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Divine Masculine & Feminine Rise As One In Divine Union To Complete The Reset!

Divine Masculine & Feminine Rise As One In Divine Union To Complete The Reset!

Cosmic Energy Update 000!

After several days of several M-class and one X-class Solar Flare, today so far has brought us several C-class flares, we just hit KP4 geomagnetic instabilities, solar winds and at 6am UTC we had a short Schumann Resonance blackout and Reset (Wed 5th). All confirmation of the powerful energies and latest quantum leap we just navigated through.

This brought another massive Timeline/ Reality collapse as we cleared the remaining black magic field, spells, sorcery, curses, hexes from our and the Planetary field, as well as sexual misery programming, gender reversals, splits, wars, fragmentation, victim-victimizer programming and conditioning. All that which has held us and especially the genders apart and separated. Dissolving all remaining distortions, energetic blocks, miasma, attachments, cords, hooks, negative entities and AI materials, ALL and anything that was still part of the old Blueprints and Templates that are not part of who we truly are. All based on inverted thought forms and beliefs that we have also been busy releasing for us to now be the Cosmic Consciousness broadcasting system and pillars of Divine Love Light, that can light the way for ALL to see clearly again!

As we re-member who we truly are, we also see others in their true light. We are re-membering and returning to our One True Self, Original Innocence and nature again, and as we do, our Realities are changing back to theirs in response. Many changes are unfolding rapidly now and as we let go of any need to control or need to know what is ahead of us, we can fully surrender to the Divine Plan, KNOWing we are safe, protected and all-ways carried. Even when interference can be witnessed, it can be neutralised and cleared in Divine Neutrality and us standing in our true power and authority over our bodies and practicing spiritual hygiene.

These last few days have brought us ever deeper into our True Self and Heart. Revealing and peeling away further layers of our false ego self, projections, and perceptions, as all the puzzle pieces continue to come together as ONE whole picture. As clarity and our true memories return, the way we perceive Reality is shifting at a deep fundamental level for us ALL, and as we shift the way we look at things, the things we look at change.

That's the Quantum Observer Effect and never has it been more important to understand how it works so we can start to become the masters of our life's, for us to master and walk in the dream. It is for us to learn and master again how we can work, focus and direct energy that is in alignment with all of life everywhere.

During times of great change and uncertainty, we are here to be the calm within the storm.

These most powerful Heart Openings and Healings continue to build up to the final ignition of our sacred Crystal Rose and Lotus Heart's, and that which is the Crystalline Core of Earth. Fully igniting the new 12/13D Diamond Grid System and New Organic Ascension Earth Realities.


All ignited through the Divine Masculine and Feminine as they get ready to fully rise together as ONE in Divine Union which is also happening at planetary body level with the Return of The Christ/ Kryst, the Sophionic body, in the flesh. The Krystar SAphiRa/ Christos-Sophia/ Androgenous Albion Body to fully embody on the Earth again, which has now fully opened the Gates to the Seven Higher Heavens and the God Worlds.


The Divine Masculine has risen again as the Sun/ Solar Dragon/ Maji Grail King that he is, reclaiming his full power and Guardianship, and as he unites with his Queen, all New World's are being born and Heaven is descending upon, and merging with Earth!

On Tuesday the 4th, the Hierogamic Unions completed at a higher Consciousness level as the crowning of the Masculine and Feminine in Divine Union with Source as One, within the Holy Trinity!

This is now opening the path to bring the Divine Counterparts rapidly together in the physical! As together they make the i'm-possible possible and the invisible visible! Creating a whole lot of magic! Because their power doubled is their power tripled! As two become three, to BEcome ONE!

This is triggering powerful Activations of the Crystalline Core of Earth with Holy Trinity Activations of the Blue, Emerald and Diamond Platinum White Ray, as well as running Crystalline Diamond Rainbow Rounds throughout the Grids, clearing, and igniting them. Reuche and Pillars of Diamond White and Rainbow Plasma light, are supporting the merging of the inter-dimensional Stargate System and Dimensional spheres.

We have been receiving epic DNA and Diamond Rainbow Plasma Lightbody Activations to get us ready for the final ignition! Our whole morphogenetic field is being fully cleared, healed and upgraded, all through the power of Divine Love! Disclosure is an inner Event/s that is very much interconnected with the Activation of our DNA and cellular memory. It's the Emerald Tablets, our true Tribal and history records held there right inside of us!

And our Crystal Heart is the key that unlocks it ALL!

The Truth that arises from within and cannot be questioned!

Love is Truth!

The Tribal and Planetary Shields have been healed and rebuild which is also affecting and healing the elementals, especially in regards to black magic.

Right now it's really all about allowing any remaining denser energies to clear with as much ease and grace as possible through non resistance and non judgement! Trusting that what we have been busy manifesting and accessing at higher dimensional level is about to manifest in Reality!!

I'm sharing more in the video update.

Eternal Love,


Ramona Lappin:
Divine Love, Explorer of Consciousness, Reprogrammer, Visionary, Guide, Energy & Sound Healer, Mummy.
All of my transmissions are encoded with Multidimensional Ascension keys and codes that are intended to assist you on your journey.

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