Is It Organic Or Inorganic?
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- Written by Denise LeFay

“Unrelatedly, yes, time is very odd lately. I can’t seem to get anything done, my ability to focus has gone even wonkier than usual. House is horrendous at this point. I can’t help wondering if this mental weirdness is an infernal technology effect. I wonder also about all these body symptoms and fatigue possibly being from the same cause. Glacia Rain says we’re also being hit with a lot of emf frequencies designed to elicit specific responses (and she offers a technique I’m going to try). Denise, how can we sort out (if we even can) what’s being caused by these Team Dark EMF mind control / emotion-eliciting broadcasting technologies and what symptoms are being caused by Team Light? More to the point, can you teach us any techniques for keeping our fields clear of this kind of Team Dark EMF mind assaults? Keeping our sovereignty is getting a bit more tricky these days. Thanks!” – stonespeaker – September 17, 2018.
Firstly, humanity has always been pummeled by artificial inorganic EMF (Electromagnetic frequencies), it’s just that they and other unseen man-made energies and energy waves have greatly increased and gotten more complex and dangerous over the past few decades, unintentionally and intentionally. It is the Aquarian Age after all, which means those past Piscean Age things that were dug, drilled, blasted, extracted and pumped up to Earth’s surface like oil and gas and more, continue shifting due to the entrance into the next astrological Age energies and are increasingly of the air and up in the air (Aquarius is an AIR sign) in the form of unseen energies and energy waves.
Secondly, using external techniques, tools, devices and such to combat these and other intentionally or unintentionally harmful artificial and non-human Team Dark alien-made energies is not the solution. Evolving beyond them is because it puts you, puts each of us beyond that frequency range that these humans and non-human aliens/beings/entities exist in and work from. Anyone can pay for lower frequency techniques, teachings and tools they want and believe are needed to protect themselves from these and other negative debilitating and suppressing types of energies. I’ll tell you however that if you trust the 7D Photon Light we and our Solar System now exists in, and trust the Source directed Light energies, waves, flashes, pluses etc. that have been and continue coming from the Milky Way Galactic Center, our local Sun, Central Suns and beyond, then you’ve got more higher evolutionary ascension tools at your constant disposal than you realize or know what to do with. The great news is that you don’t really have to “do” anything with them other than (1) understand that they’re here now and why and (2) take advantage of them by trusting that they are evolving you, your physical and energy bodies, consciousness, inner landscapes and external world reality and more.
I realize that younger readers don’t have as many decades lived in the old 3D Sunlight energies that existed before the Ascension Process started. To younger people the Sun has always looked and felt the way it does today, which is not anything like it used to look and feel before the 1990s.
I incarnated with built-in instructions to consciously pay attention to our Sun, where it was in the sky year-round, what color it was, how it felt physically, energetically and so on. As an elementary school age kid, I checked out the Sun every day when waking to school in the mornings and walking home each afternoon. As a kid I didn’t remember why it was so important for me to pay attention to the Sun and what color it was, but I knew it was important for me to do so. It was in the mid-1990s when I first noticed that the Sun had changed colors and felt profoundly different energetically. The Sun had always been a warm earthy yellow-golden color and felt a specific way; uncomplicated and steadfast. But suddenly the Sun and sunlight had changed from that old familiar 3D warm earthy yellow-gold color to a much more intense silvery-white color, had and still has massive visible energy radiating far out around it, and felt vastly more energetically complex and higher frequency. The Sun and sunlight has continued to grow more pristine silver-white in color from when this change started and now often looks liquid-like when it shines on the surface of some physical objects. The Sun and sunlight continues to evolve into much higher frequency energies that are more intense than the week before and this will not plateau anytime soon. All these natural cosmic evolutionary “machines” — our Sun and the Light it transmits, the Central Sun(s), Galactic Center, other galaxies and forces — are now present to automatically and naturally push everything into evolving into a NEW higher cycle, level, reality, consciousness and all else. Cost? Free. Instructions? Live it and be changed by it all.
How To Tell What’s Organic & What’s Inorganic
Here are some simple practices I recommend to teach you more than you think you’re learning.
Go outside and sit or lay down in the sunlight, be still, feel and discern as best you can today. Intentionally open your chest, your HighHeart upper chest area to the Sun and sunlight and radiate as much higher LOVE as you’re capable of today at the Sun. Trust me, it/they will feel you and what you’re doing. Hold this for as long as you can while simultaneously receiving the Light energies constantly radiating from the Sun. While doing, feeling, transmitting and receiving all this and more, ask yourself if your energy exchange and intentional conversation with the Sun feels organic to you or inorganic?
This can be done in your house/space/apartment and outside of it. Either way works. Try them both repeatedly. Immediately without thinking or laboring at this simply envision your entire property, home, space and you in it existing in a higher frequency level of Light and energies. This is the case for most of you reading this already but some need reminding of it and others need to focus themselves more in this direction intentionally. See yourself and where you now live, existing within ascended 5D Light energies and frequencies. See it, feel it, know that it already exists with you in it and that this is just a simple technique to help you realize this fact better. While doing and visualizing this, feeling it and being in it, question yourself if it feels organic to you or inorganic?
When you’re around other people and look at them and/or simply feel things emanating from each of them, what does that all feel like to you? Does it feel organic or inorganic to you or sometimes both? No judgements, just honest perceptions and you learning how to Read Energy Signatures of other people, places, objects, systems, belief systems, programs and so on for yourself.
When you suddenly feel and/or become aware of someone or a group of people or something that instantly makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe, hated, vulnerable, pressured, in the “wrong place” or like prey, does all that feel organic or inorganic to you? [This is a trick question but I did it to clarify and prove a point.]
Whenever a nonphysical etheric Being(s) has intentionally made contact with you both awake and/or asleep, how did that Being and what he/she/it/them told you make you feel? Did he/she/it/them feel and seem organic or inorganic to you? Was the information they gave in the form of absolutes? Did he/she/it/them make demands of you in any way? Have any of these Beings ever given you information stating that it was and is the “only way” and needs to be strictly adhered to? If so, how did that whole encounter make you feel? Did it feel to you like it was very high frequency and organic, or did it make you feel like you were being coerced, manipulated, lied to and intentionally directed in specific ways that are inorganic? [This is another trick question because real organic Light and Beings of the Light would never behave like this, but is typically how most inorganic Team Dark beings and humans interact and communicate with people both physically, etherically, telepathically etc.
When you read, hear or watch certain information and are not moved by it, not instantly uplifted by it energetically, cannot relate to it at all, do you interpret that material as organic or inorganic?
Organic things, people, words, actions, emotions, thoughts etc. feel true, natural, safe, non-threatening, non-invasive, expansive, correct and natural. Inorganic things, people, words, actions, emotions, thoughts etc. feel unnatural, dense, heavy, oppressive, restrictive, invasive, manipulative, demanding, parasitic, narrow in scope and highly controlling. Organic radiates freely; Inorganic takes, distorts and uses to oppress and control others. One feels natural and good and the other feels dense and restrictive.
One can spend all their time, money and personal focus—consciousness—on external things like inorganic energies, EMF, chem-trails and all the other things and tools etc. used to keep you from living the Ascension Process, or, you can focus on it knowing that it is organic and here now to naturally evolve all ready and willing to do so from their physical bodies and hearts.
While writing that last sentence, specifically the part about the Ascension being organic, I grimaced a bit because I know I should talk at least a little bit about the fact that there is also an inorganic Ascension. Inorganic takes, distorts and uses to oppress and control others, remember?
False Light and Inorganic Ascension are intentional distortions created to trick, fool, grab, sidetrack, derail and pull down as many humans as the old lower negative beings and negative humans can. They’ve dressed it up to look, feel, sound and seem like the organic Ascension but it isn’t and the people who cannot tell the difference, cannot discern and read energies, cannot tell the difference between Light and Dark, people who get caught up in lesser issues intentionally designed to distract them with lower things and events etc. are easy targets and have gotten pulled into this other reality and timeline.
At the start of 2017, I felt a great reduction in the number of people, of readers that came to HighHeartLife to access my writings. At first I thought this sudden reduction was because they either didn’t like what I was writing about, how I do that, didn’t like me, or couldn’t relate in general which I completely understand. Whatever the reasons, I became acutely aware that with the start of 2017, a lot of people were not only not at my site(s) anymore but were gone from the space and level that I currently live in as Denise. I have paid close attention to this because I wanted to be consciously aware of the Separation of Worlds unfolding and how that looks and feels.
With the start of 2018, I felt another even larger reduction in the number of readers of my material. After the first few months of potent and intense 2018, it became undeniable why this accelerated drop-off of people was happening. Simply said, as the NEW higher Light energies, codes, evolutionary DNA changes and all else unfolds each year, more people are just not willing or desirous or ready to go further with the organic Ascension Process and intentionally go to a level that is more comfortable to them. Some of them just go back a few Stair-steps and continue working from there. Certain other people however have gotten so tired of all the mandatory work, the physical aches and pains, stress, responsibilities and constant evolution and inner and outer growth and change that they’ve bailed completely from the organic Ascension Process and opted instead for the inorganic Ascension. Most of them are unaware that what they’ve chosen is inorganic while some of them do know. At any rate the Separation of Worlds and other energetic Stair-steps and levels of the Ascension Process has increased dramatically since 2017 that I’m consciously aware of. No blame, no shame, no “better than”, no “less than”, no guilt, just people choosing what they want now. The Separation of Worlds isn’t just a clever term, wild fantasy or delusion, it is real and has happened and continues to happen even faster.
Moral of the story is, pay attention to where you let your attention wander to! It may be organic wandering which is fine and good, or it may very well be inorganic “advertisements” doing their best to snag, grab, pull, drag or derail you and your consciousness down into inorganic levels claiming to be Ascension but are more like lower frequency human holding pens with very short shelf-lives.
Do the evolutionary Ascension Process Work yourself or search for more external people, tools, gadgets, techniques, instructions and/or help from other people and their products that exist at lower levels? If you can feel, sense and discern the energetic differences between organic and inorganic, then you already know which way to go. I strongly suggest that you stay The Higher Path and do The Higher Work to gain the Higher outcomes even though it often hurts and is difficult but the choice is yours so chose wisely.
September 29, 2018
Copyright © Denise Le Fay & HighHeartLife, 2017. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this article so long as you don’t alter it in any way, the content remains complete, credit is given to the author and this URL and Copyright Notice is included.
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