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Astrology in late November 2019 Through early January 2020 - Mars In Scorpio

Astrology in late November 2019 Through early January 2020 - Mars In Scorpio

On November 18/19, 2019 Mars enters Scorpio. What does this mean for all of us?

It means that how we generally “attack the problems of life,” or how we “take the initiative” is now expressed through the intensely focused scrutiny of the sign of relentless investigation, the magnetic Fixed Water of Scorpio. The transit of Mars in Scorpio finishes the occupancy of that sign for the year, as Mercury, Venus, and the Sun will all be in Capricorn or Aquarius by the time Mars leaves Scorpio and enters Sagittarius on January 3.

Scorpio is where the idealistic expression of Libra is tested for its fitness in culminating the process, and all that is not necessary or cannot function as needed is eliminated. Mars is at home in Scorpio, so expresses itself naturally and precisely, if sometimes too intensely!

Mars is still accelerating in speed after its retrograde slowdown between late Capricorn and mid-Aquarius from April to October 2018. Mars retrograde allows us to undo, re-do, or re-plan our lives with an eye to leaving behind old projections. As we have another coming in the Autumn of 2020, that one will give us time to make sure of plans before we leap into the Grand Mutation of 2020 commencing in late December, launching a new 200 year era!

We navigated deep feeling waters and saw the need for closure in old parts of our lives during its time in Pisces in November and December 2018. January and the first half of February 2019 Mars transited its home sign of fiery Aries, so we had more energy helping facilitate direct action. This led us to its transit of Taurus between mid-February and late March which stabilized our forward momentum and helped us enjoy simply doing what we had to do.

Its transit through Gemini and Cancer in April, May, and June opened a time of discovery and sensitivity to doing what we had to do to gather what we needed to support our continuing growth. Its transit of Leo between early July and late August gave us new initiatives wherever we have Leo in our charts, allowing us to know what our hearts were into.

Its transit in Virgo between mid-August and early October coincided with a lot of conjunctions which shaped the past 2 months with opportunities to make practical adjustments in our expression, taking care of business and adjusting what we did and how we did it. It’s been in Libra since early October, and during this span we have moved into new ideals and our prior initiative were recalibrated in light of what the “public not-self” requires. Mars in Libra is in “exile,” since the balanced “compare and contrast” process of the sign of the just and equable judge, the idealistic Cardinal Air of Libra is NOT natural to Mars, which rules fiery Aries and intense Scorpio!

Mars in Scorpio also means that any planets or angles we have in Aries or Scorpio have moved out of an airy expression into a watery expression. This also impacts the houses where we have these signs, and puts a huge focus of activity in the house where we have the first 10 degrees of Scorpio through December 3. From December 3 through 18 the focus of activity will be in the house where we have the second 10 degrees of Scorpio, with the focus on the last 10 degrees of Scorpio between December 18 and January 4, 2020.

The Mars Challenge Since January 2019

When Mars was in Aries, it brought new beginnings to those with Sun or Ascendant in Aries, and new emergent developments to those with Sun or Ascendant in Capricorn. It puts the focus on relationships to those with Sun or Ascendant in Libra, and fulfillment to those with Sun or Ascendant in Cancer.

While Mars was in Taurus, it brought new beginnings to those with Sun or Ascendant in Taurus, and new emergent developments to those with Sun or Ascendant in Aquarius. It put the focus on relationships to those with Sun or Ascendant in Scorpio, and fulfillment or public activity to those with Sun or Ascendant in Leo.

While Mars was in Gemini, it brought new beginnings to those with Sun or Ascendant in Gemini, and new emergent developments to those with Sun or Ascendant in Pisces. It puts the focus on relationships to those with Sun or Ascendant in Sagittarius, and fulfillment to those with Sun or Ascendant in Virgo.

While Mars was in Cancer, it brought new beginnings to those with Sun or Ascendant in Cancer, and new emergent developments to those with Sun or Ascendant in Aries. It put the focus on relationships to those with Sun or Ascendant in Capricorn, and fulfillment or public activity to those with Sun or Ascendant in Libra.

While Mars was in Leo, it brought new beginnings to those with Sun or Ascendant in Leo, and new emergent developments to those with Sun or Ascendant in Taurus. It put the focus on relationships to those with Sun or Ascendant in Aquarius, and fulfillment or public activity to those with Sun or Ascendant in Scorpio.

While Mars was in Virgo, it brought new beginnings to those with Sun or Ascendant in Virgo, and new emergent developments to those with Sun or Ascendant in Gemini. It put the focus on relationships to those with Sun or Ascendant in Pisces, and fulfillment or public activity to those with Sun or Ascendant in Sagittarius.

While Mars was in Libra, it brought new beginnings to those with Sun or Ascendant in Libra, and new emergent developments to those with Sun or Ascendant in Cancer. It put the focus on relationships to those with Sun or Ascendant in Aries, and fulfillment or public activity to those with Sun or Ascendant in Capricorn.

While Mars is in Scorpio, it will bring new beginnings to those with Sun or Ascendant in Scorpio, and new emergent developments to those with Sun or Ascendant in Leo. It puts the focus on relationships to those with Sun or Ascendant in Taurus, and fulfillment or public activity to those with Sun or Ascendant in Aquarius.

Obviously within these transit spans there are other “phase relationships” between transiting Mars and all the planets in our charts, but to go into all of them would make this article a book. For example, Mars makes aspects to your other planets which are different than aspects to your Sun and Ascendant. All aspects, waxing and waning, fall within “The Whole Cycle” of each planet to every other planets and our Ascendant. You can find out more about the Whole Cycle in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend. where I explain the various phases in the planetary cycles in terms of the Whole Cycle for various generations.

Mars Links to the Past, Present, and Future

While Mars now initiates a new time of activity wherever we have Scorpio, it activates the information Mercury brought and Venus confirmed was of value when they transited Scorpio in October, reviewed via Mercury retrograde in November while being illuminated or vitalized by the Sun in its transit of Scorpio. This will continue into the future, since the inner planets all are ahead of Mars in terms of signs. Mars activates what the other planets have set into play with their transits.

This begins a new cycle of expression related to the lessons we learned while Saturn was in Scorpio between October 2012 and December 2014, and June-September 2015. Obviously Mars activates the Saturn lessons of Oct 2012-2013 when Mars transits the first 12 degrees of Scorpio between now and December 7. The rest of December Mars will activate the Saturn lessons of Oct 2013 through September 2015. All of these themes were expanded into something related to our greater life path between October 2017 and early November 2018 when Jupiter was in Scorpio.

In October 2017 the Sun conjuncted Jupiter at 4 Scorpio, setting a 12 year themes related to that degree into action. Those larger Jupiter in Scorpio themes were renewed each year after that via the transits of the inner planets through Scorpio, with a new 2 year “pulse” set into motion during the Mars transit through Scorpio beginning mid-December 2017. They are now about to be renewed again in a big way by the current Mars transit.

That means all the truths, potentials, opportunities, adventures, and visions of the future we opened to between October 2017 and November 2018 can now be acted upon in new ways, or ways that renew that pulse. It can also bring completion to those things set into motion during any of those previous periods.

Aspects in Play

We’re now going to experience a renewed Scorpio promise in the house(s) where we have that sign in our charts. Mars enters Scorpio and makes an immediate opposition to Uranus and quintile to Saturn, and then in early December makes a septile to Jupiter, sextile from Venus, and quintile to Pluto. It then moves into a trine to Neptune, semisquare to Jupiter, and sextiles Saturn and Pluto. By the end of December there is a quintile from Venus, novile to Jupiter, and septile to Saturn.

Remember all of Mars’ aspects to Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Pluto are waning aspects. These all close the old Mars cycles relative to these spiritual planets, preparing us for the new beginnings when Mars conjuncts Jupiter, Pluto, and Saturn in March 2020, priming the pump for the Grand Mutation of 2020 which launches a new 200 year era, as I noted earlier.

What Do Mars Oppositions Teach Us?

At this point in its cycle, Mars is done with being the nozzle of “focused activity” for all the other planetary energies which it was during the Spring. It made its oppositions from Gemini to Jupiter in early May, and from Cancer to Saturn and Pluto in June. The June oppositions had Mercury joining Mars in Cancer, giving us FOUR different ways to become more aware of how to transmute dysfunctional Mars energies into healthy Mars expressions.

We received Neptunian realizations when Mars opposed Neptune in September, and are now moving through the last major spiritual Mars test of the year as it opposes Uranus in late November. Different Mars oppositions require different skills, since the “Tension of Opposites” between the planetary expressions in the signs they’re in entirely determines the spiritual tests to learn and demonstrate.

As I noted in Chapter 2 in my book Saturn: Spiritual Master, Spiritual Friend,

Mars' duality is Grace/Sin. This is the aspect of consciousness that shows whether our responses are manifesting error or truth, maladjustment or beauty. By our Martian function we force things before their time or confront abrasive, aggressive, or hostile energies in ourselves and others, and thus we learn how to sever what must be severed, and further what must be furthered, quickly and directly. (As an aside, the original meaning of “sin” had nothing to do with moral failure. It was an archery term meaning “to miss the mark,” or not hitting the center of a target. I use it here in that sense.)

So from May through November 2019, we all went through “tests of skill” in expressing the realizations which surface at Mars oppositions. May and June gave realizations about Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. September and November have given and are giving us realizations about Neptune and Uranus. The September oppositions had strong stabilizing trines from Virgo to Capricorn, which should have helped us get organized and grounded in our self-expression.

Picking Up the Pace On the Way to The Grand Mutation of 2020!

Anyway, after last year’s Mars retrograde and its incredibly long 8 month stay in the span between late Sagittarius and late Aquarius, up to now in 2019 Mars has moved quickly through Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, and Libra, activating those sectors of our charts. Now that Mars is in Scorpio, it moves the emphasis away from Air into Water, transforming dynamic ideals expressed in our interactions with others into focused magnetism.

During this time of Mars in Scorpio, make sure to get a clear focus, but beware of getting too deep into discontent about what isn’t right or perfect in whatever aggravates you. See what needs eliminating, including being too attached to a single focus or power struggle. Remember Mars rules Scorpio, and so is in its home sign, and therefore very powerful and determined in its expression of its “Warrior/Guardian” archetype.

The opposition to Uranus with quintiles to Saturn and Pluto indicate a period of high specialization and unique interactions which help us develop our sense of what we care about. Then the sextiles to Saturn and Pluto with the trine to Neptune should facilitate major productivity and stability in moving easily toward whatever expertise we’re here to show.

From here all the old cycles are closing, preparing us for the triple conjunctions of January and the major new cycles to begin in March. Stay focused and efficient in eliminating all you no longer need, be surgically precise in moving into what your magnetism pulls you toward, and see what needs regenerating through positive magnetism and a good attitude. This begins a new chapter of “shedding skins” as we rock on down to the maximum compression of early 2020 leading us to the Grand Mutation in Aquarius.

If Mars in Virgo taught us “All play and no work make for an ungrounded life” and Mars in Libra taught us “All work with no socializing makes for an unsustainable life,” Mars in Scorpio will teach us “doing the wrong thing in the wrong way with the wrong people will never make us happy, so do the right thing and be happy!”

© Copyright 2019 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com
Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with persmission from Robert Wilkinson.


© Copyright 2019 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert WilkinsonRobert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
Source Here

Reprinted on crystalwind.cawith persmission from Robert Wilkinson.

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