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Universal Principles for Daily Living in the Flow

Just for today I will be grateful
Just for today I will be happy
Just for today I will live in faith
Just for today I will live honestly
Just for today I will honor all life

Living in Gratitude

It has been said that gratitude is the key that unlocks the fullness of life, and this is so true, because when you can be grateful for every little thing in your life, whether it be for the single slice of bread you ate this morning or the fact that the sun rose today or that the tree in your garden produces oxygen for you to breathe. Your gratitude emits a powerful positive energy and the Universe is responding to this energy in a positive way. There is always something to be grateful for. Being grateful becomes a natural and spontaneous response when you’re living in higher levels of consciousness. Expressing gratitude attracts more blessings into your life. BE grateful because you truly FEEL grateful.

Living Happily

Being happy is a decision you make. Do not look to someone else for your happiness, or expect someone else to make you happy. Your happiness is your responsibility, and yours alone. When you decide to be happy you will radiate joy and send this positive energetic vibration out into the Universe, and the Universe will respond in a positive way.

Living in Faith

When you decide to let go of worry and start living in the energy of faith you’re sending a message of TRUST to the Universe and the Universe responds in a positive way. Remember to not have any expectations because then you’re limiting your Divine Source. Let the Universe decide what it is you need for your highest good and you will never experience lack. Living in faith means you never have to worry about anything. Why would you when you know without a shadow of doubt that everything is being taken care of by your Divine Source?

Living Honestly

Living your life honestly means that you live your live in truth – Your truth and whatever that means for you. Not someone else’s, but yours. You’re always deciding what is your truth and what works for you.

Honoring Every Living Thing

When you’re honoring all of life, you’re also honoring yourself and the message you’re sending to your Creative Source (The Creator) is “I honor You”. Know that all Life is an expression of Divine Consciousness whether it BE a drop of water, a flower or the babe you hold in your arms. All is Divine and of the same Source.


These principles for daily living are based on the principles passed on from Dr. Mikao Usui, the founder of the Reiki System of Natural Healing.

Rei (Universal – meaning everywhere) and Ki (Life – Energy) is the energy that is the Power and Creative force of the Universe. This is the energy and consciousness The Christ refers to as UNIVERSAL MIND – The Creative Power behind and within creation itself.

You do not need to be a Reiki healer to work with this energy, although becoming attuned will help you to become aligned to the energy of UNIVERSAL MIND AND DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS.

When you work with this energy in your daily life, your life begins to transform. Your perspective shifts from the physical to the spiritual, and you begin to see yourself as you truly are: a Spiritual Being having a physical experience here on Earth.

The energy of UNIVERSAL MIND is always there, available to you, and it is your choice how and when you choose it to transform your life.

Life is a Dance…. And when you choose to dance in tune with the Song of Creation, doesn’t everything just Flow?


Be Happy! Have an AWESOME day!



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Deborah Faith  – Reiki Master of the USUI System of Natural Healing, NLP (SA) Practitioner, Energy Re-Sourcing™ Therapist, Channel for Archangel Michael and the Angelic Council of Truth and Light.

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