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Sun in Cancer

Sun in Cancer

An Overview of Sun Sign Characteristics for Cancer

The name derives from Latin, meaning literally, the crab. The ruler of the fourth sign of the zodiac is the Moon, the Crab, its symbol. The glyph has varied interpretations. This is often seen as representing the breasts, indicating the area of the body ruled by Cancer, as well as the fundamental nurturing nature of the sign. This is also seen as two crab's claws, intertwined in a way which represents the dual nature of the Cancerian personality. In this form, it would be understood as similar to the Asian Yin and Yang symbol.

Cancer Symbol

The Cancerian character is the most perplexing of the signs. Cancer can range from the timid, shy, dull and withdrawn to brilliant, friendly and famous. Cancerians run the entire gamut of human emotion. Fundamentally conservative and home-loving by nature, they appreciate the security of a home-base in which to retire when the stresses of living become too much to bear.

Cancer Associations

Polarity: Negative
Quality: Cardinal
Element: Water
Symbol: The Crab
Color: Grays & Greens
Metal: Silver
Gem: Pearl
Animal: Crustaceans

Sun Sign Personality Traits for Cancer

Cancerians possess strong paternal and maternal instincts. The term nest is an appropriate label for the Cancerian home, because it describes a natural and comfortable type of residence. A retreat for the family, where you can put up your feet and feel at home. Appearing formidable and thick-skinned, Cancerian's have an unemotional demeanor, appearing uncompromising and obstinate. This is the facade they use to mask an insecure nature. Their intimates, however, may see a different character, one with sympathy and sensitivity to other people, especially those they love.

Cancer is an energetic, purposeful and tenacious type. Shrewd and intuitive by nature, Cancerians sometimes project a wisdom which reflects their philosophical view on life. Cancer is able to identify with the feelings of others because of the keen sensitivity of their nature. This capacity for tuning in to others can inspire sympathetic understanding, however, it may also express itself through mimicry or parody. They respond foremost to the urges and dictates of their feelings, thus, the Cancerian can be moody, sulky and inclined to self-pity. Cancer tends to absorb their environment and is over-imaginative by nature. Care should be employed here, as that vibrant sensitivity makes one prone to be a victim of fantasy. Strongly influenced by childhood memories, Cancerians have a tendency to live in the past.

By nature, very giving and selfless, Cancerians need to be aware of falling into the role of martyr in certain situations. One of the interesting contradictions in their nature is that they are prone to a sense of personal inferiority on one hand, and on the other they believe their views, opinions and behaviour to be impeccable, and beyond question or criticism. Strange!

The overall nature of Cancerians is deeply emotional. Although private and reserved, they possess sensitivity and sympathy. Rarely will a Cancer stand on pretence. What appears to be a front is nothing more than a protective shell. Within this tough armour often resides an intuitively compassionate individual yearning for a deep exchange of love and understanding.
Flowers: White Blossoms, Particularly Roses
Herbs: Tarragon, Verbena
Countries: Holland, Scotland, New Zealand
Cities: Amsterdam, New York, Venice
Body Areas: Chest, Breasts, Stomach
Principle: Containment
Keywords: Protective, Sensitive, Tenacious

Vocational Interests Suited to Cancer Tendencies

Their abilities fit them for a range of careers. Always interested in what people are thinking, they have an intuitive sense that makes them good journalists, writers or politicians. They do well in the public sector, and may serve in anything from welfare and nursing to catering. Their love of good living and comfort is personified in many excellent chefs and housekeepers. Cancer has a penchant for trade or business. Being superior organizers, with a sense of value and economics, they are often successful in industry. The Cancer's love of the past make some of them great history buffs, and others, astute antique and curio collectors. Other suitable vocations are real estate, and the service fields of gardening and caretaking. True to their native element, many Cancers are involved in marine activities.

With a natural flair for the dramatic, many Cancerians make life choices that provide outlet for their artistic talents. Whether playing a role for stage or screen, one place these folks will always shine is performing before an audience. It may be an outward manifestation of that keen sensitivity or merely a native aptitude for imitating the mannerisms of others, call it what you will ... Cancer connects.

Astrology Sign Cancer

Insights to a Cancerian Relationship

In their personal relationships they are a mixture of toughness and tenderness. Emotional, romantic and sentimental on one side, and tenaciously possessive and loyal on the other side. Even when they have affairs, their first loyalty is to their partner and family.

Cancers tend to a narrowly focused worldview of which they can be very opinionated. 'Live and let live' is rarely spoken by a Cancerian. They have a retentive memory, and seldom forgive slights and hurts. A Cancerian will never let you forget an error. Like a beach crab, with pincers raised, a slighted cancer will come at you again and again to avenge a perceived hurt. Conversely, Cancers are fiercely loyal to those who show them a good turn. They are driven by their emotional nature, and, in this respect, can be the best and the worst of friends.

The Lore of Cancer in Mythology

Hercules vs The Hydra

The association of Cancer with water dates back to the shadowy dawn of astrology. The image of the crab is Babylonian in origin. In Egypt, this sign was represented by two turtles, and sometimes as an obscure water creature, known as Allul.

The later placement of the crab within the zodiac is related to a minor chapter in Greek mythology, within the Twelve Labors of Herakles. The first labor of Herakles' (Hercules to the Romans), had been to kill the Lion of Nemea. Next in line was the fearsome, many-headed Hydra, a great sea monster, living in the marshes of Lerna. Hera, the goddess who sent Herekles to these tasks, often encouraged his failure. During his battle with Hydra, Hera commanded a nearby crab to attack Herekles and draw his attention away. Without question, the little creature took a claw-hold of a conspicuous toe. This act cost the crab its life, for Hercules abruptly crushed him. Impressed by its loyalty and courage, Hera placed the crab's image in the night sky.

The Hydra had been a favourite to Hera, and was equally honoured by the goddess. Not far from Cancer in the sky, lies the vast, chaotic constellation named for the great beast. Cancer itself is not a brilliant constellation. At its heart, however, is a lovely star cluster, sometimes known in astronomy as the Beehive. The name derives from the appearance of a swarm of stars in a dance of activity.

Traditional Cultural Translations of Cancer

Arabic: Al Saratān French: l'Écrevisse German: Krebs
Greek: Octipes Hebrew: Sartān Hindu: Kulira
Italian: Granchio Portuguese: Câncer Sanskrit: Karkata
Spanish: Cáncer Turkish: Lenkutch

Famous Cancer

Cancer Stamp

Postage stamp from San Marino, 1970, featuring Cancer the Crab zodiac sign and stars.
Printed in San Marino with a value of 4 Sammarinese lira.

"Let everyone mind his own business, and endeavour to be what he was made. If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." —Henry David Thoreau, born July 12, 1817

Hard-Shelled Sympathetic Cancer.
...Who changes like a changeful season:
...Holds fast and lets go without reason?
...Who is there to give adhesion
...To Cancer?

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