The Most Auspicious Waxing Crescent Moon
- Details
- Written by Andrea Cutlan

Can you feel the eerie space we find ourselves in as we await the first slither of our moons crescent, now is most definitely not the time to be getting drawn into the hectic noise and I suggest each moves deep within to connect with their Ancient Self to be the open channel that receives the enlightenment codes of this fresh celestial years mew moon.
Our Ancient Self knows the truth about the first crescent before the Equinox and therefore you may feel the release, the need to give something up for the Gods, which is ultimately just a reflection of giving up some ego, giving up something unconscious for the opportunity of our GodSelf to rise, or unify. The sacrifice template has been confused for many aeons, it was only ever about offering up the unconscious to unify with the almighty power of Source Unification.
How deep we go depends on how much the mind knows and aligns to what is happening and how, I shared some ancient knowledge brought back from our Ancient Egypt templates in a recent video. What we have opened is a portal, a two year long path until the portal completes and opens once again and it is a most incredible pathway that sees the spectrum of the wounded removing the separation until the Divine Masculine can reveal within each who takes the path.
Today the Moon conjuncts Neptune where the spectrum of clarity will deliver the crystal vision or shine out all the distortions and distractions so that they can be seen, and removed to open up the clearest of Divine Channels, this will culminate on the Full Moon in two weeks time so pay close attention and be sure to be only responding to the requests of your Divine Feminine guidance as opposed to the demands of the ego and its wounding.
I have just released a detailed daily report in the Opal Portal where I share more codes of this auspicious waxing crescent moon, upgrade your portal now to receive the exclusive content added daily.
Patience, we move tomorrow
With love always
Andrea xxx
A Gift From Gaia
My mission in this moment is to contribute to humanity and assist in raising the vibration here on Gaia, it is my number one passion and there is nothing more that I love than making a difference and creating a ripple of change across the globe. In this space, here at A Gift from Gaia, you will find many light gems that I share and also regular energetic reports that are crucial when committing to your light path.
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