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The Makeup of the Atom - What is Beyond Our Viewing - Part One

the atom

This is an interesting exchange between William LePar's spiritual source, The Council, and a member of the Research and Study Group from April of 1979. This question came from an explanation, from an earlier trance, on the effects drugs and acid rock music on the molecular structure of the physical body. In their explanation, The Council said that the protons and neutrons circulate. This is what is being questioned here.

Questioner:  The next question is on another piece of information that you gave and that is in the 47th Trance and you were giving us a description of how rock music affects the molecular structure and you were saying that if the chakras were allowed to function properly the molecular structure becomes larger, and then you say, "In other words, say, an atom if you were to look at the atom of a cell on your skin or what have you, it would be one size, the distance from the nucleus to the circulating protons and neutrons, that distance would be greater in a perfectly balanced chakra system than in one that has been, shall we say, tampered with through the drugs or through the acid rock music."  And we are somewhat confused as to the actual description of what changes.  The question that I had is when you say "circulating protons and neutrons" instead of "protons and neutrons" do you mean electrons there, circulating electrons?

The Council:  No, we meant exactly what we said.  We were talking about the nucleus itself.  What you have on the outside in appearance, you have on the inside; it is the same.  Everything is mirrored only in a finer degree or in a higher vibration.  In the nucleus, now we are talking about that area that is encompassed by the electrons, that area that you call or that you say consists of protons and neutrons.  Do you understand?

Questioner:  Okay, the ...

The Council:  The nucleus itself.

Questioner:  What the scientists, and what I have come to know, is the nucleus would be made up of the protons and neutrons.

The Council:  Yes.  Within that though is another nucleus, and we were making reference then to that nucleus that you recognize as the center of the atom; we are talking beyond that.  Now do you understand?

Questioner:  What the scientists call a nucleus, the protons and neutrons, that in itself has a nucleus?

C:  In that area is the absolute essence of life.  Do you understand? What the electrons are to the nucleus, the protons and neutrons are to the essence of life.  Do you understand it that way?

Questioner:  I still don't think I do.

C:  Very well.  Give us the construction of an atom, as you understand it.

Questioner:  As I understand it, there is a nucleus which would consist of protons and neutrons.

The Council:  Yes.

Questioner:  And then around that nucleus would circulate or in some way revolve around the nucleus ...

The Council:  Give the standard understanding.  Do not interject possibilities.

Questioner:  Around the nucleus would circulate electrons.

The Council:  Very well.  Now, we were talking about the nucleus.  Forget about the electrons.

Questioner:  All right.

The Council:  All right.  What did we say about the nucleus?

Questioner:  You said that the nucleus, the protons and the neutrons, had itself a nucleus.

The Council:  Yes.  Now do you understand?

Questioner:  So the protons and the neutrons would be circulating around its own nucleus.

The Council:  Yes.  The protons and neutrons would be equivalent to the electrons circulating around the nucleus.

Questioner:  All right.

The Council:  Very well. Now, for the neutrons and protons to be revolving or circulating what would they be circulating around?

Questioner:  A point or a nucleus.

The Council:  Very well.  If the basic model in man's understanding of an atom is to have a center with electrons circulating around the outside, then the center of that center should in naturalness resemble the outer.  Shouldn't it?

***:  All right.

The Council:  Very well.  We were referring to the nucleus itself as man understands the atom.  Now within that nucleus, within the protons and neutrons is a nucleus, also.  Do you understand?

Questioner:  Yes.

Next: The makeup of the Atom - Part Two

For more about William LePar and The Council please view www.WilliamLePar.com
Who is the Council? click here
The Council's description of themselves can be found at www.WilliamLePar.com/TheCouncil
© Copyright 2012-2017 William LePar. All rights reserved. 
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