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2020 Quantum Energy Overview: Cosmic Alignment, Planetary Liberation, A New 10-year Era

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AS LOVE, WE CREATE OPPORTUNITIES and then it's up to each.... as we have PLENTY TO DO and we stay focused on accomplishing that which supports the greater whole and individually as highest aligned too. Anyone judging is in their ego/disconnected state. It’s no one’s place to judge/do this. ♥

Conscious and alive Gaia is RE-EVOLVING as a Star Planet (Terra Nova) and is restructuring according to Cosmic Earth-Star Light/DNA Codes that she holds from where we “seeded” this planet long before "now", and by way of traveling through the photon belt, continues to accelerate a de-evolving/evolving process through the activation of an entirely "new" Crystalline Gridding System, Photonic Light Networking System and increasing Plasma Energies too. SHE is "dropping density" and clearing immense multi-dimensional/multi-existence karmic timelines/realities and restoring our beloved planet to a pristine "Sacred HOME" for us all. Through the evolution of our Star DNA, we all are evolving the planet/our into a Galactic Civilization and we all have many roles to fulfill to accomplish this through Peace, Grace and Ease. This is what our 2020 timeline accelerates, as we have pre-determined "timelines" for accomplishing an immense amount of "work" as the NEW EARTH HUMANS "preparing for so much more", which will be shared/provided as we continue to go. Gaia is clearing heavy duty akashes that were held in her dense gridding systems as she changes density, ones that previously "bound the entire planet" to a certain place. She is clearing on a cellular/atomic/molecular level as well and SHE is "righting" everything through a massive re-harmonizing, reconfiguration, re-balancing of electromagnetics and unification processes and asking each here to unite, work together as Light, honor, respect, love and do the same. (At first she will "ask" and then she will demand/require, as refusing to listen/honor/respect is 3D and she will override and align herself, forgo much of what you see occurring. She "took over" in 2015 and said "I've got this", which allowed many of us to shift our focus to other things....). Yes each person is RESPONSIBLE for their own individual ACTS, how they treat our Sacred HOME/Planet and contribute to the greater whole. Yes, 3D is playing out everything “not okay”, the metaphoric battle of Armageddon, battle of the “dark and the light”, the Galactic Wars (Orion/galaxies), yet that is a dimensional experience relative to a level of consciousness that plays itself out while “those” who have gone on to create all new realities, form the new systems, programs and realities that support a much higher consciousness humanity/existence actually EXPERIENCE a completely different reality aligned with Unity/Love, where all are working together, care about each other/our planet and do whatever it takes to fulfill the highest aligned roles/purposes/missions where “those” things are literally not playing out at all. They are barely visible, unless one stops to “go check and see”, as dimensions are broken down by frequency bandwidths and a 5-12th Dimensional Crystalline Plasma Light BEing in form is experiencing their correlating dimensional experience, based upon the vibration that the whole body/being vibrates at overall. Lightbodies actually vibrate in and out of realities, like materializing/de-materializing out of the “movies”, this is literally what occurs on a multi-dimensional level and the ability to “teleport” is a “higher dimensional” capability that is natural, organic and “how each lives”, so there’s “no trying to do this”. It just “is”. This is a whole different topic that we can touch on more later, yet I’ve written of these experiences/abilities for years. 3D is a “binding” reality where physical body density can’t vibrate out of that dimension, other than occasionally, yet there’s no sustainability/ability to maintain this as one’s WHOLE REALITY until all of the linearity/physical density has physically been cleared.♥

We are in the middle of a massive natural Terra-forming process relative to Earth-Star evolution accelerating as we continue to go. All "earthly bodies" must "drop the density" (rebalance/reconfigure/restructure) according to a whole new energetic gridding and Stargate system located within Gaia and her atmosphere/field and each one of us here. 

As a NEW Earth Planetary System, we are literally returning to/through becoming a Star Nation here/again. The completion of these 12D Templates is a game changer, as it ends “all Ascension Timelines” (done personally by each) and moves each into fulfilling much higher Star Nation/Galactic Council Roles by way of fulfilling/honoring various Soul Agreements and living Divine Partnerships/Unions through our own individual lives and working together as LOVE for our Planet and all of HUmanity here. 

Awakening is a "first" part of this process, if you will. It can take our whole life to awaken until we "hit that moment" where a massive Ascension process begins, which moves everyone into a whole different phase. Instead of this being by "years", we shift all to vibrational frequencies/energy/dimensions, to comprehend "how" all occurs/works on a multi-dimensional level, instead of an outdated/obsolete linear one.

When I refer to various things, I will mention/choose a "starting point"/reference point, which is vibrational/energetic, not linear in any way. It's not bound by dates, age, body, race or any gender identification or roles/statuses like human aspects identify things. This is broken down into vast phases/processes too. This WHOLE THING IS ABOUT GETTING EACH'S HEART/MIND/ENERGY SO COMPLETELY WIDE OPEN... no matter what it takes. Pre-ascension this occurs differently than POST-Physical-Body-Ascension does. We get into "pole flips" and "polarity" and "reversal processes", as well as the "stripping away" and deconstruction phases relative to "ego-based"/created realities and "transition phases" from Head to Heart, as well as "out there"/outer worlds/realities vs. inner worlds and then inner-to outer and the correlation of "connection vs. disconnection/separation as well.... 

We can/do awaken through feeling beauty, love, softness, kindness and pure peace that will bring forth such powerful emotions, tears of presence/bliss/appreciation and remembrance, yet early phases our human anatomy/aspects/density don't fully "allow" for this, therefore what is "perceived" (and experienced) as "devastating, harsh, rough, intense and completely cruel” can occur, to unanchor/knock loose/shake and jolt each out of fixed linear mindsets, complacency/compliance, selfishness and our hearts/minds being closed/shut off/walled away and protecting out of fear/give our power away. There is also a massive shifting of priorities and changing our entire value system from an old earth one to a new earth one, which doesn't happen overnight. It's an immense process of moving all to their hearts where linear mindsets can COMPLETELY dissolve/fall away and move over to a geometric/Quantum/Energetic Reality that changes how we all live/co-exist and function here. What many are unaware of is, this is each’s Merkaba (Universal Ascension Vehicle) trying to “move” (geometrics) and “recreate” each’s reality, yet the “person” within the field/bubble/universe is hanging on so tight that their Merkaba will actually SHAKE and completely deconstruct the constructs of each’s reality WHEN IT’S TIME to awaken from the old illusions of separation held deep within (and played out in that “reality” as a result of this).  

One can awaken years before the rest of a specific collective does. It’s not a race. It’s an honor, pure JOY and immense amount of  RESPONSIBILITY on a Soul Level here. When we have many awake, we have a collective. When we have many asleep, we have a collective. When we have many ascended, we have another collective and how we "look at these" is different based upon what we are trying to explain in order to teach/guide/assist with dissolving/resolving confusion regarding "all of this".... 

Old Earth we refer to realities based upon mentalities/energies of individualism and separation, where as NEW Earth we refer to Unity-based, Teams, Light Family and Love.... and where each "functions from" dictates one's actual MULTI-DIMENSIONAL EXPERIENCE... that which is referred to as "reality" substantially changes with each phase of awakening and individual ascension/embodiment processes.... As our actual physical realities completely change in response to this as well, as EVERYTHING SERVES much higher/different purposes than before. It’s no longer about any one individual, yet a geometric of “how” all fits into a much greater picture and as integral parts of a much greater whole/all.

Everyone is important, everyone matters, yet no one “more” than another… everyone is “equal” and has the same access/opportunities, yet all must go deep inward to open up access and bring this forth from their own deep sacred connection from within. Everyone is cared for, treated with the utmost respect, loved and deserving, yet the parameters for all is different, as everyone is also RESPONSIBLE and when we have 3D, no one wants to take responsibility or actually “do” what makes the different, whereas 5D-12D, we take complete responsibility for our ENERGY, our current ACTions, our behaviour and how we show up in every reality, how we contribute, how we share, how we uplift, inspire and unite all through love here. We also “do the work” on every level, as we understand the importance of this. We can unite these amazing realities to create/bring forth more, yet it takes EVERYONE fully doing the same. It’s a REVERSAL of the old ways/days. We don’t show up with our hand out, asking for anything. We do our own inner work, build/create/accomplish our own realities as highest aligned and we co-join/unite these to enhance/expand and anchor more DREAM/HEAVEN ON EARTH realities for all of us here. The only one’s not experiencing this, are the one who are just entering these phases of “learning” everything all over again, clearing karmic/unconscious programmed timelines and getting their physical body’s vibration high enough so that their Soul can fully integrate and recode their entire reality with grace too.

2020 VISION:
This entire process is one of INNER-VISION, INNER-CLARITY and inner-knowing, feeling and deciphering a holographic reality through various physical/energetic symbols, signs and messages at first. As each “learns” to “read” the field, decipher/decode messages/meanings and start to choose to re-program, re-align and bring forth all new from within. 2020 opens an entire ERA of CLEAR VISION/CLARITY that will support/assist with Earth’s Transition out of 3rd/4th Density “finally”, by dismantling and “switching off” the codes/templates that held 3D in place. As each becomes a Visionary, the ability to create/bring forth “our new” is easier, as we are all able to see and unite these VISIONS to support and accelerate with greater ease. ♥

NEW EARTH BECOMES VISIBLE AND IS BIRTHED/born/comes forth from DEEEEEEEEP within each's DEEP Sacred Soul Connection/Physical LightBody-Field and immense "higher consciousness knowledge/wisdom" (light codes/"higher" intelligence" than before), that provide access to "how to create" all new realities that are SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS aligned, Soul Aligned, Highest Vibrationally aligned, forgo the "creation" of NEW EARTH realities and experiences "replacing" old earth ones.... 

These SOURCE CODES are CREATION CODES.... re-design, re-create, re-structure and re-align all with Universal/Cosmic Laws/Rules (Quantum/Consciousness) replacing everything each once called "reality" before..... 

Part of 4D Moves into Overwhelm and Prepare to MOVE BEYOND Comfort Zones:
Many will start going off the “deep end”, feeling completely overwhelmed and like all is “too much”. This is an important part of the process, so understanding from a “much higher” place is important for moving through/honoring/supporting/experiencing the INTENSITY of SEPARATION and one’s LightBody starting to come further online. Some will travel, activating the grids of their own bodies, while activating, clearing and “swapping” various codes with every location change/experience and moving into various Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper Roles important for 5D+ Ascension Timelines and more. Deep, heavy emotions and feelings emerge in these. Confusion increases, yet clarity is available through nature, connection, solitude, field clearing and deepening our inner connection to experience peace. As the Lightbody starts rewiring/reconfiguring the central nervous systems, waking body parts up, heart opening/mind opening, relaxing and shifting from an external focus to an inner focus, other body systems start immense processes as well. Your physical Light/Soul/Energy Body is asking you to support it, honor it, love it, respect it so that it can do the work necessary to support you in achieving anchoring your own NEW Earth Realities/Experiences here. Dreams turn lucid, experiences do too. Pineal gland activates, DMT release begins, changing the “output” and chemical processes of your glands/organs, your whole body requires your attention, kindness, love and care. 

Moving beyond Comfort Zones: The Human Aspect lived in “comfort zones” that GO when it’s time for each’s individual Ascension Process to begin. Because the human aspect likes “safe”, fixed and “secure”, even if it goes completely against their own SOUL, they will “stay here” because it’s “easier” than the “challenges” of stepping up, saying no, not accepting “status quo” and having “fixed” ways “feels” better than “not knowing up front/prior to and being able to “control” it all…. The way the human ego “wants things”, which is not how this works. Because the human aspect will not budge, has sooooo much resistance to change, so much armor around their hearts, cannot share their “things”, doesn’t “truly care” about our planet/each other to “do whatever it takes”, then REALITIES have to CHANGE. Unbeknownst to each human aspect, when it’s time for this to occur, their Merkaba will “kick in” and start restructuring their entire reality FOR THEM…. And that the “matrix” program/systems are located in their own BODY, deep within their cells, muscles, organs, limbs, bones and that in order to “transition over” from a 3D reality to a 5D reality+, they will go through an individual “pole flip” that appears to “turn their reality upside down”, unanchoring emotions, fears, survival mechanism and separation that held them to that unconscious dimension before, playing out “realities” that were a “solid hologram” based upon their own beliefs, mentalities and deep conditioning/programming held deeeeeep within and only visible through much higher states of Consciousness. The “external” is a “feedback loop” if you will, a vibrational return to what each holds/embodies/believes and when the EGO is what is embodied, then the external reality is a direct response/experience resulting from this. 5D those “comfort zones” are no longer “needed”, as everything is completely different, soft, beautiful and abundance is shared, so there's no lack or doing without, as that was 3D/4D programming/conditioning/beliefs that “manifested/materialized” as a “physical reality” too. 

Breaking free from/pulling away from “the old”, learning to PLAY, have fun, dance and just BE allows for a RE-SET to occur, that is necessary for many reasons prior to moving into much “higher dimensional” realities/roles here. If it does not support you, LET IT GO! Start to “see” from inside your own heart, feel with your heart/being and listen with your whole heart/being too. It’s beyond important for the transition from 3D to 5D, which is intense even with the greatest understanding for awhile. 4D is also where Ego Death on every level occurs, as the “entrance” through/to 5D (Gates of Heaven/Ascension timelines) means leaving all that separation, judgment, lack, limits as “reality” and moving into new ones where you see this, yet it no longer rules and you can consciously Master/Break all down/re-program through Love yourself. ♥


LIGHT carries information and is encoded/encrypted Data that we "read" and translate into whatever language/words/acts/energies that transmit the tones/codes/frequencies "OUT" for all to read/absorb/integrate/process/receive. They are actual coordinates, literally, so all is "delivering" the actual codes for "changing dimensions", re-configuring and re-coding entire "real"ities and creating "all new ones" aligned through Pure Love here. Light is Pure Love. Light is Pure. Anything not is of the ego aspect and it's up to each to figure this out for themselves. Learn to FEEL YOUR REALITIES, FEEL AND LISTEN TO THIS, instead of trying to decipher with your head.

Part of my roles for years, has been to RECORD LIGHT DATA through decrypting COSMIC LIGHT CODES and TRANSLATING THEM in various ways. I've spent hours and hours and hours of dedicated service every day for years, observing/listening to and transcribing COSMIC CODES/RAYS/FREQUENCIES AND QUANTUM LIGHT CODES (and how this affects all),  preparing/sharing this to support HUmanity through massive evolutionary processes relative to every level of existence here. There are days that I do this from the time I wake up to the time I sleep, yet because it's all Quantum/Geometric/Algorithms/Equations and SO deeply intricate to explain, I actually only share a small fraction of that which I bring through me/my own access/abilities, as I would not be able to accomplish the immensity of our daily service work and live my own life fully and highest aligned with JOY here. There was a huge chunk of "my life" that I put everything aside and did only this, yet once the LIVING LIBRARIES were established/released/available, it was time for me to shift to all new roles here. As it feels appropriate, as realities support, as we all come together to accomplish greater service roles, we are able to "do more" for everyone in a much greater capacity as LOVE here. Right now as I type this, the frequency bandwidths and codes are "releasing" what I refer to as "Q-Bits" (Quantum Data Bits/Bytes) packed full of Quantum Information/data to support, reconfigure and assist with these important individual and global transitions, as we move further, deeper and more powerfully through a Galactic Photonic Light & Plasma Corridor and Passageway, broken up into different "smaller ones" as a part of a greater Cosmic whole. For me, I personally match up the codes/frequencies/weather/Earth Changes/Shifts, Physical LightBody re-codings and various dimensional experiences occurring all simultaneously, to provide expanded awareness of "how" all occurs on a Cosmic/Quantum Level here. Integrating these "gives us" access to Quantum Dynamics, Equations and "NEW Ways" that are simpler, easier and highest aligned for all of us as Love/Divine Star-Light BEings here. ♥

WISDOM CODES/PORTALS/GRIDS: As each "learns" to open their heart fully to connect from deep inside and listen to their own "higher" guidance/wisdom/codes, and "restructure" their lives according to this, their individual EXPERIENCE becomes NEW EARTH ONES.... beautiful, magical, loving, kind and so very pure.... and their "body" actually vibrates at a different frequency, changing density levels and literally "moving" into a different dimension to live/experience, literally "leaving the old" as their own reality, which then gives each the ability to then support/guide/assist and RAYdiate out the frequencies/tones to support/guide/assist others with feeling/experiencing/living/doing this for themselves as well. As Cosmic Portals, Gatekeepers/Gridkeepers/Guardians (and more) each have the ability to consciously work with our planetary Gridding Systems (through our own bodies/fields) and open portals/gateways and hold them open for all who decide to also enter/come through. Because this is quantum, it's not bound by linear time/space and instead is by way of proximity, virtually and on a multi-dimensional level too. In order to "cross over" "to the other side", move through the wormholes and vortexes with ease, full presence and surrender of all resistance/linearity inside. ♥

First, ASCENSION IS A DEEPLY SACRED PERSONAL EXPERIENCE.... it's never about others or anything outside. In order to BE and "do" that which is highest aligned, we go deeper within ourselves and this is where we LIVE FROM, this is where we SHARE FROM, this is where we do everything from and "how" the external "fits into this" is different with each physical/LightBody phase, each density/dimensional/frequency bandwidth and "level"/space of consciousness we occupy/live from deep within..... 

First, if each is not "seeing"/observing from a multi-dimensional level, without judgment, lack or "need", then everything will be personal, confusing and dramatic and filled with "old earth" energies of survival, safety, finger pointing/blame, fear, lack, separation/division and every crazy scenario creating 4D drama/chaos to "act out" "real"ities from a place of separation still held deep within "the self". 

For the human (ego) aspect, "the little inflated/deflated self" is separate from "the whole", which means each's ACT'S, way of thinking/mentalities and how they live their lives are all ACTS of SEPARATION too. This is a pre-ascension "timeline" if you will.... where one has not fully REMEMBERED all as PURE LOVE and SOURCE CONSCIOUSNESS here.... 

In order to fully comprehend/understand, each must go SOOOOOOOOOOOOO DEEP INWARD that everything falls away and NOTHING and EVERYTHING exist within ONE SPACE, where ONENESS is a REMEMBERED STATE and then it's up to EACH TO LEARN TO LIVE THIS FULLY, with every aspect of their own lives..... which is the JOURNEY OF RETURNING/ASCENDING that each goes through to RETURN TO FULL CONSCIOUSNESS here...

In order to fully comprehend/understand, each must DO THIS THEMSELVES.... no "one" can "do" this "for us", it's a deeply personal journey into the DEPTHS OF EVERYTHING that was not visible before. Every experience, every occurrence, EVERY ACT is to get each's heart wide open so that it never closes/separates off again.... and every "act" will continue strong and stronger and stronger, until this has been accomplished fully within/by each.... so that UNITY/LOVE/PURITY CONSCIOUSNESS is where EACH FULLY LIVE FROM, on every level, in every way.... which means shifting everything OVER to a whole new reality that looks NOTHING LIKE it did before and doesn't work like "before", because "before" was unconscious and not highest aligned for each and all of HUMANITY here..... our planet, each other....

It changes everything and "removes/shifts" the POWER from the ego to "the SOUL", to the HEART, to LOVE, to UNITY, to SHARING, to deeply truly CARING, to UNITING, to WORKING TOGETHER, to SUPPORTING, to UPLIFTING, to INSPIRING and to CREATING ALL NEW REALITIES that are of the absolute highest vibrational alignment FOR EVERYONE, while no longer catering to anything of the old, of the distorted, of the selfish, of the greedy, of survival/separation/lack that dictated/ruled what each called "reality" before.... 

FULL CONSCIOUSNESS RETURNS ALL TO LOVE and UNITY, returns/restores all to PEACE, brings all into UNITY THROUGH LOVE, deeps sacred respect and INCLUDES EVERYONE truly ready to BE A PART OF THIS..... it recognizes what is not vibrationally aligned, has the ability to shift this fully, unless there are such deeply rooted/fixed/rigid programs/conditioning still held that "refuses" to be open to listening, learning and shifting into a "whole new reality" instead.... 

In order to see/understand, we "break things down" to explain, then we put all back together as ONE.... yet in a "different way", as the geometrics for "reality" are not linear, they are Quantum/Energetic, so we have to all shift HOW WE SEE EVERYTHING, otherwise we are "stuck" within ourselves, we are holding on to "old ways" within ourselves, operating from old unconscious beliefs/mentalities that "rule" our inner reality, therefore binding us to an "external reality" that of limits, conditions and constructs that will no longer "hold" or be able to be maintained/sustained, because that was "old earth" and NEW EARTH MUST COME FORTH FOR ALL.... as Earth's Ascension and Planetary RETURN is necessary/required now...

I will share on our Planetary Return to/as a Star Nation more later, as this is beyond vast as well. It's a part of Cosmic Remembrance and what's occurring within/on Gaia/Terra Nova on a DNA/Evolutionary process relative to our placement in "the galaxy"/Galaxies, current "status/location" through the passageway of the PHOTON BELT and how Earth's Liberation out of the "Unconscious Realms" and DEEP STATE of Amnesia correlates as well. 

For the sake of this sharing, I'm breaking down a few things and as we continue, I'll share as is appropriate for all/each:

3rd Dimension/Density/Frequency Bandwidth/Consciousness/Experience: Full on collapse, for the sake of shifting/moving/transitioning all to the 4th Dimension, where each's heart starts to open, where each is "pushed inward" to start to make a connection within the physical body and "learn" to live from their hearts, which is a massive passageway of reversing everything KARMIC within itself. Those who chose not to continue on will "exit" this dimension, which is how "human body death" occurs, which is also a part of a much bigger picture, where Soul's don't die, they just "return" to a/the Unified Field of Consciousness as ENERGY, not separate from anything, where Source Consciousness is ONE. It's only the human ego aspect that sees all separately and "thinks" all is separate, thinks there is "suffering", "thinks" there is pain and other stuff as a projection from within the fractaled/fractured self. "Collapse" is of the "constructs" that held the old in place, which is held within each on a cellular level and each's individual field. Technically it's a "movement" from one reality to another that's not understood and is resisted, because it "goes against" everything unconscious, therefore "breaking all down", so that shifting can occur on every level. This is where the ego aspect fights all, holds on so strongly and "tries" to refuse/resist/control, without any awareness that "it doesn't have a choice", because "it's not the one in charge" (anymore). 

4th Dimension/Density/Frequency Bandwidth/Consciousness/Experience: This is where an acceleration of "timelines" begins, things "speed up, get faster, become overwhelming and immense emotions, fears, separation and "fight to hold on" exacerbate and where 'inner drama' is externalized as each "fights" to reclaim their power, "struggles" with self-love and all becomes "more confusing" as one starts to FEEL EVERYTHING, yet the "how's and why's" are not yet there, because all is Quantum/non-linear and only visible from various levels of 5D - 12D, depending on where each functions from in their own personal journey... This is where each is "pushed" deep within, where ONE STEPS INTO A KARMIC TIMELINE and has to learn to go deeper inward to find answers, breaks away from "that out there" and all of the "external stimuli" that "used to stimulate", yet no longer does, yet there's no "new earth reality in place yet", so every fear, every ounce of lack, every program surfaces to assist each with "moving" out of "old mindset" realities "over" to a heart-based reality instead. This is a beyond challenging one, because it requires each establish a whole new RELATIONSHIP with their own "higher selves"/soul and "learn" to live from here instead of the "old ways of before". This is where DNA repair begins, where each starts to RETURN TO CONSCIOUSNESS (by whatever path that Soul pre-chose) and where each is "faced" with every CHOICE UNTIL they've chosen their own SOUL over their human ego reality. This is where each reclaims every fractal, transitions out of separation and merges their own higher/future self and their human into ONE, MOVING THEM into the "5th Dimension"..... Each will wish for, hope for and start to "dream" of a new reality, one that is simple and easy, yet the "complicated" realities of the ego constructs still have to be worked through and transitioned by each within. This is where each "enters" into their own Ascension, shifting from "Awakening" (chaos/drama/suffering/survival/dependency/lack) to REMEMBERING realities that only come forth as each goes deeper continually and "brings these forth" to be created/built, forgo entering the "5th Dimension", where all new realities start to become visible, yet obtaining/achieving these is a massive multi-dimensional journey/experience as well.... This is where the sleep state/dream start to flip and merge and where "anchoring" phases begin as each's Merkaba is constructed/starts to come online for physical body ascension to occur (over years/months/weeks) as well.... 

5th Dimension/Density/Frequency Bandwidth/Consciousness/Experience: First each must HOLD THIS CONSCIOUSNESS long enough for the physical to completely break down/restructure and vibrationally be aligned to support a NEW EARTH EXPERIENCE, which occurs over years. It's not linear, it's vibrational... which means every "decision", every "act" is too..... This is where NEW EARTH becomes each's priority and "building"/creating all new realities begins from ZERO POINT and through Divine Soul Alignment, and where the "growing up process" begins. This is where each realizes that as an ego aspect they knew nothing, had no clue, understood nothing and that "now" everything has to be "relearned" all over again and in order to "do this" with ease and grace, full ego-surrender is necessary and aligning all on a Soul Level takes precedence instead. This is where each moves to a place/state of humility, humbleness and deep sacred respect, yet the next phases will require immense POWER to fully consciously "break down" all that's not highest aligned and a "restructuring" of every reality constantly begins. This is where each RETURNS TO THE INNOCENCE of their own heart/soul and starts to live this fully, realigning all through Universal Love in their own "personal reality", their own "bubble" (universe) and expanding this out to affect/touch/support "others" through their own presence/energy/field, yet the process of "building all new realities" has just begun. This is the "climb" (Stairway to Heaven/Ascent) that leads into vast phases/processes and a whole new "revamping of every reality" on a Soul Level, through each's physical body form and an immense Photonic Light DNA reconfiguration/recalibration process that accelerates constantly for each to become fully Quantum, where each's LightBody "takes over" and the physical everything has to be "redone"/reconfigured to support this..... This is where all are "little children", playing, excited and all becomes magical, rainbows, unicorns again.... yet this is just the beginning as well..... This is where all "learn" to JUST BE, to "transmit Light Consciously" and where "doing" completely changes from "the head" to the "heart" and so where one "functions from" changes, which means creating a new "Zero Point"/anchor point "in/from" the "5th Dimension" instead of 3 or 4.

6th Dimension/Density/Frequency Bandwidth/Consciousness/Experience: It's "time" to "grow up" (as a Soul) and LIVE THIS FULLY and start to align everything on a whole new level. This is where the "service work" from pure LOVE and JOY "takes over" and "it's time" to BE THE EXAMPLE AS LOVE in a whole new way.... This is where 12D becomes visible, yet still is not understood, as "visibility" is from "deep inside" and relative to where each functions from. 6D can see 5D and "below". Can "see" what needs to be done/accomplished as a part of SERVICE to HUMANITY/ALL, yet each dimension now is about "accomplishing" that which we all "agreed" to fulfill on a Soul Level and through every aspect of our lives here. Because there's no "dependency" or "relying" on anyone/thing "outside", this is a complete shifting process as well, where "receiving" is relative to "output" and what each "allows" in their own "field", so each must become "picker", as everything is now ENERGY and DENSITY or Light and how the "physical" comes to be is relative to what each is holding, transmitting, allowing, creating and how each "shows up" and "comes through", so the "parameters" for what is acceptable changes. Compromise (on a Soul Level) is no longer an option, because that was unconscious and each now gets to totally "choose" what reality they are going to LIVE FULLY and each decision/act dictates this..... forgo "growing up" and holding each accountable for their energy, as this is what "dictates" and determines each's experience here........... Realities also move to CONTRIBUTORY, working together, unity, yet because until we each fully return to 12D, there are still vibrational mis-matches and "learning" about ENERGETIC COMPATIBILITY, which is VERY DIFFERENT than all previous realities and how we can co-exist within the "same space" changes quite substantially. One "shift" in consciousness/energy, can "shift" an entire "timeline", which means that total conscious awareness BY EACH IS NECESSARY, otherwise "collapse" is faster/stronger too.... Each becomes RESPONSIBLE FOR HOLDING THE HIGHEST AT ALL TIME, and anything less will collapse, yet because linear "time" is different, "how this works" is different as well................. This is the part the human aspect "avoids", because it means "total responsible for each's own self and each must grow up, take responsibility for their own BEHAVIOR FULLY, from the present moment, letting all previous everything fall away, realizing "the future" is energetic and comes forth relative to what each is LIVING/HOLDING, forgo "Embodiment" and the "beginning" of the "Descent" of all "higher selves" through the body, down the spine, throughout every cell and radiating out through each's FIELD.... naturally, organically... as an energy signature, an essence and a presence.... and where "words" are only for "teaching"/evolving all into a much higher state and communicating that which is not "readable" energetically yet. 

I will break 6D-12D down differently "later" and all along the way. I will only "touch" on various parts for the sake of this writing/sharing to support/guide/assist to what is relative to this....

I share "my own personal" experience (extremely simplified), only to "explain", as it's "important" in the "how/why" and "where we are" on a "whole level" and "where we are "going next".... 

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