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The Path to True Freedom ~ 5th Dimensional Consciousness


At different levels of consciousness, fear may be perceived in different ways.

The fear that keeps us in insecurity, yet acts out of fear, in hopes to attain external relief. 

Or the fear that is complete newness, stepping into the unknown, moment to moment, for no reason, other than expansion of consciousness.

The form you live through may resist stepping into the unknown through a state of purity. AS that is the ONLY fear that truly is unknown.

The fear and actions related to covering up insecurities, deep self loathing, and never feeling good enough. Is a controlled sense of fear, where the actions CONTROL an outcome. TO keep one in a state of continued insecurity.

Waiting for ONE day, to acknowledge. Accept, admit, the hidden insecurities.

When one realizes that the previous doing good, the attempts to win approval, were nothing more than ego, keeping one in a state of fear and control.

To only one day, accept ones insecurities. TO stop being the one wearing a mask. And to admit, one does not feel perfect. The ego does not like this moment of truth.

As if admitting the weaknesses, it knows it has no power. It cannot keep going on being fake.

Acknowledging the insecurities, is the path to true authenticity.

When one can truly only does, says, and acts upon, what deep down is authentic, with no purpose connected to hiding insecurities with a fake façade.

Now, do not take this in a way that supposes you have control over being authentic.

That is how the ego will attempt to also control this.

When you are ready for the next level, it cannot be missed.

The forces of consciousness that govern the levels, are very aware and manage the frequencies, the activations and de activations of the Soul Blueprint.

So you are insecure. DO not attempt to control not being so.

With a loving gaze, acknowledging the weaknesses, insecurities of being afraid. OF not feeling worthy. The door opens.

The door to loving the inner child.

To loving oneself.

To taking the responsibility to love oneself.

NOT dependant on approval of others, or to hide insecurities.

TO be authentic.

This is me. I have acted upon insecurities as a way to get experiences externally, that hide my inner pain. So that I may ignore the pain. In hopes it will go away,  through the love given to me through the external.

I now, SEE, Acknowledge, my inner insecurities and all the ways I have hidden this, through my actions, in relationships. In work surroundings. In my communications  with others. In wants and needs. And in the attachment to the control of outcomes, that served to keep my pain hidden from me.

The belief in love from someone else greater than one owns love for self, is a lack of responsibility and acknowledgment of ones own weaknesses. Pain. Suffering. Of ones self-image. Deep within.

So now is new day and now is the moment.

That the pain and insecurities may be embraces. As being human in a form.

As being authentic.

As no longer wearing the mask that hides the pain within.

That no longer SEEKS that which is not within.

That NOW looks within.

For the gentleness, kindness, love, THROUGH the TRUTH of the pain within. The insecurities within.

Then the child within, and the consciousness connected to the form. Lives with AUTHENTICITY.

Which FREES one to be PRESENT in the MOMENT.

Then the sense of FEAR only becomes the unknowable. THE Stepping into the NOW NEW Moment. Not knowing what is next.

NOT attaching to an outcome.

Being Authentically Free.

Embracing all sense of lack.

All sense of wants and needs.

Stepping into that VULNERABLE place again.


That is living as your Higher SELF.

Moment to moment, acknowledgment, truth, embracing all that arises. Within.


Being the TRUTH that you are in all moments WITHIN.


Here I Am ~ Here you Are ~ Here We Are ~And So it is!
Always Feeling You, Always with you in The Divine Sacred Light of All That Is!!!
L’Aura Pleiadian™
To listen to my Activations, Invocations, Frequency Transmissions and Light Language:
Source Here


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