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Animal Heaven - Our Love Creates It
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- Written by AndEl
The Council through William LePar
In this bit of information from The Council they explain where the life force or essence of an animal goes after it dies. They also give us insight into how our love for an animal gives it a special status when it passes on. I am sure that many of you have great affection for those animals that share your life. It is comforting to know that the relationship can continue beyond the physical manifestation. Below The Council explains. Since this piece of information is longer than most of my postings. I have the beginning portion here and for those who wish to read the entire section I have provided a link below.
Questioner: I do have a question that was brought to my mind about the animal consciousness. Where does that go when the animal expires?
The Council: Well, in most cases if the animal does not have a true love, you know, say a master who is deeply fond of that animal, it goes back to, shall we say, (we must be careful now, in wording this, because it could be made into something that does not exist) but it goes back into, shall we say, a stockpile wherein that energy or that force of life then can come back and replenish the earth and mankind, you see. But those animals that have found a place in man's heart then can be sustained, so to speak. So that as you find fondness with whatever manner of pet, regardless of what it is then your love sustains that and gives it a more permanent and, shall we say, a more personalized consciousness. Do you understand?
Questioner: Well, when everything is said and done, what will this group animal consciousness become a part of? Will it go back to the Godhead?
The Council: Well, to carry it to a point where you might have, shall we say, a different point of perspective, that consciousness or that energy that manifests as a form of animal was your original creative area to work in, if you will recall what we gave you some time ago as to the very beginning. Now, that is, shall we say, your sustenance for the material manifestation. As you grow and you begin to realize that all living things are a part of God and that man has a direct responsibility to all those things, then you do in your own way create, shall we say, a purpose for that animal to exist. Now, a pet, for example, adds to your avenue of expressing love, also gives you the opportunity to be a proper caretaker of that animal, you see, and in so doing then as the time for that animal to pass on comes, if you have truly been a guardian to that animal, then you, shall we say, individualize that part of that consciousness so that it can remain isolated from the rest of that conscious area. Do you understand this?
Now, all those who choose to so such things, then have that part of their being or part of their sphere of existence as long as they wish it. In other words, suppose you were to go into another state of existence or into another conscious state, which we refer to as death, if you have loved a horse, then when you get there that horse would be as real as in the material and as real as you, because you have given it, shall we say, a form of life through that love that you had had for it. Do you understand that?
Now, for as long as you wish, that will be there. If at sometime you choose not to have that exist anymore, then that conscious part goes back into this, shall we say, lump of consciousness. In the final period when the material manifestation is no longer necessary then all those who have loved their animals whether they be the barnyard or the household pet, they will maintain or can maintain that segment of that consciousness for as long as they choose, but that segment that has not had that love expressed then will go back to the Godhead itself.
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