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Zynk of Agartha: Insights from the 5D Realm

Zynk of Agartha: Insights from the Hidden 5th-Dimensional Realm

Channeling Zynk from the Inner Earth Civilization of Agartha

"Greetings and blessings to you all. What a beautiful moment this is to establish a clear connection with you. My name is Zynk, and I am honored to bring messages from the hidden world of Agartha, a 5th-dimensional realm that lies within the Earth, waiting for your intention to access and explore it.

We have chosen to reach out to you now because the time is right. Many of your leaders have attempted to explore the inner worlds in the past, often with harmful and misguided intentions. However, we now see that through this transmission—one that surpasses the understanding of those not aligned with higher intentions—we can safely connect with you, the beautiful souls of Earth who seek to liberate your planet from harm.

First, you need to understand the intricate link between the visible and the invisible. Just as a puzzle is incomplete with missing pieces, the result of ignoring the unseen leads to chaos. Your spirit world is pure vibration—an ever-expanding force. This constant expansion means that change is inevitable, yet it is often resisted by the human mind, which clings to the familiar in the 3D reality.

But change is the natural order of the universe. It’s a sign of growth, transformation, and endless possibility. When you embrace this, you’ll never feel confined or limited—you will live in a world of boundless exploration, where boredom has no place.

Once you grasp the nature of this expansion, you realize that the same principle applies to you. Your personal evolution becomes a joy when you welcome change rather than resist it.

Secondly, all that exists is vibration, and it precedes the material world. Even though some of your scientists understand this, many still fail to connect their discoveries with the immaterial, energetic world. You cannot truly understand creation if you ignore the invisible pieces that come before the material form.

But you, the ones listening to me now—you understand this. You know that your thoughts are a form of energy, radiating with specific wavelengths. You understand that your emotions are pure vibrations that ripple beyond your physical body and that the invisible world forms the very foundation of all that is material. In truth, this immaterial substance is the essence of matter.

Now, with this awareness, you must be more sensitive to your own power. Take care in your words, which can illuminate the world like pearls of light. Your thoughts have the potential to spread waves of love, cleansing old negativity. Your emotions are pure energy, meant to heal and nurture. Will you honor yourself as the grand creator that you truly are?

We, the beings of Agartha, place deep and respectful attention on everything we think, say, and do. Our thoughts are transparent because we communicate telepathically. Since we can see each other's thoughts, we live in unity—a shared consciousness of love and oneness.

You may find us slow in our interactions and daily lives. We take our time observing, feeling, inquiring, and reshaping the world around us. But when our minds are focused, we move with great speed and precision, like rockets in the sky. We work harmoniously in teams, using our connections to weave webs of light that generate everything we need.

You might wonder how we live beneath the Earth. You've been taught that the Earth’s core is solid, but that is only a partial truth. The very center of your planet is empty—not in a physical sense, but in terms of material form. This space is filled with powerful energy, regulating the layers above. Hidden within these inner realms are cities and civilizations that most of you are unaware of. Agartha is one such civilization, and our cities, like Tomissus and Apollo, are among the most well-known to those on Earth who have connected with us.

We don't have a sun-like yours, but we use other sources of energy and light. Some of our cities harness the power of lava, refining and controlling it through advanced plasmatic technology. It's difficult to explain to you, as our technology is at least 340 years ahead of where your civilization currently stands.

There are also communities here that draw energy from the Mother Gyorg, a 1,200-meter crystal resembling your amethysts but composed of different minerals. Exposing yourself to large quantities of amethyst could have a similar, though less potent, effect on your body. You might not live in an amethyst cave, but I encourage you to acquire an amethyst crystal and invite us to energize it with the energy of the generating crystal, so you can receive its benefits. Once your consciousness connects, we can collaborate.

There is much more to share about our world, but for now, let this transmission create space for the new frequencies we are sending. Allow these codes to be integrated into your being.

We hope that one day, you will come to visit us, in physical form, by crossing into the etheric realms that float within the inner chambers of Earth. We are not buried; we exist in a less dense space within your planet.

We would love to deepen our connection with you. Will you join us?"

Zynk of Agartha: Insights from the Hidden 5th-Dimensional Realm
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Zynk: Inner Earth Civilization: channeled by Octavia Vasile

If you wish to book a reading session with Octavia, please check the link here!
Many blessings! 

Octavia Vasile Bio - Click Here

Octavia Vasile

I am a channeler, meditation teacher, and holder of a master's degree in Hypnosis and Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy. My spiritual journey began with encounters with Oriental teachings during travels to Asia, leading to a deep connection and remembrance. In India, I felt a profound sense of belonging, rediscovering inner silence and recognizing ancient teachings. Meeting great teachers, including Ramana Maharshi, has been transformative, guiding me and reminding me of my true self.

Source Here!

Please check this Link on Facebook: Pleiadian Transmissions of Light and Love
To book individual sessions with Octavia go here: https://www.holographicyou.com/1on1

This article has been published on CrystalWind.ca with written approval from Octavia Vasile!

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