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The Hazel Tree: August 5 - September 1

The Hazel Tree: August 5 - September 1

Celtic Symbol : The Rainbow Salmon

Zodiac Degrees : 12º00` Leo - 8º59` Virgo

Ruling Planet : Mercury - Mugher; Element : Air; Color : Orange

Ancient Gods Associated With Mercury : Greek - Hermes; Celtic - Ogma, Manannan, Artemis, Diana

Symbolism : Wisdom & Divination, Poetry & Science, Playfulness & Enchantment, Healing Arts

Gemstone : Amethyst, Topaz, Pearl

Birds : Crane

Flower : Vervain

Folk Names : Coll


In Irish Celtic mythology the hazel tree was where the Faery spirits lived. The hazel nut in Celtic legends is an emblem of concentrated wisdom and all the knowledge of the arts and sciences was to be found by eating these nuts.

Hazel tree individuals are perceptive, clever people endowed with good reasoning powers. This sharpness of intellect promotes excellent debaters and writers. They are also great planners and organizers, down to the smallest detail. The urge to acquire knowledge promotes scholars and experts in their fields. People born during the first two weeks are associated with the new moon impulse of seeking knowledge and denotes an inquisitive nature which can become prying or underhand. But the positive aspects endorse a more impartial response. People born during the last two weeks come under the full moon phase which denotes a more outgoing nature and temperament. They are also inclined to become public figures who seek to educate or instruct people in the arts. Their positive traits are shown in their regard for honesty and they have well - defined principles. The negative traits are revealed in their hypercritical attitudes which stem from an inbuilt hypersensitivity. 

Associated with Mercury, the rainbow fish and the god Ogma. Hazel Tree people are not only wonderful communicators, but gatherers of knowledge and wisdom. They have incredible memories and ways of relating information. Many express themselves in writing, scholarly pursuits or as administrators. Such people have an excess of nervous energy and can hold to their tension or manifest it as an argument. Overall, they are highly interesting and challenging people.


The Hazel was the tree of wisdom and it was a crime punishable by death to fell one. It was thought magical skills and knowledge could be gained from eating Hazel nuts. Hazel people are artistic. They have lively, analytical minds and make inspiring teachers. Imaginative, they are radical and idealistic thinkers.Physical Goal - To inspire others to increase their capacity in the arts of poetry, divination and meditation...and to be aware that example is the best teacher. Mental Goal - To allow the prompting of intuition to bring ideas to the surface. Spiritual Goal - To follow intuition to the source, where the reward will be wisdom and the soul will ring with poetry.

The Ruling Deity - The Sea God Manannan Mac Lir, a master of disguise, rules this sign.

The Druid Animal - To the Celts, the Salmon is the oldest and wisest animal, symbolizing inspiration - Hazels need to express their creativity or they can become morbid and introspective.

Hazel catkins can aid in your favorite Spell for Love:

Light a red or pink candle and gather some catkins of the Hazel tree (the timing would be perfect for around Valentines day) and wrap them in a piece of red or pink tissue paper. Hold it in your hand over your heart as you recite your incantation. Burn the bundle while visualizing your intent. 



If you were born at this time:

If you are born under the energy of the Hazel, you are highly intelligent, organized and efficient. Like the Holly, you are naturally gifted in academia, and excel in the classroom. You also have the ability to retain information and can recall, recite and expound on subjects you’ve memorized with amazing accuracy. You know your facts, and you are always well informed. This sometimes makes you appear like a know-it-all to others, but you can’t help that; you’re genuinely smart and usually know the right course of action because of your impressive knowledge base. You have an eye for detail, and like things to be “just so.” Sometimes this need for order and control can lead to compulsive behaviors if left unchecked. You have a knack for numbers, science and things that utilize your analytical skills. You like rules, although you are typically making them rather than playing by them. The Celtic tree astrology sign of Hazel joins harmoniously with Hawthorn and Rowan’s.

9th consonant of the Ogham alphabet

C, sometimes read as K, is Coll, which is the Hazel tree. August is known as the Hazel Moon, because this is when Hazelnuts appear on the trees -- the world Coll translates to "the life force inside you", and what better symbol of life than the nut itself? Hazel is associated with wisdom and creativity and knowledge. Sometimes it is connected in Celtic lore with magical springs, sacred wells, and divination. 

Hazel was a handy tree to have around. It was used by many English pilgrims to make staffs for use upon the road -- not only was it a sturdy walking stick, it also provided a modicum of self-defense for weary travelers. Certainly, it could have been used as well for ritual. Hazel was used in weaving of baskets by medieval folk, and the leaves were fed to cattle because it was believed this would increase the cow's supply of milk.

In the Irish myth cycles, there is a tale that nine hazel nuts dropped into a sacred pool. A salmon came along in the pool and gobbled up the nuts, which then imbued him with wisdom. A variation of the story appears in the legend of Finn Mac Cumhail, who ate the salmon and then took on the knowledge and wisdom of the fish. Note that Mac Cumhail is often translated as Mac Coll.

Coll Correspondences

Mundane Aspects : Take advantage of your own artistry or creativity, and share your knowledge with others so they too can practice these arts. Lead by example, and teach those who wish to learn. Find inspiration for your creative gifts, whatever your talent may be. 

Magical Aspects : Let the divine guide you in your creative journey. Speak to the gods through your art, and be rewarded with inspiration. If you're stuck in a creative rut, call upon the Divine to send you a Muse.

The illustration at the top of this article is by artist, Margaret Walty. From the book, Celtic Lunar Zodiac (1998, ISBN 9781567185102) written by Helena Paterson and illustrated throughout by Margaret Walty.

Copyright 2012-2024 - Crystal Wind™ All rights reserved. We track all IP addresses with sniffer technology. Using a Proxy/VPN will not hide your IP address. This post first appeared on CrystalWind.ca.

Copyright 2012-2024 - Crystal Wind™ All rights reserved. We track all IP addresses with sniffer technology. Using a Proxy/VPN will not hide your IP address. This post first appeared on CrystalWind.ca.

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