing all in divine order. Source does not lower the vibration to match others. Source holds the highest vibration and says. . . come, come join me here in the joy of life.”
Therefore, I see myself in a new light of compassion. The same way the soul is compassionate, simple and pure, without lowering my vibration to match those around me. Each has their own way of expressing compassion. My expression is one of shining the light on the path of divinity that is available for all of us, without which we would all be wallowing in despair.
I share this because I can feel the angst of so many who are being pulled into the mire when their soul is asking them to be free of it. This is especially true of the empath who feels “everything”. That doesn’t mean we don’t reach out a helping hand. It means we do it with joy in our hearts because we see something much better for all of humanity. It means we honor the divinity of each person’s unique soul path. It means we are free of the old teachings of what is required to be a “good” person. It means we can hold out our hand just as Source does and say. . . Come, come join me in the Joy of Life.
~Sharon Lyn Shepard~
“message from my inner wisdom”
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