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Saint Germain: Umbilical Cord To The Divine

Saint Germain: Umbilical Cord To The Divine

It is the greatest upheaval in human history that is happening now and it is the upheaval within you.


In the end, love defeats everything and everyone! Love is the solution and God reveals this to you every day.

Loved one,

in times of upheaval and on days when great discharges manifest themselves, it is of the utmost importance that you stay in the inner center and rest within yourself.

During the storm, it is important to set an anchor in yourself, to stay in touch with your heart and with the divine power within you.

An intact umbilical cord to the divine is now important.

Therefore, do not deal too long with the evil and injustice in the world, but focus all your attention on the solutions – away from problem-oriented thinking and towards solution-oriented thinking, away from what does not work and towards what works, away from evil towards the good, true and truthful.

The new humanity is emerging

The new humanity is emerging in these days – and it is emerging in the hearts of individuals. Quietly, barely visible, the spiritual revolution begins.

More and more people are touched by the light of the CENTRAL SUN and their hearts are transformed. People you would never have believed in find their spiritual roots and they begin to redefine their missions.

It is the greatest upheaval in human history that is happening now and it is the upheaval within you.

So never despair if you perceive too few changes when you look at the world. Be sure: Through the transformation of hearts, which is now in full swing, the day that comes, everything will change in one jerk – and in a jerk, the earth as you have known it so far will be unhinged.

Course of Life

Now we are experiencing the time of inner perfection of many people. It is the inner rebellion and the inner awakening that is now taking place and drawing ever wider circles.

Do not be deceived by the seemingly sluggish developments on the outside, what builds up behind the visible is awe-inspiring and everything changes.

That's all that matters!

Now you will be trained in your perception and your capacity for love will be increased until you can no longer feel hatred and overcome fear. Then you have passed the course of life and you will be sent into the world.

It happens that you are inwardly prepared and tuned in to the day that is coming – nothing and no one in the world can prevent this day. Everything obeys the divine plan that is there: to lift up this world and the people with it.

Until you are perfect in love, the wheel of time turns.

I love you infinitely

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
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