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New Year Message From The Beings Of Light

New Year Message From The Beings Of Light

We are happy to see you again, dear brothers and sisters of the Earth, during these turbulent times on your planet.

You are currently experiencing a transition between the end of an earth year and the start of a new year. So, what to think of this new year after a year spent in disruptions of all kinds ?

Dear brothers and sisters of the Earth, the coming year will be a continuum of the one you are finishing. What do we mean by this? Quite simply, we want to confirm to you that you will experience again and again disruptions of all kinds, social, political and others. But by these words we do not mean that the disruptions will be dramatic such as wars as you are currently experiencing in certain places on your planet. The new year which presents new energies of energetic and spiritual transitions will shake you in order, again and again, to awaken your sleeping minds to the knowledge of who you are and what True Life is.. 

Human beings have been so subjected to directives, such demeaning teachings for eons that your cellular memories have difficulty believing and experiencing anything other than what you are experiencing and have experienced for a long... long time. Know that your life no longer belonged to you for a long time because you were under the control of those who wanted to be the masters of planet Earth. For this you were constantly confined in thoughts of guilt, you were pushed to submit to the powers of those who led and lead the world.

This time is ending. It really ends but before the new earthly world gives people the freedom to live as they wish with respect for each other, in Love and the vibration of the divine Light in them and on the Earth itself. even, there is a need for purifications of all kinds as we have already told you many times.

No one can access a world of purity and Light vibration without having gone through cleaning and purification. For this, unfortunately there is a need for disturbances to cleanse the Earth and its humanity. Climatic problems will be part of these purifying means, whether tsunamis, storms like you are currently experiencing, etc.…

You will be shaken but understand that this is for a renewal, a rebirth of your beings to an Earth that is clear, luminous and respectful of all that lives on its soil. It is also good to understand that these disturbances will push you to take a look of Love on yourself, to look at what, in you, makes you uncomfortable, to understand what in you is not in line with what presents itself to you now and will present itself to you more and more. By this we mean that faced with the various disturbances that you are going to experience, you will be forced to ask yourself questions about your way of living, about your good or less good relationships with the beings who live around you, to wake up to understanding what Real Life really is.

We often talk to you about True Life because it encompasses your earthly life but goes well beyond that in your universe. True Life encompasses terrestrial life and the life of your entire galaxy, of all the planets, because you are strongly linked to your galaxy and your galaxy is linked to a multitude of galaxies in other universes which themselves are linked to each other. to each other ad infinitum in order to form There Source. The Source is True Life of the entire multitude of universes whose immensity you will not be able to imagine because it is so beyond your comprehension.

But first of all, think about yourself, your planet, all its kingdoms so that you live in total osmosis. When you come to love all the kingdoms, respect them and truly respect the human kingdom, then, at that moment, you will begin to understand True Life.

Dear brothers and sisters of the Earth, you can alleviate all the problems that may present themselves to you in your countries, in your families, in your society by loving yourselves, respecting yourselves and understanding who you are: beings of Pure Light in their essence, deep within you. Become aware of this and you will be able to shine your Light around you. The more of you do this, the more the Earth will vibrate and radiate Divine Light and Peace will settle on your planet..

We accompany you with great love.

Translation By CrystalWind.ca

Marie-Josée Andichou

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