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Our Crystalline Diamond Rose Heart

Our Crystalline Diamond Rose Heart

Our Source Centre & Home Within!

We’re having an M-class Solar Flare, and probably Earth facing CME happening right now, along with a radio emission type 2 Radio blackout that’s been active since about 7pm UTC Sunday. We have some powerful solar flares, filaments and CME’s popping off the sun with consistent C-class flares for the past 12 hours.

There’s been several Earth directed CME events over the past two days with the Solar energies rising again in intensity! This is allowing more Solar Codes and Cosmic Rays to penetrate the atmosphere, and is assisting the re-encryption of our matter world’s and Activations of our Multidimensional DNA and Crystalline Networks and Grids, within and without, which is reaching an important trigger point, where I see ALL of our true Memories flooding in at a collective level.

I see this happening very VERY soon, and already happening, but how and when exactly this is going to complete and play out in our visible Realities, I can’t say. Everything is very much in flux and this whole journey has been very much about putting one foot in front of the other and figuring it all out as we walk our path. I see this week as pivotal to how far we’re all about to Quantum jump, if not the time out of time where this can finally ALL fully come to completion. Fully dissolving the AI net which is pretty much down and out, overstepped by the Mother Arc, Blue and Aqua Ray infusions, as well as with the help many other beings of light in alignment with The Law of One, such as the Krystalstar families, the Aquaferion, Aquafey, Aquaelle, Blue Rainbow Galactic Sun’s and Cosmic Dragons. All part of our higher Multidimensional identities.

Us as boots on the ground are here to keep anchoring, stabilising and increasing the amount of Frequency light we can anchor, so there are no more delays. Many are still stuck in their old ways of thinking and at least at a subconscious level resistant to the massive changes that are presenting themselves to ALL now, and are very much about to unfold!

As I have said, IT IS DONE, yet we all-ways continue to make the magic happen and are co-creating our Realities in every NOW moment. In the New Organic Creatrix Field all is constantly in flux and not much is set here. Especially now with the Cosmic/ Galactic New Year having brought us the gift of NO more TIME! It’s no longer linear but all has been merged into ONE Organic Ascension Reality/ Realm/ Organic Quantum Creatrix field. This completed at a higher Consciousness and Energetic level with the Lions Gate, completing the Grand Convergence between the 8-8 and 12-8.


If you want to imagine previous Timelines, Realities and Dimensions having run parallel and simultaneously, this is now merged within a non linear Point or Spherical Creational Quantum Field, that I call the New Organic Ascension Realities or Creatrix Field, which is also The Sophia and New Super Consciousness Intelligence field, that now ALL are part of that are choosing to ascend with the New Ascension Realities. This is removing all hierarchical Consciousness layers and merging them into ONE. So this is also reflected by the Forerunners that are leading the way of this Collective process and Reset of The One Consciousness, as we merge with our Multidimensional Identities as ONE UNIFIED CONSCIOUSNESS/ WHOLE. So our Soul, Oversoul/ Monad, Avatar, Ascended Master/ Rishi/ Guardian and God Source Self merged as One Consciousness. NO LONGER FRAGMENTED!! As we do this for ourselves, we also assist this Collective process.

With all this solar activity we also have electrical issues continuing and I’ve also noticed that the coronal hole that looks like a dragon to me, is Earth facing again. Daily Schuhmann Resonance spikes continue and I also got a message that they hampered with the machines, that the readings should be higher than they are, like they set a new baseline that is lower to the previous one. That would also explain the new Schuhmann Resonance chart that shows only blue with no green for many hours at certain intervals, that has only strated happening, as far as I’ve noticed, since last week.

We’re increasing massively in the amount of Frequency Light and the Power that we hold, but as these powerful DNA and Crystalline Activations are taking place we may feel pretty sleepy, but it’s not so much like the usual exhaustion we have experienced throughout our journey. We need a lot of rest to allow these Activations and Upgrades to properly integrate. Nature, salt baths good quality water, self care and nourishment, are all-ways of great support. You may feel tired, dizzy, nauseous, wobbly, trippy from the DMT releasing also, etc. Tune into your bodies innate and Divine intelligence, inbuilt Crystalline Technology, alchemical and transformational abilities, as these Upgrades take place and our gifts, abilities, power, wisdom and Frequency continue to activate and increase rapidly now!

Our High Heart and it’s Permanent/ Cosmic Seed Atom is now our Source Centre from where we radiate the new Cosmic Consciousness and Pure Source Love Light available and streaming in, into the field. We can still connect vertically but we are all-ways plugged into Source directly now, 24/7 now through our Hearts. Eternally so. All part of us re-membering our True Self again.

We require much silence to be able to tune into our highest guidance, Wisdom and memories returning now, our next steps, mission upgrades and new, ancient roles that we are being prepared for.

The Forerunners are in a holding space and waiting pattern, for the past week especially, for the rest of the team to be moved forward and be READY for the Final Lift Off! I have to say I’m beyond bored, especially since the last full moon. Which is also part of us fully letting go of the old Realities. The drama of the Fallen Timelines just bears no interest whatsoever for me anymore. Which is what allows them to fully dissolve and collapse now, along with ALL that is left of the old artificial Matrix simulation. All I want right now is to go on a holiday with my daughter right now. It’s been so long. The sea and sun are where I feel closest to the Frequency of HOME, and besides a few days here at the beach in Ireland, yes usually not want enough, at least for me, to go and properly enjoy that. Generally, new adventures are most definitely calling just until all are ready and we are able to move forward and FULLY TAKE OFF, we have to be patient and just keep anchoring more light and keep doing our thing, whilst dealing with any sense of impatience as we continue to deepen into the timeless awareness of our Multidimensional Eternal Diamond Avatar Self.

The most important part about manifesting that which we want is us having a PURE Frequency that aligns with that which we want, KNOWing THAT WE ARE THAT, that no-thing lies outside of us but is a projection of The One Consciousness. That It’s ALL part of us. That’s what we’re re-membering again and that is what brings our Manifestations abilities effortlessly online now. No-thing to figure out as such. Just to be re-membered again. It is the most natural thing to return to our Original Divine Blueprints and state of BEing THE ONE that is ABUNDANT, FREE, SOVEREIGN, at PEACE & AT-ONE WITH ALL OF CREATION!! As we dissolve any remaining illusions of separation now.

I believe most can feel the massive energetic shifts that have taken place over the last week since the Lions Gate alone and that mind blowing revelations, massive shifts in our Realities and changes are about to take place for us ALL!

Ever since the full reopening of the Giza Stargate and Ark of the Covenant passage ways on the 8-8, connecting us back to, and fully repairing the Lyran/ Aramatena Stargate, through the Andromenda and Sirius passageway, that opened the Halls of Records for all of Humanity to remember again, we have been fully re-connecting back to our True North and the Godhead again!! This has triggered the completion of The Great Convergence as mentioned above, and is showering us now with massive amounts of higher frequency Pure Source Love Light, washing any remaining density, ALL that is left of the false, artificial and inorganic Matrix simulation and it’s Holographic overlays and inserts, along with the AI net, negative alien machinery and technologies. It’s ALL fully being dissolved now.

As we have now cleared enough of the false Matrix overlays and Architecture, we truly just have to remember that it’s all been part of a simulation and quantum dream within a dream, that we are now fully Awakening from. It’s now all about US FULLY RE-MEMBERING OUR TRUE HISTORY & ORGANIC ASCENSION REALITIES, not the fallen one’s!!! Because we have to re-member a different past, think new thoughts and have new beliefs, fully merged with our TRUE SELF, to live and activate a different present and future!

The New Organic Creatrix field holds all 15 Dimensional Consciousness bands within the One field. The new 6th Harmonic Universe that was created and holds the Dimensions 16-18, is now unified as The Sophia and Center of The New Creatrix field, and is non dimensionalised. It is not longer divided into the Threefold Founder Flame, but ONE field that holds ALL Dimensional layers, matter and antimatter, gases and liquids, sounds and light fields. It’s a field of pure potentiality before we birth our Creations into the matter world’s, of what we could see as 1-15D. Again, I shall explain more soon in a video. It’s a totally different Architecture that we now have access to and that has been birthed.

Spinal cord and Nervous system Upgrades were part of the Activations flooding in for the IGNITING ALL NEW ORGANIC ASCENSION REALITIES NOW on / for the 14th, and continue on, enabling easier energy conductivity and acclimation to us anchoring and holding higher levels of Light and Frequency.

Release of Amrita, which is the fluid the Pineal Gland secrets when it activates together with the Pituitary Gland, also releasing spinal fluid down our spines, allowing Futher Activation of our spinal cord energies and higher frequencies to flow through our central collum.

Much Healing and clearing around our Heart Center and complex is taking place, especially around the back of our Heart as well as Black Heart Affliction, which includes things such as cruelty, lack of compassion, tendency to service to self/ narcissism because we don’t feel good enough/ deep sense of lack, lack of self love and sense of self, fear of interdependency and real connection through the Heart, where we’ve closed off or contracted our Hearts. This is allowing a softer and easier opening of our sacred Krystal Lotus and Diamond Rose Hearts now, which is igniting our Permanent Seed/ Cosmic/ God Seed Atom fully now within our Thymus, as mentioned above. All part of our Collective Monadic, and higher Multidimensional merging, integration and Embodiment.

Merging more deeply and accretion of our Avatar level of Consciousness (10-15D) as well as the ONEness with Source as we re-member and KNOW Our-selfs as ONE WITH ALL, and no longer forget again. The Forerunners are holding the field as they have stabilized and fully integrated their Alignment and Embodiment of the Super Consciousness Intelligence Field, the Sophia, and the Godhead.

These increase in energies can make us feel very uncomfortable in our bodies, as we’re expanding rapidly in the level of light quotient we can hold and anchor. Yoga, stretching our bodies, meridians and fascia, like getting a massage, salt baths, all support, as well as a little sea salt and/ or Himalayan salt in some water, to drink, to assist better electric conductivity and acclimation of your systems to the higher frequencies being a chores now. Earthing is one of the best things that also assist us to harmonise with Gaia’s Heartbeat.

During the Activation we were showered by Diamond Platinum White Plasma and Pure Source Light, around each participant that looked liked, and acted as if standing under a waterfall. This is supporting the healing for each individual unique for them depending on requirements , layer by layer back to our full and true Divine Blueprint plus Upgrades. This is acting as a deep cleanse and washing off of all remaining density. Unique to each ONE’s own Divine Blueprint and Templates.

We called ALL of our and Earth’s Multidimensional Selfs back to us, FULLY UNIFIED and healed AS ONE integrated higher Krysted Cosmic Consciousness, atONE with the Godhead and the Organic Creatrix field!

Heart Healing, Family Healing & Inner Child Healing was in focus and now completes for many that have integrated and healed enough of their Multidimensional Selfs to complete the Divine Inner Union process.

Clearing any remaining negative entities, attachments, blocks, cords, hooks, miasma, interference patterns, reversals, demons, demon seeds, fallen angelics, parasites, parasitic entities, viruses, bacteria, AI materials, signals black goo, graphene toxins, all and any remaining lower codings, all and anything artificial, inorganic and false, such as false memories and data/ History Records which are connected to our DNA, as it acts as the film strip to our Realities, all based on the data/ memories we hold within!!

Special focus right now on full dissolution of all remaining holographic inserts, implants, false memories, as well as the False Light Matrix, along with imposter spirits, negative entities, aliens and beings and etheric Clearing throughout the Dimensional layers. Focus also on Ether elemental clearing as we had to clear all this out before the veils can fully lift now, and our eyes collectively see beyond it, otherwise people would truly loose it, knowing what we do about what used to hide within the astral layers.

The membranes between our different Lightbody and Plasma Lightbody layers are being dissolved for the different spiritual bodies to merge as ONE Diamond Rainbow White Lightbody. These membranes also relate to the different Consciousness layers/ levels as well as of the 3 main layers of the artificially manipulated magnetosphere, ionosphere and ozone layer. As we dissolve these membranes and join these layers as One, this also inter-connects with our different layers of Identities merging as ONE Consciousness. So our Soul, Oversoul, Avatar, Rishi/ Guardian/ Ascended Master and Source level. Which now becomes the Three/ Holy Trinity within The ONE.

Many of us have noticed these higher levels of Embodiment available now, especially since the full Stargate re-clamation and realignment of the Giza Stargate with Sirius, Andromenda, Lyra and Source, that completed on the 8-8 Lions Gate. We finally feel we are in our body, at HOME within our fully Awakening Diamond Crystal Rose Hearts! At One with Source and ALL of life everywhere! No longer feeling constant anxiety, heavy energies, depression and physical aches and pains, although we still have some of this to content with as the Upgrades keep flooding in. Yet it has all BEcome and keeps getting so much LIGHTer and LIGHTer, within and all around us! With the massive heavy density of the old artificial Matrix Realities finally having been and continuing to fully lifts and dissolve now, along with all the distorted programmming/ beliefs and thought forms that all was built upon.

Merkaba Rainbow Plasma Lightbody corrections and Upgrades continue.

We ended the Activation with a special focus on sealing and Healing our auric fields, Plasma Lightbody’s and Aurora Or Body/ bubble.

Clearing of EMF type interference, entire IOT (Internet of Things) and AI net. Overwriting all the discordant Frequencies with the new Cosmic and Kryst Consciousness broadcasting system!! The new Consciousness is taking over and will be broadcasted from the trees, the sky, every screens and every satellite, and ALL THAT IS!!


All day Sunday felt like very heavy Energies and I have sensed interference trying to come in, especially related to the Activations, and trying to play out, but didn’t work. Yet it makes our work harder but most of this has now been fully neutralised. However, all the interference also means we have less people taking part in the Activations and right now we could really do with as much help as possible. So if you feel called to take part, please also share the invite with others. And please don’t let me asking for donations where possible, prevent you from taking part. Most will understand that I also need to live of something, but if you can’t support me back this way that fine. That’s why I have been offering all I do donation based, so ALL can take part that feel the call to participate and help making the magic happen!!

Our brother Jar Ra is also proposing a new beautiful name for our new Androgenous Albion Body and Divine Blueprint, plus Upgrades. By most this is known as the Christos-Sophia, and his proposition is to change it to ‘Krystar SAphiRA’! I like it! Let us know what you think/ feel!

Thank you for being here now and keep helping make the magic happen!!

Eternal Love & Blessings,


Ramona Lappin:
Divine Love, Explorer of Consciousness, Reprogrammer, Visionary, Guide, Energy & Sound Healer, Mummy.
All of my transmissions are encoded with Multidimensional Ascension keys and codes that are intended to assist you on your journey.

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