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Mary - Help Us Elevate the Planet

Mary - Help Us Elevate the Planet

Dear Daughters and Sons of the Planet Earth! I AM MARY!

I am here, once again, with great joy and Light. The last time we met was at the great Love Meditation. Be sure that the great Sphere of Rose Light around the planet is expanding more and more. Why is it being spread? The Energy of Light placed in that great Sphere is getting consumed at some points of this planet by areas emanating lots of pain and suffering.

All that Love energy is consumed to oppose the energy of no light. At these points, our work has been intense. It is as if a great team of Beings has placed themselves in those places, amplifying the energy of Love being sent. It is not an easy job, my sons and daughters, because the energy of the forces contrary to the Light is powerful and quickly consumes the energy of Love.

We will never give up; we have succeeded in moving forward. Shortly your entire planet will have this Great Sphere of the Pink Ray, totally created, emanating only Love. There will be no more energy from opposing forces to disturb it, for we will have done a great job, and then your planet will be ready for the Great Change. We do not wish to create expectations. You have been waiting for a long time. There are always those who tell you the dates, say the months. Why don't the dates work?

We don't live, we don't work, with your timeline; we work in the here and now. We are acting on everything that is happening; we are fixing and expanding; everything is so unstable. Sometimes the planet's population is happy for some reason. Other times they are all sad for a global cause. And we proceed at the same pace because every time you become sad globally, our work increases and becomes longer. So how can we give dates? There are no dates for us.

We are aware of the work we have to do, and we are doing it. Do not expect us to give you any date, no time. Those awake, keep yourselves elevated and vibrating with Love and Light. In these circumstances, be sure that you cooperate so that everything goes faster.

Don't get distracted by the news of strange or absurd things on your planet. The attempts to take your balance off continue until the last ruling being of non-light from the earth is removed. In the meantime, everything will remain the same because they manipulate the news and events on your planet; and the great masses get involved precisely as they want. This is why our work hardly ends, because as we raise the vibration, you lower it; we raise it, you lower it.

Those more resistant hearts always ask us, "But wait, you have the power; why don't you use it?". Because we respect you, we respect free will. So we will continue this game: you open a hole, we cover it; you open another hole, we cover it. Until the day you realize that you should not have opened the hole, then our work will be finished.

Of course, we know that Gaia will ascend. The time will come for Gaia's ascension, and those who are ready will go with her. Now we can't just force humanity to take the actions we want. It is exhausting for you to keep yourselves balanced and to influence others to be balanced, too. How many do this on the planet? Very few.

The enormous mass then keeps pulling the planet back, and that's where our power comes in, for sure, because it's like we're holding it back to keep it from going backward. Thus, we push the planet ahead all the time, and you do the opposite force. It's not an easy process. If we were human beings, we would have given up by now. But, still, our unconditional Love is immense, inexhaustible. We are working in your time, minute by minute, moving people forward, infecting every little heart we can.

The Light arrives on the planet intensely, and this Light contaminates hearts. Each one that allows itself to be contaminated helps us to go forward. However, those blocked hearts, black hearts, where the Light doesn't penetrate, are pushing the planet backward because, up to this moment, they have leadership positions in their countries. But their time is coming.

There will be a time when we will end everything. That time has not come yet, but it is very close; we know it is close. We are not tired of fighting, but the brothers around your planet are exhausted from so many battles, keeping the balance and the positive forces on the planet. They are not just vacationing on earth or riding around in their spaceships. Every little galactic brother around this planet is taking most of the day to emanate Unconditional Love and Light to every little brother on this planet. And they are tired; they are all tired.

It is a long struggle, and it seems to us sometimes that you don't want anything to happen, that you want to continue living in this world of pain and suffering. But we know what Father-Mother God wants, and it is to liberate this planet, to free the people of this planet. So we will begin a new phase, the phase of truth, where everyone can choose which side they want to be on. There will be no more deception. There will be no more lies, and we can say and have said, this phase is very near.

We have very little time left to achieve the energy needed to get there. We cannot wait for the perfect point for you. We will do our part. The "big day" will come, but it is not just another day. When we say "the big day," we talk about an extended period. We do not have the notion of a day. It will be a moment when the truths will gradually come out, and each of you will be able to, little by little, become aware of the path you want to follow.

It will not be all at once. The truths will come out and won't be easy, so they will be gradual. Some are already appearing. You don't know it, but it has already happened, and when the time is right, you will know it, and the news will reach you. The process has already begun, but communicating everything effectively takes a little while. Still, it is very close, not in our time, which is here and now, but in your time.

Don't create expectations; expectations cause disappointments, which is not good. Just live every minute, every moment with Love in your hearts, wishing everyone to know the truth. Follow the Journey, and you will see that much will have happened by the end.

Translation by CrystalWind.ca.


Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues

Founder and Owner of Canal Anjos Luz e Terapias, Projeto LACAM and Um Toque Colibri, totaling more than 110,000 subscribers to my Youtube Channels, in which I share Channels and Messages received from various Beings of Light.
Founder and Director of the Nova Gaia Association - NGO in order to bring Christ Consciousness to the hearts of all.
Training: Magnified Healing® Course, Professional Radiesthesia, Crystal Therapy, Facilitator and Akashic Records Reader, Reiki - Level 3A and 3B -  Access Consciousness® Bars Practitioner

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