The Alchemy Of The Violet Flame Of St. Germain
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- Written by Steven Hudson

A Message From St Germain
Greetings beloved brothers and sisters, I am St Germain. I come forth with love, respect, and truth. It is an honour to come forth to you and to share an activation. It is not an activation instigated by myself nor those upon the inner planes, it is more of a reminder of who you are and what you are capable of.
As I bring forth information and a remembrance, so the activation will automatically take place within your being. It may require your focus and your attention as you draw the energy and the truth from your being into your awareness, into your reality and your experience.
I, St Germain say to you, you are the truth, you are the truth in embodiment in this moment. You are the truth that exists on the 352 dimensions of the Creator’s Universe. You exist on all these multiple dimensions in different forms and expressions.
With this in mind I, invite you to ask yourself:
- Who am I?
- What is my truth?
You are in existence on the Earth, you are in existence on all 352 dimensions of the Creator’s Universe, and yet in each dimension and upon the Earth you have a different form. Within your existence on the Earth there are multiple dimensions.
You are not only physical, not only emotional, and not only mind, thinking, thoughts, awareness, and consciousness, you are so much more. This means your truth is constantly shifting, and who you are is constantly changing. Your truth is an expression, an expression of the Creator that flows throughout all dimensions and throughout your being on the Earth. Everything you are holds the vibration of your truth.
If you ask within your being for one word that describes your truth throughout all the dimensions and your physical existence. What would that word be?
Understanding that word allows you to grasp an understanding of your truth, your truth on all dimensions and in every existence. While this one word may be limiting in its expression of your truth, it aligns you, focusing your mind and your awareness, allowing the truth within you to activate.
Accessing this truth is like accessing a very pure aspect of your being, an aspect that is beyond the ego, even beyond thoughts, and form. This truth is beyond your soul’s contract for this existence and yet it is an integral aspect of your existence on the Earth.
You might say it is the foundation that creates everything. It is the foundation that manifests fulfilment for you on the Earth and all other dimensions. This word that you discover is like an activation, it is like a key that opens the door to your truth and who you truly are on all levels.
The other activation, I, Saint Germain, wish to share with you is a simple awareness and remembrance. If your truth exists upon so many levels, dimensions and within your being, it is the same on all those dimensions and yet it evolves and blossoms.
This means that within every aspect of your Incarnation upon the Earth there is the vibration of truth, and it is for you to explore this vibration of truth in a physical form and a physical way. A deeper understanding is that this vibration of truth exists within the cells of your physical body. It has been there since your birth and remains within every single cell.
To activate your truth into physical manifestation, physical awareness, and experience there is a need to activate the truth held within your cells. In doing so your body and all energy bodies will transform, as if singing the vibration of your truth.
As your thoughts shift, your emotions shift, and aspects of your physical body heal and transform. You will come to know yourself more fully and with greater understanding, allowing your intuition to guide you further into fulfilment and expression of the Creator. Therefore you gain a deeper understanding of the Creator, realising the presence of the Creator is all around you, most prominently within you.
How does it change your perspective if you acknowledge that your cells hold the truth of your being, who you really are, the truth of the Creator, and that they are ready to be expressed and experienced?
You may notice your mind, and your thoughts begin to transform. Maybe you look at illness, death, healing, or your experiences on the Earth in a different way. Maybe you allow yourself to realise your inner power and the impact you have upon your own being, reality, and your ascension process. As you allow your thoughts and your perspective to shift and alter, the activation will take place.
I, St. Germain encourage you to take time in meditation, repeating the affirmation:
“I am the truth of the Creator; I activate the truth from every cell of my being.”
Imagine, sense, acknowledge, and contemplate your cells activating, releasing, holding, and emanating the vibration of truth. Imagine this for a few moments, imagine it daily, as you encourage yourself to acknowledge your truth, to activate your truth, and to experience your truth on the Earth. In doing so you will awaken all you are, and all that is the fulfilment and the Creator vibrations within your being.
Why do we need to recognise that the cells hold the truth?
Often, we are impacted by outside influences, outside suggestions, opinions judgments, scenarios, experiences, and this impacts the cells of your being. What you put into your body, food, drink, other aspects that your body absorbs impacts your cells, impact even who you are.
As you allow yourself to acknowledge that your cells hold the truth, and this truth can be radiated, this understanding will overpower any outside influences or anything that you accept into your body, whether believing it as helpful or not. The truth will transform you on so many levels of your being especially physically, reminding you of your health, well-being, healing abilities, and power which remains with you always, and yet sometimes is not recognised.
With outside influences impacting your being in so many different ways it is time to step into your power. When you activate your cells as carriers of truth, you physically feel the presence of your truth. You can act and react from this truth, creating truth in your reality. As more and more people achieve this, so the reality of truth, the reality of the Creator will dawn and manifest present for all to experience.
I, St Germain, am present to assist and support you, my love is with you eternally.
I thank you.
Infinite Blessings of God’s Love, Enlightenment, Infinity Healing, Violet Flames, Peace, Joy, & Abundance that are Divinely Perfect for Each of You in Every Moment!
I am St Germain.
And as each of you are, I Am The Truth of the Creator!
Channeled by Steven Hudson
Translation by
© 2022 All rights reserved.
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