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Galactic Federation: The Great Awakening is Upon Us

Galactic Federation: The Great Awakening is Upon Us

A great tipping point is fast approaching, marking the beginning of a mass awakening in human consciousness! Our earth vibrates at a much higher frequency, paving the way for a new era rooted in universal principles of love, peace, and unity!

Earth's Vibrational Shift Is Happening Now!

The term "Great Awakening" refers to a spiritual awakening or evolution of human consciousness predicted by many spiritual teachers and philosophers over the ages. The idea is that humanity will eventually undergo a collective shift in awareness, ushering in a new era of peace, unity, and heightened perception.

Beliefs in an impending awakening can be traced back thousands of years to ancient spiritual texts and indigenous prophecies, which speak of a time when humans will transcend the ego, materialism, and separation. Many modern thinkers also believe we are on the verge of this shift right now.

Evolutionary theorists like Barbara Marx Hubbard describe this as a "Universal Human" phase where we realize our full potential. Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle speaks of a collective arising of consciousness from its deep sleep of identification with form.

Many believe the accelerated pace of technology in the information age, coupled with global crises, is creating the ripe conditions necessary for a collective awakening. As more people around the world gain access to knowledge and have interconnection with others, we gain perspective on the bigger picture and our shared humanity.

This, in turn, leads to more spiritual seeking and a questioning of current social paradigms. I strongly believe that a great "tipping point" is fast approaching - a culmination that will finally initiate the awakening process!

What might follow is a new era of human existence characterized by cooperation, compassion, and co-creation with nature.

Signs the Awakening is Happening:

More and more people are feeling called to explore mindfulness, meditation, yoga, and spirituality. There is a deeper yearning for meaning, purpose, and connection in our lives. Mainstream narratives are being questioned like never before.

People are seeking authenticity and moving away from consumerism and materialism. A shift in consciousness is emerging as we realize how interconnected we all are. There is less attachment to identities and more focus on our shared humanity.

Many are feeling the stirrings of a profound awakening happening within. We realize that happiness comes from within, not from external sources. Old paradigms and limited ways of thinking are falling away as more expansive perspectives take hold.

Trust in institutions is declining as people think for themselves and follow their own truth. More are speaking out against injustice and seeking positive change in society. There's a greater sense of personal empowerment and taking responsibility.

Though the process may seem chaotic at times, it's all part of the transition to a higher state of being. We are entering a new era of unity consciousness. Collectively, we are evolving beyond fear and into love. The signs are all around us - the Great Awakening is here!

The Ascension of Planet Earth:

The phenomenon known as the "Ascension" refers to the process by which the Earth and all living things upon it are undergoing an evolution in consciousness. Earth and humanity are shifting from the restrictive frequencies of the third dimension into the higher vibrations of the fifth dimension.

Now, our Earth has begun vibrating at an exponentially higher frequency, catalyzing a mass awakening of human consciousness. As human awareness expands, outdated belief systems and divisive ways of living are transcended. This sets the stage for the emergence of a new era founded on the universal principles of love, peace, and unity!

All life on Earth is energetically connected. Therefore, as human consciousness shifts, the collective consciousness of all living things is uplifted. The increased light and energy coming into the planet has set into motion a chain reaction of transformation on all levels — physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

This movement into higher dimensional frequencies is a global "quantum leap" for humanity. It is a graduation into a new phase of our evolutionary journey. Ascension signifies that the Earth and humans are now vibrating at levels that will support greater love, harmony, compassion, and peace.

The time for sleeping is over - now is the time to wake up. Raise your vibration through mindful living. Spread compassion and act for the highest good. Our collective consciousness is more powerful than any technology. The fate of humanity rests in our hands!

Awaken and remember who you truly are. A divine being of light and love. Your inner glow is needed to ignite the hearts of others. Shine your light brightly for all to see. This is your purpose, your destiny.

Welcome to the new Earth!

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.
We are the Galactic Federation.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Channel and Art by Aurora Ray

Copyright 2023 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

We are the ground crew of the Galactic Federation. We're advanced spiritual beings from other stars watching over the evolution in consciousness and assisting the global ascension of Earth and humanity. 
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation | Lyran High Council Elder | Emissary of The Goddess
Source Here

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