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John F. Kennedy Reveals The Real 9/11 Truth: The Hidden Agenda Unveiled

John F. Kennedy Reveals The Real 9/11 Truth: The Hidden Agenda Unveiled

Good Morning America and the World,

I am John F. Kennedy, the President of United States, and I am happy to be back.

I am going to continue to bring the truth as a part of disclosure to humanity. I am going to disclose today, on what really happened 23 years ago in New York, United States.

Two days ago was the 23rd Anniversary of 9/11. When on September 11, 2001, supposedly 19 terrorists from al-Qaeda hijacked 4 commercial airliners, two of them crashing into the Twin Towers of the World Center in New York, United States, one plane hitting the Pentagon headquarters in Virginia and the last jet crashing in Pennsylvania in the field. That is a complete lie, I am now going to reveal the truth on what really happened on that day.

The Twin Towers of the World Center in New York were going to be the headquarters for a new financial system for humanity. The Dark Ones found out about this, and they were planning for a few years on how to destroy these buildings. Alliance was warned by the Galactic Light Forces that the Dark Forces were planning an attack on the Twin Towers. They did not take the threat seriously and did not secure that location well. The Negative Ones sneaked into those two skyscrapers and put explosives throughout the buildings, which allowed for them to detonated from a distance like a controlled demolition.

On September 11 of that year a new financial system, Nesara/Gesara, global currency reset, forgiveness of all of the debt were going to be a launched from the Twin Towers of the World Center. Sadly, the Darkness stopped it by having its evil forces blow up both buildings with dynamite. You are probably going to say, but many people saw a live video of the second airplane hitting the South Tower. That’s not on what happened, it was not live footage. The night before the Negative Ones gave prerecorded video of a CGI created commercial jets crashing into the Twin Towers to the bosses of the news media companies.

So all of the people who were watching the news live and saw the plane fly into with the South Tower, they were actually seeing a taped version with a fake virtual passenger jet crashing into the World Center building. The Negative Forces put their main focus on convincing humanity, that this was a terrorist attack with a hijacked aircraft with the video of the second airplane crashing into the Twin Tower skyscraper. They created many fake videos from different angles with CGI made airliner colliding with the tall building. There is only one main video of the virtual jet flying into the North Tower.

The footage of the collision in the air is not very convincing, as the supposed person who tape it, in his reaction he never says the word plane. What the Dark Entities did not think about is the fact that random humans would be recording the two buildings with their cameras and that’s exactly on what happened. There are two video footages from the ground and in the sky that show the South Tower was not hit by any commercial plane, instead there is just an explosion at the top part of the building. Also, no one says the word plane in any of the videos.

Many remember that the Twin Towers of the World Center were completely destroyed by the supposedly two jets that caused both skyscrapers to collapse from fire. Very few probably know that there was a third building, which was demolished, it was 7 World Trade Center. This structure was not hit by any fake airplane, but it was also completely destroyed from the fire on top floors, another lie. All of these 3 buildings collapsed in a few seconds from the fires on high floors. That’s not possible, for example just because the 89th floor collapses from fire, that doesn’t mean the 88th floor will automatically, there would be some kind of resistance for a period of time, because that floor is not damaged at all.

Not all of the floors fall apart at the same time as a domino effect. That happens in a controlled demolition, when the building is blown up with a dynamite. There is a video that shows two firefighters being interviewed, after they come out from one the buildings, one them said he heard a secondary explosion inside. The second firefighter said there could be more buildings blown up and few other firefighters described the destruction of one the Twin Towers, as if it was denoted, floor after floor. All of the three of these World Center buildings were taken down in a few seconds, exactly like a controlled demolition with explosives.

An example of this is recently the Hertz Tower in Louisiana, United States was destroyed in a few seconds with controlled demolition just like the 3 World Towers in 2001. The Pentagon headquarters, which was supposedly damaged by a commercial aircraft, that also was a lie. It was actually hit by a missile, there is a security video footage that shows from two angles. In the first view on the right side of the screen a white line appears before it hits the Pentagon building, once it hits its target, there is an explosion, but there is no sign of any airplane.

The second view from a top left angle, it clearly shows that it was not a plane that hit the Pentagon structure, instead it was a missile. Commercial jets are big, it would be easy to see them in the video even during the explosion. There is also another video which has a person walk with camera very close to the damaged part of the Pentagon headquarters and zooms in with the camera, again there is no airplane there, not one part of the plane.

Now to the fourth and last aircraft, which supposedly crashed in the field in Pennsylvania, because the passengers were fighting with the terrorists. That was a lie, there is a video that shows from different angles of the crash site. There is no sign of any big commercial jet, not one piece or even any fire burning. When planes hit the ground, they don’t just completely disappear, land is not an ocean, where the airplane would sink to the bottom and disappear.

A missile was fired in that area instead of a jet crashing into the land. All of the terrorists, pilots and passengers were made up and did not exist. The recorded phone calls from the passengers from the commercial planes, the interviews by their supposedly loved ones, all of the people who said they saw airplanes hitting the Twin Towers in the interviews were staged. Remember the Dark Ones planned this attack for a few years. Their goal was to stop the launch of a new financial system on that day for humanity, which unfortunately they succeeded. The second reason was to have an excuse to start more wars, the war on terror, as it’s good for business to make lots of money on human suffering.

After September 11, 2001, the Negative Ones started war in Iraq, which was based on a complete lie, they never found any weapons of mass destruction. The main reasons the Dark American government went to war with Iraq, because Saddam Hussein refused to follow their orders, to control and steal the resources from the country like oil and gold. A war in Afghanistan it was all about getting control of all the opium poppy drug business in the country to make a lot of money from it. They cared very little about the Taliban, unless they got in the way of the drug trafficking. It costed United States with a disclosed amount of 3 trillion dollars for the Iraq war.

America spent 20 years in Afghanistan and based on released information spent 2.3 trillion dollars on a war, and what did they accomplished, nothing. US military left in August 31, 2021, leaving behind 7.12 billion dollars’ worth of military equipment. The Taliban took over the whole country and have been ruling it for 3 years now. It’s a very oppressive regime especially for women like education is not allowed past 6th grade, not allowed to work in most of the jobs, they are banned from playing sports, being in public places like parks, gyms and restaurants.

On August 14, 2024, the Taliban showed off the armored vehicles left behind by United States in a military parade in which women were banned from attending the event. The American government serving Darkness blew up 3 World Trade Centers with explosives, hit the Pentagon building with a missile and the second missile hit the open field in Pennsylvania. The reason they destroyed the third World Center building, damaged the Pentagon and fake crashed commercial jet in Pennsylvania, to make it less suspicious that the real target was the Twin Towers.

There were no planes or terrorists involved in the 9/11 attack at New York in America. US government did this to their own citizens and humanity preventing from launching on that day a new financial system on Earth. The destructions of the Twin Towers of the World Center gave the Dark Forces on the planet an excuse to start two wars in Iraq and in Afghanistan. The Negative military industry made plenty of money from it, while many humans were forced out of their bodies. As it been reported, it costed 5.3 trillion dollars for the two wars, it’s actually much more than being revealed, the number is 10 trillion dollars.

Dear Patriots, you can see clearly from this disclosure, you can’t trust your representatives, they never really represented you or wanted for you to have a good life. They only care about making money from military conflicts around the globe and see humans suffer. Please, remember, they can’t win in this battle between Darkness and Light. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Sending my Love and Support to My Brothers and Sisters.

The Truth Will Set You Free

John F. Kennedy

Channeled by Erena Velazquez
Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces

Photo credit - CrystalWind.ca - AI generated

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