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The Crystal to Diamond Transition : Reaching New Earth Frequency

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In 2003 I wrote an article called "The Indigo to Crystal Transitional Crisis" which was about the experience of waking up and activating the Light Body in order to embody the Golden Light of Christ Consciousness.  For many people this was a very deep experience that went along with a powerful "healing crisis" on many levels as they broke through layers of conditioning and programming to reach their authentic self and to connect with and embody their Soul Power.  Now, in 2018, this article is about the completion of this Ascension process as we transition from the Crystal to the Diamond Consciousness.

At this level, we embody full Galactic Consciousness and are fully multi-dimensional.  We are grounded into the 5D New Earth, but also have access to the Higher Dimensions as far as 9D that allow us to function as Embodied Souls on Earth while also being connected to our Galactic heritage.

In a similar way, this transition is throwing up some physical symptoms which may cause anxiety while experiencing them, but if you understand what is happening you will deal better with them. (Please note that if symptoms are severe or persist, please see your health care practitioner).

The process is as follows : we are now in Solar Minimum, which means that we are experiencing very little Solar Flare activity.  This is allowing for Galactic and Cosmic Radiation from very "deep space" to reach the earth and to affect our physical bodies in deep ways.  Normally, Solar radiation protects earth from these transmissions, but in Solar Minimum they can come through, bringing powerful transformative Diamond Light Codes and activating the Diamond Consciousness which allows Humanity to bridge to and connect to Galactic 9D consciousness.

The Changes and the ReWiring

What is happening now is that the Right Brain is being fully activated in order to create a "Sacred Union" with the Left Brain.  This means that after thousands of years of being Left Brain dependent, Humanity is reactivating the power of the Right Brain with its connection to the Intuitive, the Magical and Miraculous, and the Galactic/Cosmic levels.  Not only is this powerful reactivation taking place, but there is a balancing of these two hemispheres of the quantum computer that is the brain so that they can function in harmony and not against each other.

At the same time, the Throat chakra is in the process of being "rewired" so that it acts as a "receiver" of Light Energies as well as a "transmitter", and it is being connected to the High Heart and the Heart.  This is to facilitate to activation of the ability to hear Galactic transmissions and to decode them, and to be able to send similar Galactic transmissions without any artificial technology.

These shifts are connected into the Crown and Soul Star Chakras, and this in turn activates the lower chakras to ground the energies.  At the same time, on the deep cellular level, the DNA is being recoded to accept these new abilities and releasing any beliefs and limitations that might block these shifts.

The purpose of these shifts is to enable the New Luminous Diamond Human to become a Galactic being, able to receive and hear non verbal transmission as well as to send these transmissions across time, space and dimensions.  It is the full activation of your own "personal portal" and uplink to the Cosmos.

What it May Feel Like : Symptoms

Some people may have no real symptoms at all, and may simply move into a happy and joyous connection with the New Earth and these new abilities.

However, with such a major transition, it is also possible that you may feel some of the following temporary symptoms :

  • Headaches and Dizziness. Exhaustion and wanting to nap all the time. It takes a lot of energy to balance and harmonize the left and right brain.
  • Sinus pain and blockages.  Pain in the Jaw and Teeth.
  • Burning in the Throat. Sore throat and throat infections.
  • Flu that becomes severe or takes a long time to heal.
  • Tightness in the chest.  Muscle spasms in the neck and back.
  • Disrupted Sleep patterns, as the energies are stronger at night.
  • Disrupted Eating patterns and the desire to eat less and to eat "higher frequency" food.
  • Nervous system stress : anxiety, breathing stress, depression, tearfulness, irritation and feeling like you just can't take any more. A burning sensation in the nerves.
  • Wanting to move, relocate, be somewhere else (yes..in the New Earth!)
  • A desire for clean water and natural organic foods and clean air to breathe.
  • A desire to stand up for this dream of the New Earth!

Coping with the Symptoms

The most important thing is to rest when you need to and nurture yourself and your body.

Your body is going through a very deep change and transition.  It will be cleansing and detoxing on many levels, in many dimensions and through many past and future lifteimes so that it can enter the New Earth frequencies.

Be prepared to take it slowly and nurture each step of the journey.

You may need to "eat light" and cut out heavy and processed food.  Drink lots of water, as clear and clean as you can get.

Sleep when you needf to even if it is during the day.

Keep grounded by being in nature when you can, get lots of sunlight and walk on the grass and on the dirt.

Go to the beach and breathe the fresh air and play in the water if you can.

Use that powerful Right Brain.  Get creative in whichever way appeals to you.  Write a journal, paint, dance, play music and let yourself start learning about non verbal right-brain ways of communicating.  Use your imagaination and enter the Magical.

Meditate and stay calm.  Become aware of the powerful Flow of Divine Light within you and begin to create and play with this energy.

Trust the process.....it is taking you somewhere wonderful!

Together with the Planet you are entering New Earth!


Celia Fenn holds MA and PhD degrees in English Literature, and has also studied Art and Music. She lives in Cape Town, South Africa. 
She worked for 12 years as a University academic teacher of English Literature before switching to a career in Healing and Therapy. For ten years she helped many people to find their own personal healing path to wholeness and inner peace. She then became a channel for Archangel Michael, and developed the Starchild Global website. Her ongoing adventure has lead to a new focus on the grounding of the New Earth, Quantum Reality and Time Lines, the importance of the Divine Feminine energy and rediscovering the power of Shamanic practice and ceremony in a modality called Galactic Shamanism. She is the Director of the Starchild Children's Foundation, which runs the "Children of Africa Project". This is a Community Support Program for the Children of the Cape Town area in South Africa. The project is run and maintained by donations.

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