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The Spiritual Impact The Leo Full Moon And Total Lunar Eclipse Are Bringing

The Spiritual Impact The Leo Full Moon And Total Lunar Eclipse Are Bringing

Dear Friends,
on Sunday January 20th we will collectively experience the impact of a New Moon in the especially powerful positioning of 0 degrees and 52 minutes in the star sign of the fiery Leo. This Moon event is the second in a row that comes coupled with an eclipse – this time a total lunar eclipse. That means it is another profound generator for change in the collective mindset of humanity on planet earth. Another big chance for a quantum leap of awakening into the Golden Age of Aquarius and a more humane approach to life over all.

The first thing that we might feel very prominently during the influence of this powerful New Moon is that romance and even the chance for true love are in the air. Now is no longer the time to contemplate what we want or concentrate on concepts and ideas of love relationships, if you want to be in a romantic engagement than the moment is now. Allow yourself to fly free from the mind and open your heart to the very version of unconditional love offered to you, and it might just end up being for a lifetime!!

We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.
Kurt Vonnegut

Everyone has their own ways of expression. I believe we all have a lot to say, but finding ways to say it is more than half the battle.
Criss Jami

An energetic support field that can help us develop the courage to take the chance and make the leap of faith into profound connections with other are the Ascended Masters God and Goddess Meru.
The message of God and Goddess Meru to humanity is:
Trust the flow of life!! Don’t be impatient!! Everything needs it’s time! In the right moment your eyes will be opened. You’ll get aware of all the beauty of life, and will understand what is not understandable for you right now.

For all who desire to manifest the united flame of unconditional love within themselves, this is a prayer to connect with the energy field of the masters.
God & Goddess Meru
Divine Light into your hands I commend my spirit.
Mighty I AM Presence my Holy Christ Self,
power of the blue-lightening angels,
lead me to the Temple of Illumination of God and Goddess Meru.

Escort me, instruct me, guide and protect me.
I pray to the inner fire of illumination,
to inflame my devotion for service to the divine plan,
and for all life on earth.

The intense Leo Moon energies will shine their light on our individual special abilities these days, and provide us with the confidence to bring them out into the world. If you have a secret passion that can bring joy to the world, now is the moment to share and spread it! Where there is a heightened sense for creativity, there is also an extended sense for chaos, as they both sprout from the divine feminine side within us. Just be aware that there is a method to the chaos and allow your own light to shine through in many different ways and colors.

I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking.
Albert Einstein

The chief enemy of creativity is good sense.
Pablo Picasso

It’s not where you take things from – it’s where you take them to.
Jean-Luc Godard

It’s easy to attack and destroy an act of creation. It’s a lot more difficult to perform one.
Chuck Palahniuk

If you need some help along the way, align yourself and get in touch with the energy field of the Ascended Master for creativity Paolo Veronese!
Instruct me in the law of love
and give me the formula for the victory
of the love flame within my heart.

I AM the light of the heart
Shining in the darkness of being
And changing all into the golden treasury of the mind of Christ!

I AM projecting my love out into the world
To erase all error, to break down all barriers!

And last but not least, it helps to be aware of the fire qualities of this massively influential New Moon in Leo. What ever we are truly passionate about will be burning in or soul these days, until we find an appropriate way of expression to bring it out into the open. Also we might experience challenges coming back to us from our past that have to do with patience right now. Try to watch your reactions more than getting lost in them and take wise conclusions from every situation that you experience as difficulty to you. That might not help much in the moment, but will take you over time to the ability of creating a new reaction pattern.

Dear Ones, I hope you are all feeling highly motivated to go with the flow of this collective push for humanity to make profound changes in our minds and hearts. I hope you are ready to embrace true love if it should finds you on your way these days, and joyfully invest your time in creating balanced new relationships!

Love & Full Moon Blessings!

Edith Boyer-Telmer - I was born, as an Indigo Child, a Highly Sensitive – Empath, a Visionary, an Introvert and a romantic Dream-creator, in 1968 in Vienna, Austria. I was the youngest child in a family of eight, with 2 sisters and 3 brothers. Nothing special or extraordinary on the outside, but on the inside I had a hard time growing up. Living in an environment where all of this terms where alien to other family members, my friends, teacher and trainer, I did not know how to live my energy authentically.

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