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Your Complete Horoscope Guide for January 17th thru the 24th

Your Complete Horoscope Guide for January 17th thru the 24th

For the week of January 17th thru the 24th, be sure to read your Rising Sign as well:


With so many of the planets about to change signs this year and next, it can even feel like an era is gradually coming to closure. There is that recognition of things fading. And so many an Aries may find themselves retrospectively looking to the past, the things that once were, the people that mattered, the accomplishments achieved. Like old ghosts they revisit now and then, reminding you that although things may be changing, you still carry these memories within your heart and mind. This week, as the Sun makes its conjunction with Pluto in Aquarius, it is also a reminder that a new dawn is breaking. And even if that dawn is tinged with a little sorrow for what once was, and maybe a bit of trepidation about what might be, there is not much else to be done right now but to walk through to the other side. And as we do so, we are accompanied by all our memories, all of the reminders of the things that truly matter in the end. The things that count for something. Aries is independent and thankfully so. You all are less likely to be swept along on some sort of populist tide. You are the guys who are tasked with asking: Wait a minute, can you run that by me again? Or to declare that the emperor has no clothes. And we are depending on you to do so. Gather your ghosts to you, your history and your reminders about the things that matter most. For these are not only going to be your own lodestar going forward, but to help you be our guiding light as well. 


Uranus has been working with Taurus these past 7 years, compelling you to revamp your lives, your image, your very self, in order to be a truer and more authentic version of yourself. Like giving birth to yourself, you have dared to reinvent yourselves in ways that are both fascinating and unexpected! Uranus will gradually move on this year. It stations direct at the end of this month, but as it then moves forward it will eventually dip its toes into Gemini and out of Taurus! Will your life become less crazy, less chaotic, less unpredictable as a result? Well, maybe to some degree. But with Pluto now in Aquarius don’t be so sure. The planet of transformation has its eyes on you all, and although it may not be quite the same as Uranus in Taurus, Pluto in Aquarius has this remarkable capacity to totally transform your life in some remarkable way. This week, as the Sun makes its conjunction to Pluto, it’s shining a light on some of the possibilities as well as the responsibilities that lie ahead. It’s almost as if you can see the writing on the wall. For the past 7 years you’ve been receiving lessons about clarity, honesty and authenticity. Use that clarity to see your way forward, and to be a beacon for others to understand as well. Knowing this, go with confidence in order to meet your destiny.


Your ruling planet, Mercury, is in Capricorn until the 27th, and thankfully so. For the sign of Capricorn is a sign of practicality. It allows you to see the truth of the situation. This can help you to make better judgments moving forward, and to make sense, even of the insensible. It also allows you to see how you might want to position yourself as we seem to be entering a whole new paradigm. One thing that we’re all sensing is that we are going through some sort of transition. All of the planets will be changing signs this year. You all will be getting your own illuminating visitation from Uranus later this year. That should light things up a bit! But in the meantime, as the Sun makes its conjunction to Pluto, now in Aquarius, you are also coming to terms with what your own relationship to this new era will be, as well as the responsibilities that might be entailed. It could feel a little awe-inspiring. And challenging! But it may also become evident by the end of this month that a new world is emerging, and with it an immense number of possibilities are capable of unfolding. Pluto has this remarkable way of letting you know in no uncertain terms that things are evolving and changing in the world. And clever and versatile Gemini is being drawn along for the ride. Use it in only the best ways possible.  


On Tuesday, we have the last quarter Moon in the sign of Scorpio making an exact square to Pluto. We are all being made aware that some sort of transformation is taking place as the Sun shines its light on the Lord of Darkness this week. But perhaps no one feels quite so strongly the ramifications and consequences of that transformation. You all are just feeling it in your bones. Even in your own personal life, things that you might have been ignoring, or maybe even pretending away, can no longer be ignored. You know in your bones that some things are going to have to end in order to move into a new era with all of its strangeness and unanticipated twists and turns. And it is not unlikely that many a Cancer is likely to have some sort of life changing experience over the next 20 years as a result. Like a phoenix rising, or the butterfly emerging from its cocoon. You are Persephone being called to the Underworld. It is there that you will confront that which is holding you back, and preventing you from growing. And just as the world is going through its own growing pains, Cancer will be doing so as well. So why not reinvent your life in your own image? In the ways that you would like to see it unfold? Be the orchestra leader and the bass drum, be the witness as well as the midwife, and dare to write the magnum opus of your life to be. 


This week as the Sun enters Aquarius and makes its conjunction to Pluto, it could feel in many ways like the end of one era and the beginning of another. It can feel pretty remarkable, what with all the major planets in the process of changing signs this year, that in many ways the world will never be quite the same again. Or so it feels. And it is not without this profound sense that some sort of radical transformation is taking place, so that even your own world will never be quite the same again. And as one era is ending, another is beginning, and we are all taking our positions on the playing board of life. It could feel at times like things are completely out of your hands. That you have no control over the actions of others, or events that seem to have a life of their own. But within this context you are also getting a feeling of your own power. Now it may seem that that power to transform your life is only through the participation of others. Those sorts of people that can help you to rebuild, reinvent, and reclaim. Just make sure that you are not sacrificing something in the bargain, or losing yourself to something much bigger. Including being the willing architect of this next great phase of your life. 


It can feel lately like the whole world is going to hell in a hand basket, and it’s enough to get your knickers all tied up in a knot. This is when Virgo is just about ready to throw in the towel. And yet, you simply can’t. There is just too much work to do. Like a calling you feel the inevitable tug to get back to doing what you do best: making sense of the insensible, sorting out the chaos, and giving a voice to the voiceless. And even if no one else pays attention to what you have to say, it at least will allow you to sort out your own life! Many a Virgo is at the cutting edge of something shifting in their lives. Something that will free you up in ways that you might not have even imagined. But in the meantime, the Sun enters Aquarius this week and makes its conjunction to Pluto. In one respect this can be a reminder of the things that you do have control over, and those you simply do not. But it can also be a beacon light of hope for the future, and the role you see yourself playing moving forward. Like a light in a dark forest, in some way you are being called. It may seem simple enough. But when we are capable of making a difference in the lives of others, the ramifications of that can be tremendous in this weather. Be the light. Make a difference. And begin with this one thing, this one chore, this one being, this one challenge right here in front of you. 


The Sun enters Aquarius this week and makes its conjunction to Pluto. And as it does so, it is not with the intention of destroying your dreams. On the contrary. Pluto ultimately aims to empower you. You may have encountered some challenges along the way, that may even feel insurmountable. If that is the case do not entirely give up. This may merely be a speed bump, or a much needed reality check. And that can be a good thing. It helps to make sure that you are on the right track, and that you are not getting distracted. Pay attention to what is being revealed this week. Take notes. Follow the signs. In some way your passions are being asked to be reignited. And having that one thing to be passionate about will help to get you on the path that you were meant to be on all along. Whether that be a soulful romance, or a deeply compelling calling, something that is demanding some sort of expression from the very depths of your soul! In some way you are being asked to give birth to something from within you. So even if there are a few speed bumps along the way, do not give up. Follow that which is calling you, for it aims to fill your life with ever deeper meaning and purpose in ways that you might not even imagine. But first you have to make sure that you are on the right track, thanks to those speed bumps. 


Like a butterfly about to emerge from its cocoon, Scorpio is likewise being asked to transform their lives on some of the most fundamental levels. Just know that the sorts of transformations that are often asked of Scorpio are not easy. And this may seem all the more so now that Pluto has entered Aquarius. All of the major planets are shifting signs this year, and so in many ways our lives and the world we live in appears to be going through some major changes of its own. And we’re all being taken along for the ride. But one thing that may become obvious this week, are those things that we may have been in denial about, or were trying to ignore, but simply can’t any more. As the Sun moves into Aquarius and makes its conjunction to Pluto it can serve as something of a reality check. As well as a demarcation between the past and the future. Great beginnings and great endings can occur when Pluto is in Aquarius, which can in turn serve as a catalyst for tremendous internal psychological changes in your own life. And so, as a result of the experiences you have, you are about to embark on a journey of understanding. Getting to the bottom of things. It’s not easy to change old patterns, habits and ideas that took many many years to establish. The only way to do that is to create new patterns, and healthier habits which can eventually replace the old ones. Renewal in action. 


The world is shifting. We’re reaching all of those crises points, all of those markers. And as the Sun enters Aquarius this week and makes its conjunction to Pluto it could even feel as if we are all on the brink of destruction. Everything you hear, watch, see, only seems to further confirm this. Which can seem really scary. Pluto can feel that way when it is under the spotlight. Extreme in its effects, it exerts its control over the proceedings in drastic ways. However, Pluto is also about transformation, rebirth, growth, reinvention, determination even in the face of odds, and most of all survival. And as the world seems to be going through its own metamorphosis, you are also tasked with figuring out how you are going to be adjusting to the new paradigms, and perhaps even reinventing yourself as well. We’re all feeling this. But one thing that may become evident to Sagittarius is the necessity to talk about everything. To be a truth teller. To be informed and share the information. To ask those deep questions. No more avoiding touchy subjects. Even the stuff that nobody wants to talk about. Especially those things that nobody wants to talk about, hear about, or do anything about. Sagittarius is on a mission to know more, and you won’t stop until you have all the answers. 


It can drive you crazy when you see everything in stark relief, and then when you try to tell everyone, they either ignore you or think you are being histrionic. Capricorn? Histrionic? Not on your life. If anyone faces reality, it’s Capricorn. And so when you see something, your inclination is not only to say something, but to figure out what you can DO about it. Right now it could almost feel like your hands are tied. Or that the ability to change things are just so impossible. However, as the Sun enters Aquarius this week and makes its conjunction to Pluto, it’s not trying to stop you. It’s more of a reality check, that’s merely trying to get you to slow down, so that you can create a plan of action for the future. The right sort of plan. A plan that can be effective, and is able to use your talents and resources in service to that plan, in only the best ways possible. In your own personal life you will probably be reprioritizing as well. It would not be unusual for Capricorn to explore the best ways to revamp and rebuild your life so that it is safer and more sustainable moving forward. But perhaps what you are being shown, is not so much about how much you have, but the ways in which you value who you are and what you have to offer. 


This week the Sun enters your sign of Aquarius and makes its conjunction to Pluto. As Pluto changes signs in this way, it can feel as if we are all entering a new era, and it’s taking all of Aquarius-dom along for the ride. The Sun is shining a light on the fact that some sort of major transformation is about to begin. When the planet of major transformations, of rebirth and reinvention enters your sign, be prepared for some sort of important and life-changing experiences to come along and change the picture. Just know that Pluto doesn’t make it easy. This is because Pluto digs down deep, reforming, changing, and even ending. Pluto has this way of bringing us to our knees, before it picks us up again and re-empowers us to begin our whole life all over again, in a new guise, a new role, a new life. This might not be right away, but the Sun/Pluto conjunction in the first degree of Aquarius may be something of a bellwether for what is yet to come. A new beginning, a new choice, a new understanding. In some way or ways you are going to be evolving and growing in ways that you might not have even imagined. And the Sun/Pluto conjunction is just the beginning. 


It’s not that you can’t see the elephant in the room. In fact, if anything you can’t avoid it. But what could be discouraging are what appear to be overwhelming forces that are already snowballing down the mountain. Which could feel insurmountable. Even in your own life you are struggling to protect and defend all that you hold to be true, meaningful and important, even in the face of what can feel like huge changes. This can be daunting! However, no matter what the tea leaves are trying to say, this feeling that you are having of things snowballing out of control, is not so much about destruction as it is about a wakeup call. And about being able to surmount and survive even despite any odds, and then ultimately creating a world that in the long term will be more in alignment with your ideals and dreams. We need to hold to that, and not allow any fears, doubt or trepidation to mar your dreams. Yes we are indeed embarking on some sort of transformation, but it is also in these times that we can create the sorts of changes that we would like to see take hold in the world. We are needing your dreams more than ever. So rather than giving up on them, invest in them, cultivate your dreams, and live your life according to your highest ideals. Be the light that others look to for hope in what can feel like an uncertain world for many. 


Astrology By LaurenA Level IV Certified Consulting Astrologer, in New York City. Source

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