One Who Serves: Q&A - A Galactic Revelation - KaRa
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- Written by James & JoAnna McConnell

One Who Serves:
Greetings to you, One Who Serves here. And Shoshanna is not here at this time, so we will do what we can to answer your questions and assist you in this continuing process, this process, this program that we have been working with you for quite some time now.
And we’ll say it is not only been these few years that we have been together, but we as the One Who Serves, as also the Galactics and others all have been working with many of you throughout various lifetimes. We have been working with you in this, in the background, we will say.
Well, you did not know of us that we were there as you know of us now, but we have been here and with you and will continue to be with you even more in the times ahead. We, the ascended ones, are here to assist you in becoming the ascended ones yourselves and for you then to assist others following your ascension.
So we are ready now for your questions if you have them.
Is there any question?
(Member question)
Yes, I have a question, One Who Serves. I’m not asking this question out of any kind of fear because I don’t have any fear, but during our discussion today, we were talking about the Ezra Cohen Watnik and what’s coming and the EBS and the internet going down. A lot of us are prepared with food and water. There’s no fear here.
My question is this, will there be any kind of warning? I think some of us need to travel. I’ve actually offered a project out of state for two months at the end of this year. And I don’t know, is it wise for me to be away from my home where I have all my food and water or just live our lives as usual? Will there be any kind of warning?
(One Who Serves answer)
We will say here that you must listen within yourself as these situations arise and do what you feel your intuition is guiding you to do. If it is telling you at some point, better to stay home, then do exactly that. Better to stay home. You must understand that we as the ascended ones, the Galactic, the Agarthans, all of your various guides can get messages to you whenever they need to. You just need to be open to hearing those messages. So, do not be concerned about living your life. We will say live your life. Be in joy in every moment of your life. And everything will take care of itself. You will find that you will be in the right place at the right time, whatever that might entail for you. OK? (Wonderful. Thank you.) Yes. Would there be other questions here?
(Member question)
I have a question. Yes. A couple nights ago, I went in to brush my teeth and standing in front of a mirror and a couple seconds later, I felt a light tap on the top of my forehead, just on my hairline. And I felt like it was my mother. I get these message sometimes. I was just wondering what that was about.
(OWS Answer)
Well, we will tell you that this is indeed what we have been saying for some time in terms of the glimpses. The glimpses into the other side. Glimpses does not only mean to see, but glimpses can also mean to hear, to feel, to touch, as you are saying. So there will be more and more of these openings where those on the other side,
Those of your guides will be, in a sense, tapping you on the shoulder as this is occurring here, and will occur more often. So be ready for it. We said some time ago, you may begin to see dead people. That was from your movie, where that child saw dead people.
Something that will occur for more and more in the times ahead where they will get those lenses.
(Member comments)
Okay. Okay. Thank you. I understand those so -called dead people are not dead. They are as alive and in some cases even more alive than you are. Right. I’ve seen several. Thank you.
Would there be any other questions here?
(Member question)
Yes, I have a question. Yes. Well, I don’t say it seems, but maybe you could verify. It seems, I’ll just use that term, that time itself is collapsing. It has been, but I’ve really noticed the acceleration of that over the last year or so, especially in the last six months. It seems to be accelerating. I’m assuming, this is partly a question, that we are also heading to zero point.
What I do find though, I guess this is part of my question is it is we’re kind of trapped between two worlds. It’s pretty, it’s getting challenging, I should say, to get 3D type things done, i.e. work and bills and all these other things we got to do day to day in that shortened timeframe. Do you have any suggestions on how we deal with time collapsing on us and sort of how we bridge over to whenever we do hit zero point, which I’m assuming is going to be a lot closer to our point of ascension.
(OWS Answer)
Yes, we will say to be in the moment, be in the moment as much as you possibly can. Do not be concerned about the past or the future. Just be in the present moment. And yes, indeed, your time does appear to be speeding up and, it is speeding up because you are coming closer and closer to that point where past, present and future will all be one as it is in the fifth dimension and higher. So time as you understand it will shift greatly here. And that is all purposeful. So do not be concerned about it. Just be in the moment. You will find that those things of the third dimensional expression will no longer hold your attention as much as they used to.
(Member comments)
Okay. Okay. So with the rising frequency, it’s just those things will kind of fade away within our individual consciousness. Okay. Thank you. Appreciate it.
Would there be any other questions here.
(Member question)
I have a request. I know it’s possible. I’ve been working with my chakras and you know, knowing those kind of chakra archangels and what not through that connection. I was wondering if it would be possible to hear from some of those archangels such as Raphael, Gabriel, Uriel. Is that possible through this channel at some point?
(OWS Comment)
We will say here that certainly anything is possible, but we have a certain lineup we will say here to that is what has been given through this one here James, and there are times when this deviates somewhat but the lineup as you have seen are the ones that have been coming through and they are the ones that agreed to do this prior to this lifetime here. So again there can be some deviation from this at various times. We will see. We will ask and see what the critics say here. OK? (Thank you. Thank you.) Yes.
Any further questions here before we release channel?
(Member question)
Moses here. Greetings. I wanted to understand a little bit more about the communication protocol for when the ones that ascend and follow along to guide our brothers and sisters. Are we going to also have to try to find a channel who can channel our voices and our beings, or are we going to have additional tools for relaying to our brothers and sisters this knowledge? Or will we be here to be able to do that even though we have ascended? Thank you.
(OWS Answer)
We chuckle at this, that you have to find a channel. It’s not so much finding a channel is this situation will arise in whatever needs to be at that time. But do not think that you will not be present in the physical. Here we will say and not so much in your physical body as you know it now but in a in appearance because the veil between the two will we be much less than they are even at this time here. So there will be those expressions where you can be in a body that will appear to those that you are working with. Not so much as it is right now. Okay? (Thank you very much.) Yes. Any further questions? We do need to release channel here.
(Member question)
I have a question. Yes. I’ve been having some issues with my ears, especially my left ear and just feels kind of stuffed up and I’m just wondering if you could add any light to that to the purpose of this. I feel like I know my body talks to me and gives me messages I believe. So just wondering if you had any insight for that.
(OWS Answer)
We will ask you a question here with your ear being stuffed up. Does it hurt? (No, there is no pain.) So is there a situation in your life where you are not wanting to hear something? There’s something you’re telling us that you are not wanting to hear?
(Member comments)
Not that I can think of. I mean, I don’t. Maybe there’s some things I should be saying that I’m not saying. you’re saying about hearing something. Yeah. No, no.
(OWS comments)
Then we will say here that it is more likely what you might call an extension symptom here for you. Or there is nothing physical that is being caused here other than, we will say, of your auditory system here. So it will pass.
(Member comments)
There is no pain. There is no pain, and there is not something I am not wanting to hear than it is what we are saying. OK. Appreciate it. Yes. Very good.
Then we are ready to release channel. And we just say here to continue on with your daily lives. Do not look at changing anything drastically. Just be who you are in the moment as much as you possibly can, each and every moment. And you will find that you will be in the right place at the right time. Again, whatever that might mean for you.
Shanti, peace be with you. Be the One.
These messages were given during our Ancient Awakenings weekly Sunday conference call in Payson, AZ on FEBRUARY 18, 2024. Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author website is clearly stated. Sunday Call Channeling transcriptions. James McConnell:
James & JoAnna McConnell
Spiritual Facilitator/Counselor for 25+ years, James has spoken on behalf of and channeled the Ascended Masters at many gatherings for varied audiences. He has facilitated the spiritual paths of those that are searching for their own truth through weekly groups, speaking engagements and workshops. His journey started over 25 years ago when his Marriage and Family counseling business began using past life regression and spiritual teachings as the basis for helping his clients resolve their issues. He has led expeditions in Mexico in search of ancient records and conducted retreats in Sedona and Flagstaff. James has an MS degree in Counseling Psychology.
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