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Wake UP World

Wake UP World

#wakeupworld dissolve the #codependency and #victim programming

The Power is with the People and it always has been when you look clearly.

Imagine the Governments saying right folks, you're not getting this, we can't cope as a race you are no longer allowed to have children because we can't look after our own and grow the future in harmony with the planet that holds us  there would be anarchy 

This is actually all very plain to sit and watch and it's painful as I keep squinting through my eyes reading huge victim statements from people I love and admire, people with high intelligence claiming higher heart activity but showing a core frequency of an inner child in rebellion...they too will awaken and I hold space filling it with waves of peace, love and bliss.

We are the pollution and we are demanding to live as this...we have become the virus and until we as a world wake up then we will witness the loudest of alarms, the cosmic clock, the sand clock of time is ready to turn.

I encourage each of you to sit and watch the world population clock for 5 minutes and every single time that clock goes up just imagine all the rubbish, the plastic, the food, the fuel the everything that that one count demands. Then think about the unconscious emissions, thoughts, feelings, words and choices that one person will emit into our collective field to create the physical world we share.

Then watch the number double, triple, quadruple and beyond so fast.

Ok and even in the death count there is waste...

THINK about THIS from the highest of perspectives

Everything is simply supplying the demand.

The masses want dis-ease through entertainment, distraction, they want to play the rat race of keeping up with the Jones's, the bigger house, the career, the bigger car, they want convenience, they want travel and holidays to ESCAPE a life they want but can't cope with, they become pollution and then it grows like wildfire...watch the population clock, we become the virus...only now do we talk about being responsible and conscious, only now we are beginning to wake up and realise, well we will do once we see our reflection of needing to blame the "control".

Of course we need to be controlled when we sleep walk.

Thats the whole point - WAKE UP WORLD its time to RISE and SHINE.

If that's not what we like or want then wake up and behave like Earth connected caring beings who support HumanUnity

When we realise our awakening, when we realise our choices, when we REAL-EYES, when we change what we demand then the supply will change to suit THEN the world change happens, because that's how it's always worked.

Currently the masses are running out their victim and codependency programs, blaming governments and the big companies and it's painful to watch but they will realise in time. How can anyone blame the blind, it's all simply unconscious behaviour, the leaders are unconscious and trying to control a population that is now entering extinction if it doesn't wake up and take the reins of life.

Fire fighting with water pistols

The law of the cosmos tells us, we manifest our reality, and that what we think, feel and speak forms the physical through vibration....well hello world, let's drop the old narrative and begin creating the conscious world we do want

"Truth seekers" as they call themselves are entirely missing the point

There is the truth, there is that which is false and then there is the Divine Purpose of the entire experience and when you work from that space we have ultimate expansion and the fastest light speed change.

The power is most definitely with all people it's in the core frequency of each human and it always has been, together we have created the world we live in today  into the fires of purification we go 

Take FULL responsibility peeps 

Add on The Yin and Yang teaches us there are always three sides. There is the polarity of black and white but there is also and most importantly the entire symbol which is the POINT and PURPOSE

Look beyond what is right and what is wrong and seize the moment, by understanding the entire picture to dissolve the polarity now playing out.

We have the most incredible Awakening Opportunity but if the race cannot grasp this then dis-ease becomes us, we are seeing this NOW.

The point of now is for us to Awaken and operate from the highest of perspectives, the space in which we all make the conscious choice to align to our planets requirements and by doing so we naturally align to our own health requirements and with this peace, harmony and healing unfolds

Love always, your siSTAR

A Gift From Gaia
My mission in this moment is to contribute to humanity and assist in raising the vibration here on Gaia, it is my number one passion and there is nothing more that I love than making a difference and creating a ripple of change across the globe. In this space, here at A Gift from Gaia, you will find many light gems that I share and also regular energetic reports that are crucial when committing to your light path.
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