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An Astrological Overview of September 2023

An Astrological Overview of September 2023

As the editor of the Astrology Arizona newsletter, I compose an overview of each month. Today we take a look at the primary factors for the month.

The Overview for September

In 2023, the month of September features Uranus and Jupiter going stationary retrograde, while Venus and Mercury go stationary direct!

We also have Mercury in trine to Jupiter the entire month, Venus and Mars are in harmony all month, and an occasional Grand Earth Trine to anchor everything. This will be a great month for any planets or points we have in the second half of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces!

September continues to feature the closest Neptune sextile with Pluto in 30 years. This year Neptune at “the end of the end” of Pisces is giving us all a sense of vast feelings and finality, and with Pluto at “the end of the end” of Capricorn, it brings a strong sense of the past “coming to present” between now and January, when Pluto returns to Aquarius.

Uranus begins the month at its recent stationary retrograde degree of 24 Taurus, and now re-traces ground it first awakened between July 8 and mid-August. The last decan of Taurus brings grounded power, and as the Sun makes favorable aspects to Uranus the first three weeks of the month, immediately followed by Mercury making the same aspects, it should be great for detailed practical activity which may go through a few adjustments during Mercury retrograde, but which will ultimately turn out fine by late September.

Speaking of Mercury retrograde, the first half of the month Mercury moves from 17 to 9 Virgo, and then mirrors that span in direct motion from September 14-27. So if something happens or fails to happen or presents itself and then “unpresents” itself in the first half of the month, it’ll probably make an encore appearance in the second half. After the Inferior conjunction on September 6, Mercury will begin to speed up for the rest of the month and October.

The entire month will be dominated by Mercury in its home sign of Virgo, making it the final ruler of all the planets except Neptune. It went stationary retrograde at 22 Virgo on August 23, which is the exact degree where Saturn went retrograde in December 2008. So we’re all getting flashes of memories from 2009 and 2010 related to the “venerable standards” we examined for use in our Soul-ful life which began then. We’ll “see the Light” of this around September 13-14, though we may not have a full appreciation of what this retrograde is about until Venus transits the span between October 17-31.

This retrograde is important as the next step in the Earth trine retrogrades of 2023. In Virgo, we’re reviewing and if necessary adjusting something to demonstrate a skill. And as Jupiter goes retrograde on the same degree as Mercury’s retrograde station at 16 Taurus in April and retrogrades back to 6 Taurus by the end of the year, Jupiter now begins to “take a look back” at issues related to the Spring Mercury retrograde. The themes of both these retrogrades is teaching us that the entire period of April 2023 through March 2024 is a time when old answers can’t confirm the new conditions, and old approaches won’t get the job done. Find new approaches, new attitudes, new understanding, and don’t worry about the past.

With Uranus in late Taurus, Neptune in late Pisces, and Pluto in late Capricorn, we have a very strong “double sextile/trine” which should favorably impact all planets we have in the last 8 degrees of Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces. The Spiritual Field represented by these outermost planets are helping stabilize our late Earth and Water sectors, preparing us for an entirely new experience of Spirit and Life in 2025 when these Spiritual powerhouses shift out of Earth and Water into Fire and Air, joined by Saturn when it enters Aries.

September begins with SIX planets retrograde, with Venus immediately going stationary direct and Jupiter going stationary retrograde. That means we’ll have all planets from Jupiter out retrograde from early September until Pluto goes stationary direct in early October. With so many outer planets retrograde, we’re re-tracing a lot of spiritual ground in September, so consider the month a review, rewind, and a new look at the lessons we’ve seen from all of these when they were direct earlier in the year.

With so much Leo and Virgo, this month play at your work and work at your play, and remember that “to rule is to serve.” What are you serving which sets your creativity free? With Venus now direct in motion, we can resume some Venus-ruled areas which got put on hold back in late July. We’ve now reviewed a lot and can move forward with enthusiasm and be more playful! All the Virgo promises the ability to get things done both with efficiency, style and attention to detail. Just don’t let your wheels grind things to dust, and take time to play a little!

As Venus spends the entire month moving between its direct station at 13 Leo up to 24 Leo, retire from old dramas you no longer need, and use the septile and sextile to Mars this month to polish your style, get a new perspective on how to do things, and release whatever needs releasing to make your life more light, bright, and creative!

This month all the inner planets transit Leo, Virgo, and Libra, with Mars in Libra leading the way, heralding transits of Mercury, the Sun, and eventually Venus later this Autumn. That means the outer planet occupied zone of Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn and Neptune in Pisces, and Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus is now expressed through the inner planets in Leo, Virgo, and Libra on the other side of the zodiac, continuing a “See Saw” pattern which will last for several weeks when the Moon is between Capricorn and Taurus or between Leo and Libra.

When the inner planets transit Capricorn through Taurus and conjunct the outer planets, it’s a time to pull the energies inward, and when they’re between Cancer and Scorpio it creates different dynamics in how the energies express. Because the inner planets are now forming oppositions to the outer planets, we are seeing the externalization of those spiritual energies in the houses the inner planets are transiting.

Remember, the first 14 days of the month are still under the influence of the August New Moon at 24 Leo, helping us go inward to find our power. We have been in a time of “expansion through sacrifice” which has “squeezed out” many things we just don’t need any more. This is a technique to release social-emotional pressures or potentials began to come to fruition after the August 30 Full Moon at 8 Virgo/Pisces, putting the focus on the quickening that Saturn is bringing to all of us to “hear the call to renewal.” The last 2 weeks of the month is under the influence of the September 14 New Moon at 22 Virgo, the exact degree of Mercury’s retrograde station! That promises to extend the theme of the retrograde all the way through mid-October, so keep examining your life standards.

When Jupiter entered Aries in May 2022 we launched into a new era which became a dominant theme when Mars conjuncted Jupiter in late May 2022 at 4 Aries. That conjunction began a 2 year cycle of learning how to enjoy life more naturally on our own terms. When Jupiter revisited that conjunction point in late January it accelerated the growth of that energy, renewing its fiery expression.

Jupiter moving through Taurus gives a Taurus backdrop to planets we have in Sagittarius and Pisces, as well as the houses where we have these signs on the cusp. As it now rules Saturn and makes the specializing quintile all month, open to the quintessence of things, remembering that as we learn to master life’s tests we become stronger for the effort.

Saturn is now retrograde and continues to bring deep and vast feeling energies to planets, points, or house cusps we have in Capricorn and Aquarius. Saturn’s retrograde station promises all of us “a call to renewal” wherever we have early Pisces. This is the beginning of a new life which will unfold quickly in early 2024.

Speaking of another long wave Aries energy in our charts, Jupiter launched a major healing and mentoring cycle when it conjuncted Chiron at 15 Aries on March 11. That began a long wave Chiron cycle which will last until the Summer of 2036. As an aside, when Chiron transits between Aquarius and Gemini, it moves relatively slowly and has conjunctions with Jupiter about every 13 years. However, it can take 19-20 years for the next conjunction after Gemini or Cancer. That means once the conjunction at 16 Gemini happens in the Summer of 2036, then we won’t have another conjunction of Jupiter and Chiron until the Spring of 2056 in Aquarius.

Because Jupiter rules Pisces, this month Saturn will have a steady Taurus feel. As Jupiter is heralding where Saturn will transit in a few years, we’re all getting a sense of corners to be turned later this decade when Saturn transits Taurus and makes the waxing square to the December 2020 Jupiter/Saturn conjunction point at 1 Aquarius. That conjunction ended a 200 year Earth era and began a 200 year Air era, and set the sociocultural conditions for the greater Aquarian 20 year era now developing.

Planets Slowing Down, Speeding Up, or Shifting Signs

As mentioned earlier, this month begins with Venus going direct, Jupiter going retrograde, and six planets retrograde. Mercury will begin to speed up after the Inferior conjunction in early September at 14 Virgo. We’ve now completed our review of the Venus retrograde theme of “longing for a new life” at a “critical point in emergent evolution.” It began wherever we have 29 Leo, and has now begun to open an entirely new perspective on all things related to Venus in our lives.

So Mercury and Venus are both speeding up the entire month, and Mars continues to accelerate after its direct station at 9 Gemini in mid-January. Jupiter and Uranus are both “crashing into retrograde,” Neptune’s retrograde, and both Pluto and Saturn will be going stationary direct in the next 8 weeks, so they’re gradually speeding up.

In August we have only ONE planet changing signs. This month the Sun, ruler of Leo and Cancer, will give us one sign change (Virgo and Libra). In October the dynamics will be radically different, with Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars all changing signs at least once in that month.


As noted, Mars continues to pick up speed by the week. It went stationary direct at 9 Gemini in January, with a theme of being a Zen archer, sure in your aim as a result of your training between September 2022 and February 2023. This will be a theme for this year and 2024. Mars is now in Libra, helping us express ourselves with grace and elegance in balanced ways. The “perfection of form” in Virgo leads us to find stylish ways of expressing “the ideal” we have crafted in Libra.

This month Mars activates the house(s) where we have 4 to 23 Libra. Mars is in “exile” in Libra, as that sign opposes Mars’ natural Aries quality. Mars in Libra can be too indecisive, but is extremely diplomatic and would rather do a project in a thousand small steps than a few giant ones.

Mars begins September in septile to Venus and quincunx to Saturn, showing a need to make social adjustments at a turning point. Again, it may involve retiring from a drama, or taking a look back to see what you overcame in the past. It then makes another square to Jupiter, “echoing” the first two it made in mid-June and late August. This challenges us to hang in there, not settle for less than the best, and put our best self forward.

The first week of the month shows Mars triseptile Saturn and sesquisquare Uranus, marking a time to keep calm and cooperate. Mars makes a quincunx to Jupiter at the same time Venus squares Jupiter, so the Venus/Mars sextile will release through Jupiter, and Jupiter will release through the sextile. See the big picture, be warm and outgoing, go inside yourself to find a new inspiration, and take the moment to pause, being alert and ready to act while not falling into distress at not knowing what’s coming. Many things Mars set into motion in August will be realized in September or early October, though the “payoff” may not come until late October or early November.

The first 11 days of September, Mars is in the Libra decan of Libra, ruled by Venus with an extra dose of the Moon. From September 11 through 27, Mars is in the Aquarius decan of Libra, ruled by Saturn with an extra dose of Saturn. The last 3 days of the month, Mars is in the Gemini decan of Libra, ruled by Mercury with an extra dose of Jupiter.

Between September 1-10, Mars will prove agitating to those with planets between 3-10 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. Between September 11-20, it will have the same effect on planets between 10-16 degrees of the same signs. And between September 21-30, it will agitate planets between 16-22 Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn.

As I’ve offered before, when Mars is within a degree of forming or separating from a hard aspect with a planet, slow down and show deliberation and caution in how you use force. Hard aspects to/from Mars always require that we moderate or antidote impulsiveness and impatience.

Sign Focus

This month the sign focus again shows a preponderance of Leo, Virgo, and Libra with Venus in Leo, the Sun and Mercury in Virgo, and Mars in Libra. This positioning is maintained until the Autumn Equinox, when the Sun joins Mars in Libra.

So the first 23 days of the month features one visible planet in Pisces, Taurus, and Leo, two visible planets in Virgo, and one visible planet in Libra. The last week the Sun strengthens Libra, but as there are no more sign changes this month, there’s almost no sign shifting, since only one planet changes signs. This stability will hold through September, with October bringing 4 planets changing signs.

We’re Actors On A New Stage With A New Set – The Bigger Picture

We’re still in the initial years of a new era in human evolution. The Grand Mutation of Jupiter conjunct Saturn at 1 Aquarius began a new 20 year Aquarian Era in December 2020, as well as a new 200 year era, moving global energies out of Earth and into Air. We’ve begun to grow beyond the materialism of the past 200 years and have entered two centuries of Air emphasis, with its qualities of relatedness, receptivity, versatility, movability, lightness, and cooperative ideas, visions, and ideals.

We’re still "under the beams" of the Solar Eclipses we experienced in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 and these “cosmic recyclers” continue to remove all that we no longer need in our lives. Take note of where you have 1 Cancer, 24 and 13 Sagittarius, 20 Gemini, 11 Taurus, and 2 Scorpio, since 1 Cancer aligns us with a larger reality, 24 Sagittarius helps us find happiness, 13 Sagittarius gives us a new identity and love, 20 Gemini removes what cannot be assimilated or communicated, 11 Taurus will help us remove “weeds from our garden of Life and Mind,” and the recent one at 2 Scorpio is helping us release memories and attachments from the past.

The May 2022 eclipses with Sun in Taurus have begun to shut down old value systems in that sector, as well as the Scorpio sector via the May Full Moon Wesak Festival eclipse. November’s Total Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at 17 Taurus/Scorpio has helped us tap our spiritual power to transform our lower self and our worldly expression. The Scorpio Solar and Lunar eclipses are already leading us to say goodbye to the past, giving up some old ideals, and finding a new perspective on how and when to do things. You can find out more about Solar and Lunar eclipses by going to the archives on how eclipses work.

The April-May 2023 eclipses have begun to work their magic on our Aries and Libra sectors for quite a while to come. The Solar eclipse at 30 Aries is sure to shut down some elements wherever we have that in our charts, and the eclipses later this year will be the last in the Taurus/Scorpio sector with another one coming in our Libra sector.

As we study how successive Eclipses have affected various areas of our charts and lives, we can get a sense of the utility of these “Cosmic Recyclers” in removing what we no longer needed in those areas, creating a void which attracted new life experiences. They invite us to look back, and then forward, to see the continuity of “letting go, taking in, letting go, taking in” across the years.

Primary Action Beats for the First Half of the Month

September begins under the influence of the August New Moon at 24 Leo. Where that falls in our charts shows where we are learning to concentrate on the inner Self rather than being focused on external things. These themes will be brought to fruition beginning at the Full Moon of August 30, which brings two weeks of training, self-discipline, and self-adjustment to further the expression of “the call to renewal” promised by the Moon occupying the same degree as Saturn’s retrograde station in June.

The first week of the month shows Mars quincunx Saturn, bringing hard adjustments requiring creativity and the willingness to accept the quest for “the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.” This is immediately followed by Venus going stationary direct at 13 Leo, allowing us to move forward with confidence while retiring from old dramas. Coming weeks will show us the “reward of growth from outer to inner realms,” and “serenity through the overcoming of storms.”

Remember this Venus retrograde began on a theme of “longing for a new order of selfhood,” and has brought us all to a “critical point in emergent evolution” which we’ll finish by October 8. This primes the pump for a whole new life adventure beginning June 2025 in the late Leo area of our chart.

While Venus goes direct on September 3, Jupiter goes retrograde on September 4 at 16 Taurus, bringing a sea change in how we do what we do in the future. As Mercury trines Jupiter on September 4, this should help us with any “karmic confrontations” we’re going through which can help us reclaim a power hidden within us. Be willing to see it as an exercise to become more “goal fit” in whatever group work you’re doing.

September 6 brings the Inferior conjunction of the Sun and Mercury, directly influencing our “inward turned mind” until the next Superior conjunction at 27 Libra on October 20. The theme of the coming weeks involves reviewing the “importance of ancestral background” in whatever we have accomplished in the past, as well as a new appreciation or awareness of the ability to experience life on deeper levels, and become more sensitive to cultural factors.

During the first week of September, the Moon moves from Pisces to Cancer, putting the focus on that area of our charts. As it makes conjunctions to Neptune, Chiron, Jupiter and Uranus, it renews those planetary energies. As the 1st brings an opposition to Mars and quincunx to the Sun, slow down and hold up a little. Practice your creative and/or diplomatic skills, and have a sense of humor amidst the hard adjustments, since it’ll lead to healing.

September 3 brings a Yod, with Moon in Taurus sextile Saturn in Pisces and both quincunx Mars in Libra. Focus on essentials, and regardless of what’s sacrificed, it’ll lead to a practical intuitive gift over the next few months. September 4 brings a Grand Earth Trine, with Moon conjunct Jupiter and Uranus while trine Mercury and Pluto. Excellent for grounding and centering, getting a workable plan, and simplifying things.

The Moon in Gemini on September 5-7 brings cross currents, with squares showing the need for vision and humor. Don’t jump to conclusions, see what caused the situation, and cultivate your intuition, since you could see “the power of your spiritual ancestry” as you find the outer “skin of personality” you need to continue your work.

The second week of September begins with Sun trine Jupiter, bringing light and power to the Mercury trine Jupiter of the first week. As Jupiter is still on its station, these trines bring understanding and harmony to finding hidden powers within ourselves which merely need to be exercised to be brought into effective focus. When in doubt, give your power expression in new methods and means to achieve an end.

During this week the Moon will transit between Cancer and Virgo, culminating in the New Moon at 22 Virgo on September 14. That makes the second week of September an “old Moon,” so finish what needs finishing, harvest what needs harvesting, and prepare what needs preparing so you’re ready to take advantage of that New Moon energy in play for the rest of September into the first half of October.

The Moon in Cancer on September 8-10 has some very favorable aspects, so it should be an excellent time to know what to care about and how to care for it. The Moon in Leo on September 10 brings an adjustment to Saturn, but it should be an excellent time through Tuesday afternoon, when the Moon in late Leo echoes the numerous Yods we’ve had by transits through Leo making quincunxes to Neptune and Pluto. Perhaps the many “expansions through sacrifice” we’ve endured since Mars made the first Yod in Leo in early July will be seen in a different light.

September 13 shows Moon in Virgo conjunct Mercury and opposed Saturn, followed by the trine to Jupiter, opening a favorable mid-Scorpio. Don’t get caught in opposing ideas or arguments, since Mercury retrograde indicates that things may not be as represented. However, the New Moon at 22 Virgo anchors a Grand Earth Trine with Uranus and Pluto favoring all practical activities for the second half of the month. As Neptune is favorably situated by aspects, this trine plus Neptune creates a “Peace Sign Configuration,” promising stability and harmony to all planets and points we have in the late degrees of the Earth and Water signs.

Primary Action Beats for the Second Half of the Month

The second half of the month begins with a New Moon, Mercury going stationary direct, Sun trine Uranus, and Venus making its third square to Jupiter! Mercury direct will then begin to make all the same aspects it made while retrograde, with the advantage of us knowing what to expect since we’ve already “been there, done that.” Still, with Mercury and Jupiter in favorable aspect all month, this brings harmony and stability to the houses and planets we have in Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

When we add Jupiter’s month long quintile to Saturn, there are unique gifts and blessings available to those who can intuit a new way to do something or find a new approach to something. The middle of the month Saturn is teaching us about the “indestructible elements of Being,” preparing us to “lift ourselves to surer foundations” in the last week of September through October 11.

The third week of the month brings Sun opposed Neptune and trine Pluto, as well as Mars quincunx Jupiter. The opposition-sextile-trine configuration is extremely powerful for cutting through fogs, misunderstanding, and collective illusions and those who can use their creative imagination in a refined way can pretty much dominate the circumstances they’re responsible for. This will yield an extraordinarily powerful and favorable void in 27-28 Cancer, so if called, rise to the occasion since that’s a time of “intensification of elements” which can arouse a deeper connection with Source and the center of our nourishment.

During that week, the Moon transits between Virgo and Sagittarius, filling in the gaps between Mars and Pluto and setting patterns for the inner planet Autumn transits. The Moon in Libra makes a quincunx to Saturn on the 15th, with “final turning points of emergent expression” on September 15, 16, and 17. This could accompany an initiation of some sort, where we’re released from old ways and are free to be a deeper natural expression of any altruistic tendencies we have.

17 brings another Yod, with Uranus sextile Neptune being quincunxed by the Moon in Libra which is also square Pluto. Face facts and accept your new identity which is emerging. Honor what holds things together, and see it as a final payment on some dues from long ago.

The Moon is in Scorpio September 18, 19, and 20. Monday there are very favorable aspects which turn into adjustments to get clear about something on Tuesday and Wednesday. Clarity late the 19th and into the 20th, with major shifts after the Moon enters Sagittarius on the 20th. Still, Sun trine Pluto favors getting to the heart of any matter, so don’t worry about anything other than finding the right point of view on the information you’re getting.

The fourth week begins with the Autumnal Equinox, and Venus trine Chiron with Mars opposed Chiron, creating another opposition, sextile, and trine throwing a favorable healing and mentoring energy into mid-Aquarius. This will be good for all planets and points we have in the middle degrees of the Fire and Air signs. That week shows the Sun triseptile Saturn, giving way to the quincunx on Sunday the 24th. So pay attention to the Mars quincunx Saturn at the beginning of September, since it’ll be somehow related to this Sun quincunx Saturn.

That week also features Mercury (again) trine Jupiter and quincunx Chiron, with the Moon transiting between Sagittarius and Pisces. September 21, 22, and 23 have some very favorable aspects including a Grand Fire Trine on the 21st and an integrative Mutable T-square to Sun opposed Neptune throwing the void into Gemini. Reach out to a larger view, and use the favorable Moon in Capricorn trine Mercury and Jupiter on the 23rd to release the grounded understanding through the Cardinal T-square created with Mars opposed Chiron, throwing the integrative void into Cancer.

Sunday September 24 has an air of finality, with Moon conjunct Pluto, Mars opposed Chiron, and Sun quincunx Saturn. This time will bring a “cosmic visitation” to some, and a sense of liberation to others. If “the school’s closed,” then play! That is a time of “gain through subtraction,” and benefiting from inconveniences.

Stay focused on the big picture the last 5 days of the month, and use the Lunar T-square on the 26th to eliminate and regenerate. Moon in Pisces September 26, 27, and 28 should help us feel the endings and larger collective field, with a Yod early the 28th. The Moon’s in Aries the final two days of the month, bringing the Full Moon at 6 Libra/Aries and yet another Venus square Uranus!

Those final two days begins a new period of needing to visualize carefully what we want to see made manifest in the first half of October. There will be major rewards and huge transfigurations accompanying that Full Moon, and brilliant understanding of things thanks to Mercury trine Uranus, helping us build with the trine and release it through the square. The month ends with Mars quincunx Uranus, so “expect the unexpected,” and when in doubt, be very moderate, optimistic, and compassionate as things end before the beginning.

Evolutionary Development

This is the second month of the North Node in Aries era! We’re now opening to many months of our “line of greatest development” being self-initiated activity which acts in the NOW, demonstrated by our balanced response to paying dues and remembering we are as surrounded by life and love as a fish by water. We build through Aries and release through Libra, so adopt a pioneering attitude expressed with grace and diplomacy.

This month requires the embrace of a new identity, but also caution as we move into unknown zones of growth. Step back from extreme thinking, and use your ability to alternate between “yin and yang,” “love and will,” “heart and mind” as you practice your skill at knowing when to use “hard power” and when to use “soft power.” This will lead to many “promises redeemed” in late September through November. In any case, we grow through Aries and demonstrate it through Libra’s balance, fairness, and a sense of justice.

Our wise friend Saturn brought us to the threshold of radical transfiguration and entry into a greater field of conscious Light/Life in March, and now we’re in the deep waters of Pisces. This is a time of demonstrating a greater empathy, sense of connection, intuition, and compassion. Specific Saturn themes for September involve navigating “traffic jams” to learn new ways of maneuvering in human relations, finding our “indestructible root of Being,” and finding protection as we “lift ourselves to surer foundations.”

The Sun in Virgo is a time to see the Light of how to utilize and shape the Leo “radiations of heart energy” into practical useful forms. Virgo follows Leo because “to rule is to serve,” and all inspiration must be grounded in practical forms. And as Venus now resumes forward motion in Leo, we can find a new appreciation for all we’ve been through since June.

We now continue our third year of the new Aquarian era, having renewed that energy via inner planet transits for this year. With Jupiter in Taurus, it is finding new “expansive ground” which will sustain the process into the future. Move into the future, stabilize what you can, and make the most of the creative potential of this month.

The new 2023 Aquarian energies powered up the last six months, with rapid developments in March when Saturn entered Pisces and Pluto made its first appearance in Aquarius. As Jupiter is securing a lot at this time, embrace the future and don’t clutch as some things accelerate while we begin our review of Saturn’s lessons this year. This month continues our 2023 surfacing of the Aquarian vision, with a very dynamic Summer of Venus in Leo!

As we’re now in the third year of a new 20 year and 200 year cycle, remember a new era has dawned. Have courage and take the initiative to leave the Earth and fly free into the Air of what’s opening as the Grand Mutation expands its promise into the Divine transfigured ideal of a more just truth and future. This month brings new information and perspectives of the new life we’ve embraced since March, so lighten up, play a little, and be willing to explore new arenas of effective activity where you can work and play with other Light Spirits, and take heart as we stand at the dawning of the coming Pluto in Aquarius era.

We have now collectively transfigured into a greater vision of the one Light/Life we all are together. Continue to find your heart strength and new forms of genuine happiness appropriate for who you are now, and who you are becoming relative to just a few months ago.

The 2022 Capricorn and Aquarius transits began a new chapter of utilizing forms of personal power in Capricorn to serve the emerging Aquarian ideal. A huge part of the past died in 2021 and 2022 and a new expansive inspired energy came in via the Mars conjunction with Jupiter in Aries. The past is over and we all have begun our trek into a new world of new potential, new adventures, and new ways to enjoy being ourselves while doing our work of Destiny. Open to the abundance of the process of growth, since we are all on a rocket ship to the stars!


Since I also include this in the newsletter, I’ll offer it to you here:


(All the degree values listed in the next three sections are computed the same way Sabian Symbols are read; we always round up. 9+ = 10; 19+ = 20; 29+ = 30)

SUN – 9 Virgo to 7 Libra
MERCURY – 19 Virgo back to 9 Virgo then forward to 22 Virgo
VENUS – 13 Leo to 24 Leo
MARS – 3 Libra to 22 Libra
JUPITER – 16 to 15 Taurus
SATURN – 4 to 2 Pisces
URANUS – 24 to 23 Taurus
NEPTUNE – 27 to 26 Pisces
PLUTO – 29 to 28 Capricorn
CHIRON – 20 to 19 Aries
TRUE NORTH NODE –26 to 25 Aries


(Bold entries are the ingresses, stations, and lunations. Non-bold are significant aspects.)

NEW MOON; August 16; Sun and Moon at 24 Leo
FULL MOON; August 30; Sun 8 Virgo; Moon 8 Pisces
VENUS STATIONARY DIRECT; September 3 at 13 Leo


NEW MOON; September 14; Sun and Moon at 22 Virgo
MERCURY STATIONARY DIRECT; September 15 at 9 Virgo

VENUS SQUARE JUPITER; September 16 at 16 Leo/Taurus
SUN OPPOSED NEPTUNE; September 19 at 27 Virgo/Pisces
AAZ Meeting; September 23

MARS OPPOSED CHIRON; September 24 at 19 Libra/Aries
FULL MOON; September 29; Sun 6 Libra; Moon 6 Aries
VENUS SQUARE URANUS; September 29 at 23 Leo/Taurus
MERCURY LEAVES SHADOW ZONE; September 30 at 22 Virgo
MERCURY OPPOSED NEPTUNE; October 2 at 26 Virgo/Pisces

I also highly recommend joining our group and coming to our zoom presentations, since we have some of the best astrologers anywhere giving talks about all kinds of great astrological topics. We’ve had “Evolutionary Configurations,” “America at the Crossroads,” “Using Planetary Hours in Charts,” “Outer Planet Cycles and How the Past Affects the Present,” “The Three Part Self,” “How Our Chart Expresses Our Spiritual Potential,” and more.

In May’s talk, I spoke about my new book The Magic of Venus: Friendships, Soul Mates, and Twin Flames and how to change our relationships for the better, as well as Soul Mates and why we’ve attracted who we’ve attracted throughout our lives. I also gave a class May 20 on “The Many Factors in Chart Analysis” where I took everyone through 20 important factors in reading a chart, with examples using birth charts. It’s for sale as 9 sound files, $20 for AAZ members, $30 for non-members. You’ll certainly know more about how to read a chart after you hear the class, so consider getting your copy today. You can find how by emailing me.

I also just gave a presentation of the “Three Crucial Cycles of the Progressed Moon in Chart Analysis.” For those who want to know more about the Progressed Moon and its power to show us how we’re experiencing our Light, our Feelings, and our Self-Image, this talk is for you! It’s $15 for AAZ members, $20 for non-members. You can order it through that website or by contacting me directly via email.

Again, please consider joining Astrology Arizona to get all this and a lot more delivered to your email inbox at the beginning of each month. Members get to advertise their business on our website for free, there’s free access to the fantastic documentary Changing of the Gods, and discounts on recorded talks as they are available.

Reprinted on crystalwind.ca with written permission from Robert Wilkinson. Copying this article to other blogs is strictly prohibited. It is copyright protected. 

© Copyright 2022 Robert Wilkinson


© Copyright 2022 Robert Wilkinson - https://www.aquariuspapers.com

About the author:

Robert wilkinson An internationally-known astrologer, author, public speaker, metaphysician, and futurist, with over 25 years experience as a counselor and educator. He has presented hundreds of public talks on all aspects of Astrology, the Eastern Wisdom tradition, the Western Wisdom tradition and promoted many mass gatherings and cultural events. Some of his specific areas of interest and expertise include personality profiles, degree patterns, integrative astrology, various aspect harmonics, among others.
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