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The Council of the Guardians of the Light: How You Energize the Cosmic Web

The Council of the Guardians of the Light: How You Energize the Cosmic Web

For those of you interested in understanding more about the ongoing efforts by Lightworkers to assist with Earth’s ascension, enjoy this detailed message from The Council of the Guardians of the Light.

We are the Council of the Guardians of the Light.

We come with love, we come as a broader collective of Light Beings. We are never far. We are always with and among you, in the spirit of love, guidance, and compassion. And this is what we wish to speak of. Today it is about the importance of the energy of compassion within the human collective.

Humanity has a deep capacity for compassion. That is a way to honour and respect each other’s feelings, perspectives, and standpoints. It is about an authentic recognition within each other of the Divine Beings of Light that you each and all are, even through this human experience which can sometimes be challenging, dense, and intense. We understand. Yet the way forth, our dear friends, is through compassion. And when you struggle to find compassion for those that you may judge, for those that you feel may have transgressed some very essential human needs, values, and qualities, this is when you are being asked to step in a higher and broader space of compassion.

Compassion Expands Consciousness

For it is only and primarily through the energy of compassion that you are going to expand your consciousness. This does not mean or entail condoning the actions of those around you. But it is rather about learning to see all things through a higher and broader perspective. Even if in the very least, this allows you to understand other people’s motives, to perhaps see that they are moving through and acting from a place of fear, a place that is not in orbit with Universal love. And this lens is not to judge others but rather to understand what it is that motivates them, and the compassion that they need. For when you bring compassion to all those around you, you project the energy of love. And in so doing, you naturally help to transmute the energies within them, as well as the energies and the nature of the connection between you them and everything around them.

The Energy Within You Feeds the Cosmic Web

Understand that your consciousness, your energetic fields, do not exist as islands but rather they exist as points in a very intricate, beautiful, interconnected, energetic mesh. It is a cosmic web of energy where each Being, each form of consciousness, is connected to every other Being and form of consciousness. The energy that is exchanged between each of you is what feeds, sustains, and nurtures this cosmic web.

As such, when you project the energy of forgiveness, of love and compassion, you in essence help to elevate the energetic field, you help intensify and brighten the cosmic web.

This is your power. It is an innate ability that you all have. At first, for some of you this may take practice. It may take time and it may require each of you to overcome your own internal judgments and prejudices to see and recognize that all those around you, whatever beliefs they hold, whatever actions they endeavour to take, that they too at their core essence, are Beings of light that you are interconnected to.

As such, this is a choice. It is a choice at the individual level as well as a choice at the collective level. What do you choose to project, to give and to gift to those around you and to the cosmic web – and ultimately to yourself? For what you project you energize. And when the entire field is energized in a place of love and compassion, you are also immersed in this energetic field that benefits you as much as those around you.

The Energy Within You Feeds the Cosmic Web

Understand that your consciousness, your energetic fields, do not exist as islands but rather they exist as points in a very intricate, beautiful, interconnected, energetic mesh. It is a cosmic web of energy where each Being, each form of consciousness, is connected to every other Being and form of consciousness. The energy that is exchanged between each of you is what feeds, sustains, and nurtures this cosmic web.

As such, when you project the energy of forgiveness, of love and compassion, you in essence help to elevate the energetic field, you help intensify and brighten the cosmic web.

This is your power. It is an innate ability that you all have. At first, for some of you this may take practice. It may take time and it may require each of you to overcome your own internal judgments and prejudices to see and recognize that all those around you, whatever beliefs they hold, whatever actions they endeavour to take, that they too at their core essence, are Beings of light that you are interconnected to.

As such, this is a choice. It is a choice at the individual level as well as a choice at the collective level. What do you choose to project, to give and to gift to those around you and to the cosmic web – and ultimately to yourself? For what you project you energize. And when the entire field is energized in a place of love and compassion, you are also immersed in this energetic field that benefits you as much as those around you.

This is one example in which all of you are interconnected, and in which no intention, no thought, no act, no word, no projected experience or emotion ever acts or impacts anything or anyone else in isolation. It is something that is fed to the entire field. And it reverberates and echoes back to all within it. You are all connected.

So our invitation to you is to choose how you want to relate to others, how you want to interact and exchange with them. And you are an equal part of this energetic equation. What you put in, what you intend, what you project, is what feeds this beautiful interconnection that unites all of you.

Remember your role, remember your choice. It is not a responsibility but it is simply an energetic, Universal fact. It is the way in which all energy moves through and in between all Beings.

We are part of this cosmic web. We continue to send you love and light. We are always here to guide and to teach.

And it is our hope that today’s message has landed in your hearts with love.

Your friends,

Council of the Guardians of the Light

MP3-Podcast Here!

Image by CrystalWind.ca


Channelled through Kate Woodley-www.AscensionCalling.com
Our mission is to help awaken and raise the collective consciousness of humanity. By connecting with incredible, other-dimensional Beings, we share messages of universal wisdom and encouragement. These compassionate Beings are here to assist and guide us all in our ascension to a greater existence. 
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