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Ascension Alert: Time Stands Still!

Ascension Alert: Time Stands Still!

Hello, Beautiful Spirit Library ~

I hope you’re doing well.

This is a very weird week energetically so I just wanted to check in and share a few observations and suggestions.

We just had that big, blue full super moon (on August 19), and it was squaring Uranus -- creating this kind of nervous, jarring energy. This aspect can disrupt sleep and can make you feel really edgy. Know that we're still in that energy until the new moon, which is Monday, night, September 2.

Uranus rules Aquarius and it's changing direction this week on Sunday. Right now it's intensifying the energy just mentioned. Mercury went direct today, but when it does so, initially it's stationery for a period of time before moving forward.

And with all of this, there can be just a feeling of being suspended in time.

So if you have felt sluggish about things you're trying to move on, or it has felt SO hard to move forward with things, be gentle with yourself.

So here's the first suggestion: if or when you feel this way, TRUST THAT IT IS BENEFICIAL.

Trust that delays, or holding patterns, are serving you.

If you believe, as I do, that everything is fueling our evolution, you learn to believe that what you feel and sense, especially if you're intuitive, is feeling that way for a reason. Let yourself BE in harmony with what you sense. Honor it. Even if you're not sure why it's happening this way for you now.

Also? Pluto is preparing to go retrograde -- going back into Capricorn to, as I've heard several astrologers say: "clean up the last things needed" to go before it moves into Aquarius to stay.

Pluto goes retrograde this Sunday, Sept 1 and stays in Capricorn until November 19, when it moves into Aquarius and stays there (except for some progressions into Pisces, and back into Aquarius), until 2044.

Tosha Silver characterizes planets. She speaks of Pluto as the planet of death and rebirth, Uranus, as the great awakener.

And these large fields of energy and consciousness, have specific influences and qualities... and like the precession of the Equinoxes and the Solstices, and the Eclipse Cycles, the astrological dance, and the unfolding aspects and alignments, are Universal Forces that are supporting the evolution of consciousness within All That Is.

I really believe this.

So, given all these powerful shifts this week...

If things are coming up in your life that you thought were done, consider that maybe this is an opportunity to have an even better perspective about them. Or to have a whole new level of solutions reveal themselves to you.

Again -- dare to believe that everything is serving you. Everything wants you to SOAR. Everything that is, LOVES YOU and is supporting your awakening, your ascension, your conscious evolution and your thriving.

It really is true.


One of the things I am receiving in channeled messages more and more consistently is how important it is to really learn how to take excellent care of yourself.

This is not simply about resting when you’re tired or knowing to step back when things get to be too much. This is way beyond that.

Taking excellent care of yourself means giving yourself the best days. This means each day, you're making sure you’re doing things you love.

This is for starters knowing what you love doing and being available for it.

This is an attitude of really understanding that when you feel good, good things happen. And all the things that drive us crazy happen when we’re in resistance.

When you really believe in the laws of the universe and learn to put your own alignment, first life improves dramatically.

If you have focused on your alignment in an on again off again way, maybe now is the time to make a deep commitment to your own daily alignment practice.

You are building and creating your own life.

And your well-being and happiness matter.

You came here to have the amazing adventure of remembering who you really are while being human and to participate in personal and planetary ascension.

Believe in the importance of your own happiness and alignment. Prioritize your own joy!

Love, Ailia

FYI -- I am NOT an astrologer, but I do read/follow when inclined: - Cosmic Owl - Louise Edington - Lorna Bevan - Hare in the Moon Astrology - Tosha Silver (who primarily teaches how to surrender/let the Divine Lead -- but is also a brilliant astrologer) - Frederick Woodruff


My name is Ailia Mira. I am a writer, artist, conscious channel* and solopreneur. I'm  exploring the ways of living that are in alignment with who I truly am. In addition to living this way myself, I am also an experienced coach, facilitator, teacher and guide. 
Message from Archangel Michael, Hermes & The Council of Radiant Light Channeled by Ailia Mira

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