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2020 Quantum Energy Overview: Cosmic Alignment, Planetary Liberation, A New 10-year Era

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On a COSMIC LEVEL this is a part of the re-balancing of “things” and how actual physical abundance works. 5D and above, we invest all/everything and we “own” nothing, yet we lack for nothing at all and live fully abundant on every level, because we share and understand “how the physical works” as well…. The only time this is the “opposite” is when someone has an EXPECTATION to receive (Entitlement Energy) and “expects” without offering/supporting or contributing of themselves, then those realities are not shared, because the energy is childish, selfishness and separation within itself and we do not feed that energy, we instead empower and “hold out” until “they are ready” to actually step forth/up to do their part, as none of us are incapable, yet the ego aspect loves to tell itself and others this… When all truly care, everything is easy… yet when they don’t, then it’s not. All we need is our wide open caring, considerate and sharing hearts… the rest is organic, natural and combines skills, resources, abilities and “things” to create even more FOR EVERYONE … it’s the opposite of selfishness and greed. It’s a reciprocal, balancing and generosity reality that creates more from love and doesn’t need as much, because everyone shares on every level, transcending every lack program once held. 

From I/Me/Mine to WE/Ours:
New Earth Realities are very different than old Earth Realities were. Where we each function from is very different, so realities HAVE to be different too. We all move from an “I/Me/Mine” mentality to a WE CONSCIOUSNESS OF ONE (Oneness) and everything is about sharing, supporting and receiving as a part of a much greater whole. Separation within creates a reality/experience emanating from “not-enough”, hoarding and selfishness, whereas Unity within utilizes everything to support the WHOLE. Balance is ENERGETIC, ALIGNMENT is ENERGETIC and “things” are viewed differently. Nothing is for “one” individual anymore. “How” this works is a part of the 12D Template, so we must function from here to see, understand and apply all new parameters to “the equation”, which is how every Quantum Reality works now. 

Old Earth was “little children” Ego energy (the body/age doesn’t matter), drama, owning/status/attachment/cords, finger pointing, compromise on a Soul Level, zero energetic responsibility and selfishness, with “putting everything on everyone else” and a refusal/resistant energy to COME TOGETHER AS PURE LOVE to live together, work together, share. New Earth is the OPPOSITE and this reality now prevails. 

THERE IS A WAY TO DO THIS WITHOUT THE EGO INVOLVED… and this what each’s journey is, is to learn this and live this way here. Self-Mastery leads to WHOLE REALITY MASTERY which is an Ascended NEW Earth Multi-Dimensional Experience/Life and our Higher Consciousness HUmanity/Quantum Existence as well. 

Accessing Heaven (Ascension) inside means that “hell” starts to emerge, and everything that was suppressed, oppressed, deeply buried inside on a cellular level is coming up to FEEL and then EACH learning to consciously CHOOSE which reality/experience they will accept and then “doing” that which is highest aligned to honor/support/create this. Each’s LIGHTBODY is the CENTER OF ALL and the most important thing there is, as it’s HOW each returns to full consciousness, embodies their SOUL in order to live Heaven on Earth, by anchoring all of the codes within, holding/integrating the higher knowledge/wisdom/guidance and applying it/implementing it within every aspect of “life”.... The ego doesn’t want to “choose” this, so a “breaking down” process ensues to assist with this. It’s cellular, which means the “body” needs a ridiculous amount of nature, love, quiet, alone time, respect and care, so that it can BUILD YOUR LIGHTBODY from the inside out and reconstruct your entire FIELD/reality for walking/living/breathing/experiencing your most exquisite dream as your every moment here. Each must do this for themselves, it can’t be done by anyone/anything outside… The external can be a tool or a guide, yet everything is INSIDE and this is where we each have to go, as every dimension, possibility, potential and answer is “in there”, and at first, buried deep...yet eventually, no longer buried…. Always there, simple, easy and such JOY, because each CHOSE through full Consciousness and held this AS THEIR WHOLE REALITY for full vibrational tuning/alignment/harmonization/synchronization to occur. 

Each will ANCHOR Heaven through themselves, hold this (full integration) and create/build/hold the FOUNDATION FOR THIS FULLY, building a whole new reality “from scratch” (Zero Point). These realities are “solid”, yet they take much linear time and focused energy/effort/attention to accomplish/hold and expand wayyyyyyyyy out. The “solidity” of each’s reality NOW is relative to their ENERGY, ability to stabilize all of these “higher dimensional frequencies/cosmic codes” and hold them fully in order to APPLY to every aspect of their own lives. As this occurs, once this occurs, THEN each will EXPERIENCE the bliss, magic, purity, simplicity, ease and immense abundance available to/for all/each. ♥

UNITY CONSCIOUSNESS/REALITY CREATION AND LIVING NEW EARTH IS EXCITING, exhilarating, deeply sacred, pure and so much fun. It’s also a lot of “work”, as you are accomplishing huge realities in service for humanity, each other, our planet, all. It takes total openness, willingness and an energy that CONTRIBUTES in every way. It’s supportive, inspiring and expands our hearts in the most profound, simple, beautiful, mind-blowing, soft, powerful and amazing ways. Only the ego aspect fears any of this, as this literally is ALL HEAVENLY/SOUL DESIRES fulfilled, yet having nothing to do with an individual or a thing, those are just bonuses and an added benefit, as sharing in the creation, maintaining and sustaining of NEW EARTH REALITIES is an honor and joy within itself. As Light BEings, as Pure Souls, as Galactic Teams - we unite to experience, share, fulfil together and everyone is supported, receives abundantly as a result. By uniting, we can make all “easier” for everyone, and everyone can experience the blessings, gifts, magic and joy. All have to be “ready”, open and willing to always step up/forth to fulfill much higher aligned soul purposes/roles/missions here, yet it’s not complicated, it’s simple and as easy as each will allow it to be. All in Divine Alignment and Flow, we don’t bring distortions in. We see them, yet we dissolve/resolve them ourselves and offer our highest everything for the benefit of all as a WE CONSCIOUSNESS OF ONE - Heart-Love Here. It’s beautiful…. Graceful, eloquent and sometimes we have to put our big pants on and get our hands dirty, do the “jobs” that no one else wants, because it supports the greater whole and who cares what we do when we have the possibility/reality of LIVING PURE DREAMS as actual realities here?

Money, sex and anything “status” or identity related carry distortions, separation, manipulation and power games when functioning as a human (3D), yet all of these things are very different 5D and above. There is an awareness of each, yet the programming and separation is visible, so it doesn’t come into play. Instead the purpose of each (energy) is understood and recalculated/redefined in accordance with Purity Consciousness and Cosmic Rules/Laws and everything is “reworked” to abide by “highest aligned” relative to current parameters of what templates are still operating on an individual and collective level as well. Each will redesign their whole reality to take all into “account” and reformulate a new equational output based upon Quantum Dynamics/Algorithms/Codes to create a RETURN that honors Sacredness, while observing all the moving pieces and parts and computing a new Equation relative to the greater whole. Transitioning entire collectives and realities over to a completely different and “new” 12D way is a massive process within itself. Nothing is as thought, perceived and once believed, so re-working all constantly to take everything into account, while holding honor, integrity and love on a SOUL LEVEL takes finesse, patience and releasing all judgment about everything, as the “old” no longer applies and until each gains FULL ACCESS to EVERYTHING, then the “view”/perspective is still fractals and only a “part” of the much bigger picture, which becomes visible with each purification stage/process of RETURNING TO FULL CONSCIOUSNESS again. 

Currently, our Earth Gaia is running 12 different frequency bandwidths/densities (12 Strand DNA/12D as the baseline now), all with very different realities. This means that our EARTH/Planet/Star/Ship IS MULTI-DIMENSIONAL/Quantum and that EVERYTHING "follows" Quantum "Processes and Rules" now. She is accelerating her own EVOLUTION as a Star Planet/Terra Nova (which means a Living LeMUria and other "ancient" existences as a part of this as well), where 5D is the baseline for existence, which means that anything of 3D "goes" at an accelerated rate and this applies to EVERYTHING relative to 3D Consciousness/DNA, yet the "how" is not linear, so even this takes an understanding/observation/discussion/expansion of consciousness from a much higher state (Soul/OverSoul/Source Consciousness/Love).

COUNTERBALANCING PROCESSES AND PHASES: In order to bring all into "new balance", establish all new systems (the old are obsolete), establish a whole new civilization that doesn't carry duality and all of the polarity/polarization, then COUNTERBALANCING is occurring at an exponential rate. For each standing/living from their own highest state of consciousness, then each will do this themselves. This is a part of utilizing ELECTROMAGNETICS to shift/reverse/tune everything to not only "do the opposite" of 3D, yet to also REVERSE POLARITY on a Quantum Level so that an opposite rotational field spin can be created "faster" for counterbalancing to naturally occur. This is relative to atomic spin/oscillation rates that dictate how Quantum Realities work. Our planet is now enacting VERY STRONG COUNTERBALANCING MEASURES (on a Quantum Level) to bring all into "new balance" on our planet, returning all to full consciousness, which means “whatever it takes to get every heart open” so that our planet can unite, so as you can see, it’s a massive process within itself, so you will be able to see “the amount of energetic force” that has been activated to accomplish Cosmic Alignment on a planetary level now. For those individuals accomplishing this within their own lives, experiences will be vastly different than those that have not achieved this fully within themselves and their entire lives, and because it’s “geometric” and “energetic”. Emerging “from nowhere” will be an influx of STAR-LIGHT BEINGS that become visible when each tune into the FREQUENCY and ENERGY and connect on a whole-heart-wide-open consciousness level instead of a critical, resistant, judgmental, closed hearted non-trusting human ego one. 

Planetary Evolution and Higher Consciousness starts to take a forefront as we continue on. Those things not previously accepted or understood now become more prevalent and important, because of how each’s lives are touched/affected now. Used to be it was the “select few” and now it’s the WHOLE PLANET, yet this is multi-dimensional too, so each density/dimension experiences relative to their own personal/overall/whole vibration/energy/physical body density and where each is “located” is by collective and strategic to “individual soul signature and galactic energy signatures”, relative to encodings and how these correlate to an actual “location” is energetic/vibrational/encoded as well. (There will be a lot of “moving around” as new codes are activated, old soul contracts are cleared, dimensional shifting increases and the Grids/Stargate systems in each’s body need to be activated at an accelerated rate, while “letting go” of “old realities” increases and each’s physical body goes offline from “old earth” and comes online with “new earth”, which is a massive process as the “crystals” in each’s body are activated/formed/developed. When these crystals “cycle off”, then each’s physical body “is back” in an old earth reality and when these crystals tune, complete various re-tuning processes, activate, start shaking and Quantum Cellular activity increases, then the physical body starts vibrating/shaking (as does Gaia’s) to vibrate into a different dimensional version of reality and the “how” this works increases/changes with each new LightBody/Embodiment phase. Placement on this planet is geometric and energetic, according to CODES AND ROLES…. And will “change” as all evolves/shifts, which is a massive geometric equation within itself. Placement as far as the Dynamic of “the whole picture” is Quantum/Energetic/Role specific too, so as each fulfills much higher purposes/roles, then “reality placement” changes substantially too.  Once each’s entire Crystalline Structure and Plasma Networking systems and Energetic Quantum Field have completed various “construction phases” and completely come online, then NEW EARTH REALITIES are “the new normal” and natural/present “all of the time”. This is relative to each’s 12 Strand DNA, full embodiment processes and fulfillment of various “higher consciousness roles” and a complete “rebuild” of each’s whole life on a consciousness level, through conscious creation, unification processes and moving from a linear reality to a fully quantum one. Our hearts/universal hearts/universal minds and whole body have to be wide open and how we live our lives must be this way too. Full Mastery and Sovereignty on an Energetic Level is necessary, as souls are not “little children” giving their power away and blaming everyone else, living in judgment or trying to hold onto the old ways of “before”. Embodiment is a maturation process, a development process, and evolution process of LIVING COMPLETELY FROM OUR HEARTS in EVERY WAY and our entire Species is Evolving, our whole planet is evolving and TRANSITIONING OVER to a whole new civilization that was pre-determined for/by each one of us prior to incarnation/walking in here. Everything is a part of a MUCH BIGGER PROCESS/PICTURE, “plan” if you will, and until each can REMEMBER FULLY, there will be confusion, which is what 2020 accelerates… HEART OPENING and expansion and “unfortunately” suffering and devastation are early phases of busting our hearts wide open and “removing the barriers” that the ego aspect used to be able to use to stay disconnected/asleep/separated… and those way are not acceptable anymore. 

There are so many “ways” to awaken, yet density/linearity/external focus/resistance “bind” human egos to the harsh/rough/challenging/tough/devastating/shattering ways. IF ONE IS TRULY READY TO AWAKEN THROUGH SOFTNESS, KINDNESS, BENEVOLENCE AND LOVE, then each must CHOOSE this as their own way and dissolve their own ego resistance themselves. Various moments/stages of awakening and later stages of awakening are kind, loving and soft. Consciousness CHOOSES soft, ego aspects unconsciously choose “harsh/rough”, because the experience/energy has to be “stronger” than the ego is… to break through those walls of armor/protection/doubt/fears/beliefs…. Once these walls/protection/survival mechanisms/self-preservation energies “are gone”, then the process is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much easier. We have to understand the whole process if we are going to shift/choose a “different journey/path” and choose the beautiful experiences instead of the rough ones. Awakening is “harsh” because of the amount of EGO Programming each still holds. Awakening is rough because of the resistance each still holds. Awakening is devastating when the heart is closed (with no awareness of this though). Awakening IS THE PROCESS OF OPENING EACH’S HEART/UNIVERSAL HEART fully, so that Ascension can begin, which presents “different” challenges of moving from “one matrix” to a different one, which was all held in each’s own physical body and each’s entire energy field. 

For those who have “accomplished this” within their own lives, then softness, kindness and ease is how we do every reality and how we support, guide, assist all we connect with in accomplishing this for themselves (therefore all as ONE) too. We become Cosmic Portals/Gateways and can evolve/elevate and assist all who are truly ready with “coming through too”.

These are the Gatekeepers / Gridkeepers / Light Keepers / Frequency Holders / WayShowers / Ancients / Guardians / Embodiers who HOLD THIS FULLY and transmit this out energetically, naturally, organically and with great ease. Zero Ego equals Full Consciousness…. And for those who ARE the foundation, who have created the foundation and hold the foundation and constructs in place, then this emanates out through the UNIFIED QUANTUM FIELD and it can be FELT/recognized energetically by those who are completely open and ready for this. Each here becomes a beacon, a Light, a Guide and technically doesn’t have to “do anything” other than HOLD THIS FULLY…. As what we “do” is above and beyond and relative to our own individual Soul Agreements that we each honor fully as love for all of HUmanity/Our Planet and each other as Pure Love here. ♥ 

Gaia/Universe/Cosmic: Earth’s STAR CODES have been activated/“turned on”
These Star Codes dictate how this planet is structured and how she is now evolving into something “completely different” than before. These NEW Codes and templates dictate all. When one/all exist in unison and AS this, everything is fully vibrationally and energetically aligned on these levels, meaning all exists and is maintained in Divine Cosmic Flow. By maintaining separation, there is confusion, struggle and challenges, because the string/union/connection necessary for ease/remembering is not there…. And it’s up to each of us to go deep inside and place our bodies wherever supports accomplishing this. This means making the conscious choice to constantly clear our field of any external stimuli/density that does not FULLY SUPPORT our ability to hold/achieve/maintain/sustain full expansion and our own highest vibrational frequency overall and from deep within. In the beginning, this is challenging, yet this too is a part of the process of exercising “Divine Free Will/Conscious Choice” and making that decision, putting forth the effort and surrendering that which bound us to that reality/dimension/experience before. This is a re-prioritizing and reversal process at first, which breaks down/dissolves ego/resistance/excuses/programs held deep within, so that each can shift into a whole new reality/dimension/experience here. 

Each’s energy/mentalities and own conditioning/programming is what binds each to their own reality. Observing/shifting this, allows one to shift to a whole new space within, therefore “triggering”/telling the external how to vibrationally re-align to support/honor/match this. 

THIS YEAR HAS OPENED UP COSMIC ALIGNMENT ON A WHOLE NEW LEVEL..... IT'S THE FOCAL POINT for our whole planet/SOULar system; bringing everything "on the planet" into a much higher/lighter density by clearing out all that "is not". This is done through powerful recoding, reconfiguration, recalibration and realignment processes dictated by Cosmic Codes being activated at increasingly accelerated rates 24/7 and continuing as we go. Integration and acclimation are key. These activate Soul Codes/Star Codes/Light Codes held and “pre-seeded” (starseeds/star codes) prior to this physical incarnation and including every existence, not just the “human” one previously perceived. 

A/The "way" that each gains access/achieves/receives/lives these different dimensions as ACTUAL REALITIES is through each's overall "level" of consciousness first, holding this so that their body can break-down on a cellular/molecular level to integrate the codes that re-code on atomic/DNA/Genetic level, clearing the density of all "lower dimensions" held within the body's cellular body, so that it can literally vibrate (at the speed of Light, i.e. Quantum Jumping) into a "higher"/LIGHTer Density as an ACTual Experience. The way that one "achieves these dimensions" as their own ACTual REALity, is to hold the consciousness fully until a massive template re-writing and re-gridding process is complete. (This part takes years, yet occurs constantly all along the way) and restructuring their entire lives according to all of this. 

The 5th Dimension is pure heart based everything, soul aligned and walking in a "dream state" much of the time, as "anchoring" light codes within the body shifts "how" the physical works. It's playful, pure peace, fun, resilient and so exciting and beautiful (literally new colors, sounds, feelings and more). This process "begins" in 4D and the transition by way of "each experience" can take years, as it's all vibrational/non-linear and dictated how long it takes to get one's body clean and restore their DNA from all the damage done through their "human experience". 

5D-12D are higher levels of Purity, Consciousness, Energetic Responsibility, honoring Soul Agreements, fulfilling higher purposes/missions/roles and shifting entire realities to all NEW Earth ones. Foggy/groggy is normal with every LIGHT CODE BLAST, as the body dissolves "veils of amnesia", clears its own density/linearity and anchors ridiculous amounts of LIGHT within the physical form where integration and "application" are key. 

This is a RETURNING process through deep Heart REMEMBERING, so linear human memories start to fade/dissolve as each's body is "brought on-line" with a NEW Earth Gridding & Networking System (housed in each's spine, musculature system, neural pathways, blood, bones, skin, organs and whole body and inner-linked with various layers of their whole energy field). 

Basically, we ascend back "up" to 12D through our own constant heart-expansion/consciousness, while "pulling"/descending "the higher realms" "down" into and through our own form and holding this fully until all is completely integrated within us (Embodiment), for our bodies to accomplish the "density changing" processes to physically change dimensions/experiences and then each re-aligning every aspect of their own LIFE to these new codes/ways.  (Simplified version). 

The 3rd Dimension was held in place by fixed linear (egoic) mentalities, beliefs, programs and constructs based upon an "old illusion" that no longer "applies" (or works). This "whole dimension" is being transitioned to a whole new timeline/density, as all is up-shifted to a higher/lighter density where the baseline for all is 5D. Those souls that chose not to continue on in form pre-chose to “exit” form and re-join the Unified Field of Consciousness as ONE SOURCE ENERGY. When a whole timeline “goes”, then everyone in that timeline can too. This is a part of “mass exodus” as a part of our planetary evolution here. For the human aspect that only has access to a 3D perception/experience, then the version of understanding is just this. As more start to truly comprehend that each’s individual and collective EXPERIENCE is REFLECTIVE of a dimension/density occupied, then more will consciously CHOOSE TO SHIFT where they function from and CONSCIOUSLY CHOOSE and entirely different/new experience and actually start to LIVE THIS FULLY, shifting entire timelines on a Quantum Level as each does. ♥

Right now, we have an entire planet of beautiful Light BEings/Code Holders/Souls doing this, therefore consciously, constantly and intentionally shifting entire timelines/realites on a much greater scale for all. The magnitude of these shifts are more powerful and a result of the increasing POWER of NEW EARTH GRIDDING SYSTEMS held within Gaia/Each one of us. As these BODY-FIELD energetic grids LIGHT UP, shake, quicken and activate all new vibrational geometric lattices, star-codes, coordinates and encoded holographic realities, that become “real” as each LIVES THEM, as a part of a HUGE re-distribution/re-balancing/re-alignment of our entire planet and inhabitants. ♥

This is about EVOLVING, so all must Evolve to maintain/remain on this planet, yet at each’s own "pace", so it's important to RESPECT each's individual/personal journey, focus on your own and then become the example/share/support all who are truly ready to embrace their own experience, just like we all have to here. Everyone's BODY is coded/encoded for each of "those moments" that their hearts open fully to transmit OUT immense electromagnetic energy to expand out into their own field in order for a UNIFICATION process to occur. Lightbody/field tuning is necessary for this, so plenty of alone time/space and nature is necessary until each “retuning/recalibration/synchronization” process is complete. 

Cellular Photonic Light Code DNA Activation & Re-Coding occurs in infinite ways: 

  • Cosmic influxes daily (means we don’t have to “do” anything but surrender/honor/integrate/respect/allow)
  • Through exposure, connecting and merging fields 
  • Through direct experience
  • Through intentional activations and various “tools”
  • Anything that opens our hearts fully will do this naturally and organically, which is why many of us choose to do this consciously ourselves, creating an experience that’s beautiful, soft, kind and with greater ease.
  • “When” is not a time. It’s non-linear, vibrational/energetic and relative to each's own SOUL determining this. 
  • ​Yes, we can all "activate", provide, assist, yet we are not to impose, force or "need" others to do this "our way". That's each's ego and playing in the unconscious realms/games.
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