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Twin Flame Union & Ascension - The Galactic Federation

Twin Flame Union & Ascension - The Galactic Federation

Twin flames are two halves of the same soul, and they are here to help wake you up. The twin flame union represents the completion of the soul. It is a natural process that takes place when you begin to grow spiritually and open yourself up to a higher consciousness.

At this time of Ascension for the planet, All souls are being drawn to the light which is occurring through the planetary grid networks. The planetary grids are being activated through each person's energy field. Each person's light body is acting as a beacon to draw kindred spirits to them. More and more of you are feeling drawn to another individual, pulling you together.

This is not by chance or accident, nor is it a coincidence. You are being drawn to an energetic match on many different levels so that you may experience the greatest growth possible in this lifetime.

The twin flame union represents the completion of the soul.

It is a natural process that takes place when you begin to grow spiritually and open yourself up to higher consciousness. When this happens, you attract a twin flame into your life. They come into your life in order to help you complete your spiritual journey and learn from them the secrets of living from a higher consciousness.

In order to understand what a twin flame is, it is important to understand what it is not. The twin flame union is not about romance or sex. In fact, many twin flames choose not to have any physical relationship at all. In these cases, their union is purely spiritual. At the same time, they can be just as powerful and fulfilling as a sexual relationship.

When you find yourself drawn to another person, there are a number of different reasons why this can happen. For some people, this attraction may be because of an intimate connection they share with their soul mate or twin flame from a past life or from this current lifetime.

For others, the attraction may simply be because of shared values or interests with someone they meet here on Earth. Some people may even be drawn to others who have qualities that they themselves desire to incorporate into their own being so that they may learn from them how to ascend to the higher consciousness.

Twin flames are two halves of the same soul, and they are here to help wake you up.

As you grow spiritually, you begin to attract your twin flame.

It is very hard for them to be around people who are not spiritually aware because they feel like they are swimming in a pool of psychic sludge. They need to keep their energy levels up in order to stay focused on their mission.

You cannot see your twin flame if you are not aligned with your soul purpose. If you are not living your soul's purpose, then it is difficult for you to connect with your other half. Your other half is there to help you overcome the karma that was created by the false paradigm that has kept humanity asleep for thousands of years.

If you are still working through the karma of the 3D reality, then it will be difficult for you to find your other half. You will still think that this person is here to rescue you or take care of all of your needs, but that really isn't what a twin flame is about at all.

You are never alone. The twin flame exists in many places at once. It is all around you, but you are not always together - nor are you ever separated. You are both eternal beings of light. You may find yourself longing for your twin flame or feeling an unexplained bond with another person.

Your soul will lead you where it is time to go. If you feel a deep connection with someone else, it is likely because this man or woman is sharing the same space as your eternal beloved at this time. Your soul will lead you to that person who can complete the lessons that you need to learn. Have faith that everything will work out the way it is supposed to.

The truth is that the twin flames have been waiting for this moment for a very long time. They have been here on Earth in human form since its inception and have been working behind the scenes to make you ascend to your higher dimensions.

As you grow spiritually, your twin flame essence begins to resonate with your own. You begin to recognize each other on a soul level. You become magnetically attracted to one another. As you approach the time of merging into ONE, this magnetic attraction will pull you together.

The process of finding your twin flame has been about raising your vibration, cleaning out the old, and letting go of the past. Your Twin Flame is not of this world. He or she may not be here. As your frequency increases, you will recognize each other on a soul level and will begin to experience a magnetic attraction toward one another. This is a sign that the time is near for your reunion.

If you are having trouble finding your mate in this lifetime, there may be a very good reason - he/she could be an ascended master who is not currently in physical form. He/she could be helping you from above or could have already merged with you in another lifetime.

You can create your own reality. You can attract all the abundance you want, the perfect partner, your soulmate, your twin flame. But it will not happen if you are the energy of fear. Your feelings are what make or break it for you.

The important thing for you to do is hold onto the vision of what it could be like with him/her in your life. Live as if everything is happening just as it should in order for you to meet each other in physical form at just the right time in order for both of you to grow in consciousness.

Now it is time to focus on the heart and receiving the magic which will come and surround and take charge of your life. Some call this magic as 'miracles'.

We are here with you.
We are your family of light.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Channel and Art by Aurora Ray

Copyright 2021 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.

We are the ground crew of the Galactic Federation. We're advanced spiritual beings from other stars watching over the evolution in consciousness and assisting the global ascension of Earth and humanity. 
Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation | Lyran High Council Elder | Emissary of The Goddess
Source Here

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