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The Three Stages of Soul Cleansing by Lady Nada

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As the overseer of the cleansing energy and vibrations of the Creator’s light, I, Lady Nada, come forth to share with you the exquisite cleansing and awakening which is taking place within the souls of many upon the Earth. The ascension process is moving so fast currently that it is difficult for many to keep track of the shifts activating and awakening within their being. There are so many levels of your being, and each is being activated, cleansed and recalibrated to support your remembrance of the Creator.

It can be challenging to know and understand everything that is taking place within your being. Therefore it is appropriate to observe your energy and become familiar each day with how your body, mind, emotions and spiritual self feel and appear to you. In doing so not only do you give yourself space to notice how your being reacts to energies and your environment, you also begin to observe a journey taking place within your being. Such awareness can give you a sense of trust in the process you are moving through, feeling more able to understand your needs each day. You will also begin to recognise the sacred link and connection between each of your energy bodies while being able to trace stagnant or limiting energies back to their core. The most beautiful spiritual practice that I can share with you and which we encourage on the inner planes 8th Ray of Light is to become familiar with whom you are in each given moment, without judgment or expectation. It is a sacred and loving acceptance of all that you are, which offers an in-depth insight into the ascension process your soul is moving through.

I, Lady Nada, encourage you to take 5 – 10 mins a day to simply observe your body, emotional, mental and spiritual beings. In doing so, you will become friends with your truth. If you become aware of any pain, suffering or stagnant energy as you observe, simply continue to observe with love in your heart. You may discover that simple observation is a powerful tool that allows healing to take place. All energies that you hold onto and that require to be released simply wish to be acknowledged, once this takes place, often they heal and dissolve.

Stage One

Your soul is currently exploring expansion. The first stage of cleansing your soul is currently experiencing is the process of releasing, receiving and embodying the space of the Creator. This is a very beautiful process because your soul is releasing and letting go of many energies, perceptions, wounds, patterns and limitations that it has carried through many a lifetime. This process of release takes place through your soul expanding its energy at an earthly physical level and a spiritual inner planes level. It is a great moment of celebration, your soul is ready and feels safe to magnify and multiply its energy, thus enhancing its power. As your soul expands releasing and letting go of unneeded energies so its vibration quickens and an experience of liberation dawns. Your soul is free to exist without limitations, merging more fully with all aspects of your being, Mother Earth and the earthly reality while also exploring the Universe of the Creator. Remember that you are the Creator therefore you fill and exist within everything. Your soul is exploring its connection with all that is the Creator and embodying the truth of the Creator. This is extremely invigorating, activating and pleasurable for your soul because your soul is journeying through remembrance of all that it is as an expression of the Creator.

Through expansion, your soul is creating space to receive, collect and embody more of itself and the Creator. Your soul is exploring the abundance, fulfilment and wholeness of the Creator, awakening and drawing these sacred energies into its core. All that your soul is experiencing on the inner planes and the Earth is filtering into your physical body. The vibrations, consciousness and shifts taking place in higher aspects of your soul are impacting every part of your being and life upon the Earth. You have the ability to draw these energies and the joy the higher aspects of your soul are experiencing into your being and existence now.

‘I am speaking to all aspects and levels of my soul. As you move through a process of releasing, receiving and embodying the space of the Creator, I surrender all that I am to daily receive the benefits of my soul’s current expansion journey and progression. I am an embodiment of the highest truth of my soul upon the Earth now. Thank you.’

Stage Two

Quickening of lower vibrations. Your soul is delving deep into the lower vibrations of all that you are. Your soul is empowered and is carrying magnified light into stagnant, lower vibrational energies within your being and within other embodiments of your soul on the Earth, simultaneous lifetimes and on the inner planes. Your soul is anchoring so much light into lower vibrations of your being that all that is your soul is vibrating, pulsating and becoming powerfully energetic. This is encouraging higher aspects of your soul to quicken, becoming powerful beacons of light. As your entire being, reality and soul vibrate at a quicker rate, so the Creator showers you in blessings, light and love. This is immensely empowering as it enhances your feeling of being supported and loved unconditionally by the Creator. Your soul soars synthesising and remembering the Creator, establishing new connections and showering your being with such positivity, truth and excitement. Your physical self and personality begin to release with ease all perspectives of lack and pain, as there is an overwhelming feeling of being loved and supported by the Creator that creates a beautiful flow and fulfilment to your life and existence upon the Earth.

Due to the current cleansing mission of your soul, you may feel negative or painful energies becoming more visible within your being as your soul vibrates the light into lower energies to transform them. At the same time, you may experience empowering feelings of being loved, supported and blessed, as your reality flows with ease and perfection. It may feel as if your dreams are manifesting in your reality. Be aware that you may swing from recognising the pain within your being to feeling completely fulfilled and loved. This will be natural at this time, and there is a need to simply accept that your soul is working on a very deep level for the greater good of your ascension.

Stage Three

Your soul is contemplating and experiencing its wholeness. Your soul is magnifying all the beautiful Creator qualities it recognises itself as, sending waves of these sacred qualities into your entire being. Due to this, you may experience surges of energy, emotions or feelings moving through your being at different times throughout your day. Such surges could cause confusion as from nowhere you may find yourself feeling blissfully happy or deeply connected. You may also experience inspiration to take action in your life or to develop certain skills and abilities. This is a beautiful process as it will allow you to become more familiar with the sacred qualities at the very core of your being and essence.

To contemplate and experience the wholeness of your being your soul will begin to download light vibrations from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Goddess Beings, Dimensions, Inner Plane chambers and so much more. This is a way of activating new beautiful Creator qualities within your being and at the core of your soul. As new light vibrations from throughout the Universe of the Creator penetrate your soul and entire being, remembrance of the wholeness of your being will dawn, with new previously unrecognised qualities and abilities emerging to be observed and accepted. When you experience energies flowing and pouring into your being, know that it is your soul contemplating the fullness and wholeness of your being. It is a time of celebration and awakening of all that is your truth.

Please know I, Lady Nada, am present to support you in the cleansing and evolution of your soul,

Lady Nada

Channelled through Natalie Glasson 
Natalie anchors the Wisdom of the Light Community, which is a large and vast group of varied light beings who are devoted to assisting the Earth and its humanity. The Wisdom of the Light Community is ever expanding as Archangel Michael who oversees the community allows all to channel their wisdom and consciousness through Natalie. You may access and integrate the energy of the Wisdom of the Light Community to aid your spiritual advancement through meditation while holding the intention of experiencing their energy. It is the channellings from the Wisdom of the Light Community that Natalie shares through the Sacred School of Om Na.
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