Venus Enters Taurus, March 5, 2020 - Touch
- Details
- Written by Cristina

Our bodies are vessels of love. Through touch, through the senses, love becomes manifest, tangible reality. Love is an embodied experience. Our bodies are every bit as sacred as the love they, too, deserve.
In the luscious, earthly realm of Taurus, Venus, the ethereal Goddess of pleasure, relatedness and desire, feels right at home, for she revels in one of the most life-affirming expressions of love: feeding and watering what we treasure and cherish, so that it can grow and flourish. Figuratively, of course, but literally, too.
Feeding and solidifying the connections that matters the most to us, as well as tending to and nurturing our vessels of flesh and bone. Our bodies know. Our bodies remember. And in times like these, when they are turned into the receptacle of our most ancestral fears — the experience being especially traumatic and re-traumatizing for Asian POC — our bodies grieve. Our bodies starve, as we become increasingly disconnected from them. With our brains in defense mode, bodies — ours, other people’s — start to feel like barriers, insurmountable and porous at the same time. Enemies, even.
Venus entering Taurus on March 5 offers us the opportunity to build a safe and steady connection back to the senses, through the pursuit of pleasure and the practice of awareness within the body. Until our cup overflows. Until we are able to love one another the way Earth does: giving. Unconditionally.
Our bodies are not walking pathogens. Nor do they exist to be objectified, to be held up to whatsoever standard. Our bodies do not conspire against us. They are the ultimate safe space. They carry us and sustain us, allowing us to experience the full spectrum of our humanness. Witnessing our internal experience of the body, beyond all human-made cultural constructs, is quite possibly the ultimate form of self-care. And as soon as we allow ourselves to feel comfortable in our own skin, our heart expands — more capacity for love, more receptiveness, less negative self-evaluation, less internalized shame about who we are or who we love.
Venus in Taurus encourages us to bond with ourselves and with others through giving and receiving, through the exchange of value, through a love language that is physical, tactile and solid. Starting with that very same body that shields us, acting as a bridge between matter and Spirit. Let us honour the Goddess by getting so deeply, voluptuously intimate with our own bodies that the joy and pleasure they hold within can’t help but spill over the whole world.
If you want to know how Venus’ ingress of Taurus might affect you, you can purchase an astrology reading. Tarot readings are also available!
Picture by Nichole Sebastian on Pexels.
Cristina Zodiac Poetry
Hi! I'm Cristina and I've been blogging about Astrology and consulting with clients since 2013. To me, Astrology is personal, spiritual, political and magickal at once, and it should be used to uplift, empower and clarify. This is what I do with my clients.
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You can keep up with me on Facebook and Instagram, where I will post daily musings and detailed interpretations for the current aspects.
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