Big Change in Time: Semjase of Temmer, Pleiadian
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- Written by AndEl

Long, long ago you had a planet that saw a turn of events that put into play some threads of activity which led to the turmoil you see around you today. If you do not see turmoil directly, you can see it easily enough from any number of sources, given your penchant for technological communication. However, just because something has been told to you as a certainty does not mean that either your source of information was wrong or that the extreme end of where you could have gone is shortly to be your reality. You have come to a point of being aware of the whole story of how you got to where you now are so that the next steps you take will be made on your own inner deciding. Knowing some more of the history of Earth is helpful in navigating the unknown future ahead. No one has said the full truth yet and while we are ready to share the bigger picture with you, you are ready to receive only some of the information only because your history will follow a different path than the one you have been working so hard to share, should too much be divulged too soon. So we have a part of your history to share with you today. More will follow as time allows.
As I said above, the trajectory of your humanity’s path had long ago been somewhat altered by the introduction of some chaotic elements that disrupted the even flow toward fuller development of your planetary exercise in evolvement and civilization. As with all systems, the introduction of chaos tests the mettle of the experimental design and adjusts certain parameters to cope with the stresses of unpredictability. This aids in strengthening the overall circuitry of design intelligence and gives the designers of the situational exercise (that includes you and others outside of your planetary sphere of intercommunication) the feedback they require to adjust from within the collective framework of understanding that feeds into the individual participants’ awareness. In short, the chaos of uninvited guests has, from your perspective, tilted the wheel of evolution out of your favor but has also given your entire planetary civilization the opportunity to find greater common strength and integrity, if you are able to cope with the unpredictable stresses that come with change. Your conceptual higher-level consciousness source-point learns from the array of individual responses and strategically adjusts here and there as appropriate. These adjustments can come in the form of alterations in your life plans, situational shifts and relational dissolutions, accidents, miracles, healings, loss, and so on. You are aware of the impact such adjustments can have on your life path and growth, individually. Imagine the impact such adjustments have on the collective, and you will see the potential that is in every unexpected adjustment that is introduced by collective choice and overseen allowance. It is the core dynamic of collective evolution at work.
As to the present context: You find yourselves in the heat of several shift points and this is something that is going to have a great impact on the collective, moving forward into the next phase of the unfoldment of your history as a people of a world. You will see great changes only hinted at in previous transmissions from some who have managed to separate their sight from fear. We of the League of Light are watching and waiting for some events to come into play before venturing out into the atmospheric visual screen in a more definitively public way, and in fact you may say that we are keeping our own plans quite hush-hush. You understand the need for such a stance. It is not to frustrate those of you who would rather read about your historical unfoldment instead of participating in it directly. We know it is a safer bet to read about it but there is something to be said for letting go of needing to know details and instead trusting that you are here, now, because your soul spoke out that you wanted to live and to breathe and to have your entry into the game mean something for the sake of love’s intelligent energetic play. Here you are, and you must know that to have the future told to you does spoil the plot. You have meaning in your life, and this is the reason that you must not have the full picture, to influence you in ways that would undermine your soul’s plan. Thus we stay silent, relatively, and say merely that as things continue to heat up in spots here and there, remaining totally within the core of your being will give you the grace you need to move through the coming changes with ease, in place of fighting and mistrusting your own wholly integrated self. When the fighting within yourself ceases, you can begin to taste the nectar of what it is to have fighting be merely a function of growth and not disharmony and destruction. Fighting against the truth of who you are has led to forgetting the truth of why there is a world of love at all, and this is best remembered without the internal discord of inner mistrust of a process your soul has well in hand.
This is the reason you have come to this world in the first place, those of you who have the memory of war being begun over the right of a people to live free. You have come to be in this moment now, in this world of chaos and beauty juxtaposed, to find the balance of peace within your own understanding of what it is to be fully human in the face of degradation and betrayal of trust from those who have held a sacred honor to protect and support the cause of human dignity on Earth. We have been in the wings, so to speak, to give you the whispers from off-stage to remind you of this. What has become of your ability to tune into the higher frequencies of light that carry the message of your own truth and liberation? You have not lost one iota of it, dear ones, and we attest to that by joining with you as often as you would like to be in contact with us, etherically or telepathically, or just to know that there is some level of support that is unseen and trusted. We can’t just pop in and take care of the mess, but we can be relatively present for you while you take control of the situation from within your own psyche and thus, by extension, from within the collective of human consciousness. Thus does a world change and a people awaken.
Your history has not been hijacked nor has your future been demolished. Nothing is in the firm carving of stone, and dark magic cannot withstand the light of love recognized and magnified. It is this that is your salvation, dear ones, not some silver ship from the sky. Oh, we are present, that is true, but the savior you have sought, if you have had the courage to believe in salvation, is within yourselves. It is the way of the true Earth to act in accordance with such knowledge, and the path home for those voyagers who have their home elsewhere. Together you can open the path so more may find their way home, the path within.
You share the world with others who have laid claim on it. It is part of the history of your world that there is silent encouragement from other worlds, and those who vie for control of your world know that you have come to the level of awareness that puts a little bit of chaos into their well-laid plans. You are not sheltering in place while the world ends; far from it, you have entered into a new phase of living with those who would rather have you in their demonic forces. In the great scheme of things, such a thing would be a form of hijacking. As things stand, however, they are more like sentinels watching the end of the world and you are like the new Earth’s seed coming to life. Let this moment be bright for you, and know that as all things do, this turns into a new moment in a new understanding of what the beginning is. We bring our love to you now and always, dear ones, and with our general intention for your well-being as a people of a planet, we bear our best wishes for you for bright transformations and life. Nothing less that your greatest evolvement toward beings of great light do we carry for you. Know we are with you in ways that are growing ever bolder. With great love, I say be in peace until our next transmission.

through Maryann Rada
The Pleiadian Renegades are a collective of beings from a high-frequency, low-density reality that sources from the light of the sun of Alcyone. They are human beings of a higher level of awareness and come to our realm of awareness now as midwives for our collective transformation into the consciousness of divinity. They do this with great love, humor, and depth of understanding.
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