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Transforming Self ~ Experiencing 5th Dimensional Consciousness


5th Dimensional Abundance is the FEELING of Abundance as a state of Being that is UNION Consciousness.

This includes, joy, bliss, happiness, with the sense of  never lacking anything. Never separate from what one desires.

Intentions set from this state of Abundance, through the Heart ~ brings  greater Joy and Abundance consciousness.

The consciousness that is that state is the consciousness that manifests more of itself.

As any state of consciousness does.

All reality is ~ is the manifestation of the inner sense of self-consciousness. The thing is ~ one cannot jump, so to speak, to 5th Dimensional Abundance on all levels, through a consciousness that seeks based on lack.

Only through BEING abundant within, through  heart focused awareness, is one then fully able to enter the constant awareness of union. Of not being separated from anything.

Flow ~ is a state of Being that is not resistant or attached to what is unfolding, now.

One does not shift to Abundance through intentions based on lack.

ACKNOWLEDGING and observing when you have and when and where you still are coming from a place of lack is part of the process. The first step.

Observing this ~ we then can begin the conscious awareness and intention through the heart ~ of living and Being in the feeling state of abundance. Through love. In love. In union ~ NOW. Which is 5th Dimensional Consciousness. 

Letting go of waiting for the proof to first be there as an external manifestation. Instead ~ Transforming the sense of SELF. To that of 5th Dimensional Consciousness. 

The access to Being permanently in a state of 5th Dimensional Consciousness is through BEING it. 

That is TRANSFORMING the connection to Self.  From separated self ~ to Full Divine Union ~ God Self.

One enters it through being it. Through feeling it. Through the heart.

This is a process of transformation.

You with your SELF ~ as in how you deal with yourself. Your attachments to a sense of lack. Your resistance to trusting and living through your heart. Trusting your Soul plan.

Often the initiations through the levels, are there to allow us, to fully be aware and release the attachments to the old ways of being. That come and stem from a sense of lack and separation.

When we know we are Divine ~ that in truth we are not separate and I mean truly KNOW Through our Heart. A shift takes place. WE live IT…IN all moments.

Lack consciousness is experienced as a feeling and is experienced through a sense of separation from everything one desires. Whether that is happiness joy, Love, relationships or money.

When we come from TRUTH ~ and trust. Trusting the way is through feeling and BEING ~ first within. AS creating the awareness of the New Self in 5th Dimensional Consciousness. We truly experience the invitations that allow us to go deeper and deeper into knowing ourselves. Being our True Self.

Being our Divine Self.

Not from the old way of the sense of lack. Letting go, and entering the NEW ~ through the consciousness and the awareness of ~ Being it Now.

Through the Heart of Trust and Love, and Being, Feeling Whole, United and Abundant Now. In the Glory and Love, Of All That is, Now. I love you.

Here I Am ~ Here you Are ~ Here We Are ~And So it is!
Always Feeling You, Always with you in The Divine Sacred Light of All That Is!!!
L’Aura Pleiadian™
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