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Mastering the Shift: Transitioning from Emotional to Mental Polarization

Mastering the Shift: Transitioning from Emotional to Mental Polarization

Back in the days of Atlantis we were emotionally polarized and evolving the emotional consciousness.

That was our evolutionary goal in the Atlantean period. Today, however, we have a new evolutionary goal which involves a transition from emotional to mental polarization.

With polarization we mean the body in which the evolving Soul predominantly lives and from which it directs its affairs. When we are emotionally polarized, we, as evolving Soul, mainly live out of our emotional nature and direct our affairs from there. When we become mentally polarized, we, as evolving Soul, will mainly live out of our mental nature and direct our activities from this aspect of our nature.

So, to reach our evolutionary goal, we have to raise our consciousness out of the emotional nature and focus it in the mind. And from this place of mental polarization, we need to learn to control our emotional nature and integrate our threefold service instrument (body, emotion, mind) into a working unit through which the Soul may work.

In emotional polarization, the emotional body is positive to the mental.
 In mental polarization, the mental body is positive to the emotional.

What does that mean?

In emotional polarization – when the emotional body is positive to the mental body – since the consciousness is focused in this vehicle, the emotional nature is all activated and therefore more „active“ whereas the mind is rather „passive.“ As a result, the active vibrations of the emotional nature play upon and impact the more quiescent vibrations of the mental nature. Means: Our emotions and desires greatly influence our thinking.

In mental polarization – when the mental body is positive to the emotional body – since the consciousness is focused in this vehicle, the mental nature is activated and therefore more „active“ whereas the emotional body is more „passive.“ As a result, the active vibrations of the mental nature play upon and impact the vibrations of the emotional nature. Means: Our thoughts direct our emotions.

Mental polarization leads to emotional control (and thus: to inner peace). Emotional polarization leads to emotional victimization (and thus: inner peace is not possible).

To be emotionally polarized means:

  • to go with the emotions (the line of least resistance) and to react emotionally to any given situation (rather than to think it through)
  • to go with mass consciousness (which does not think for itself; mass consciousness, by definition, is emotionally polarized)
  • to use mental energy to gratify lower self desires

A transition from emotional to mental polarization is not achieved overnight. This is a step-by-step process that extends over many lifetimes.

Here is an idea of steps to take to become more mental in our orientation:

  1. Self-observation (to become familiar with our emotions)
  2. Study (to learn about the nature of emotion)
  3. Training (to discipline the emotional nature based on the knowledge gained)

When we purify our emotional nature, move from emotion to feeling to intuition, and transcend the desires of the lower self into the aspirations of the Soul, the emotional body slowly but surely becomes attuned to the mental nature and becomes negative to it. Hence, mental polarization is achieved and we have mastered one very important lesson on the Spiritual path.

This article is exclusively published on CrystalWind.ca with written permission from I Am University. Reproduction or duplication is prohibited.

Credit-Gloria Excelsias


Credit: i am university
About the Author:

Gloria Excelsias

Gloria Excelsias is the President of the I AM University, an educational platform with focus on Spiritual and psychological development, that was established by the late Dr Joshua David Stone and handed over to her care in 2005, at Dr Stone’s passing. As Dr Stone’s personal assistant, close friend and protégé, she received ongoing personal training in applied transpersonal psychology and integrated ascension which would prepare her consciousness for her later service work as the University’s President. Having moved the I AM University from California to Salzburg, Austria, her native country, she is now passionately dedicated to running and evolving the I AM University as an inspired writer and coach, placing thematic priority on Spiritual psychology, intuitive philosophy and the overall unfoldment of human consciousness.

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