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Kwan Yin - Choices, Choices, Choices
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- Written by Vania Rodrigues
Dear brothers of the planet Earth! I AM KWAN YIN!
Right now, I am riding a giant white dragon circling your planet. And with each completed turn, a Circle of Light is created around the earth.
And thousands of Dragons will keep this energy active from now on. This great shield will allow the dragon's energy to reach the planet's surface, destroying everything that tries to stand upright that is not Light.
Every being on this planet is bathed in this energy. Shadows are illuminated, and each one has the chance to follow the path of Light or make a new choice toward the Light. Every being on this planet has power; the mind of every being on this planet is powerful. You have to believe it but do not use this power to hurt or mistreat another, the earth, or an animal.
This power you have is the power of Light, of Love, of balance. And if used correctly, it causes miracles, but if misused, it causes intense and very painful reactions. So, my brothers and sisters, you can evolve and grow physically to the Fifth Dimension. It will be challenging; it won't be simple and painless, but I assure you that the result will be fantastic.
You will give Glory for every minute spent during this preparation. Because the result will be far beyond what you can imagine. Don't look at the shadows; look at the Light. There are shadows everywhere, in every direction. Look at the Light looking up; it is from above that the Light comes, penetrating directly into your body through the Crown Chakra. So, the Light comes from above, not at your eye level.
Don't confuse your Sun with Alcyon's Sun. The Light of Alcyon is intense and powerful. Even when the planet points to Alcyon, which for you is night, the Light continues to work. Because it has this power, it doesn't just spread linearly; it is attracted to the Core of every being on this planet. So, it penetrates 24 hours a day, bringing consciousness and expansion.
Dragons bring power and the energy of courage, strength, and struggle. But not the fight where blood runs, the fight against evil, the fight against your addictions, the fight against your bad habits, the fight against your wrong actions. The moment is one of the definitions of great choices: to continue following the path you think is right or the path we guide.
We realize that many of you do not agree with our attitudes and actions. And prefer to follow their mind because the ego is screaming too loudly, "No, what you are doing is correct, don't stop!" And you continue. So, for those who resist our guidance or don't like to follow what we say? You are making choices, and there is an outcome with each option.
Everything we say, we know why. But if you insist on not following what we have said, that is fine. But remember, every choice has a result, and those choices of yours to keep what we have asked you to finish, will also have an impact. Why is it so hard for you to accept that the path that was once right is no longer correct? Why is it so difficult? Because the ego doesn't get it, you understand it one way and want to follow it to the end. So, you are right, follow your choice, and in the future, when you regret or cry to us for help because of the bad decisions you made, we will be here, soothing your suffering and helping you.
Nobody will condemn you, judge you, or say I told you so; no, we will be here. Because the return for your choice will be in your own walk, not in us. You will have missed the opportunity to make great strides toward the Light because you chose to go in the opposite direction. It was your choice, not ours. So always be very comfortable, disagree with what we say, it's all right. Remember that there is always the return, the result with every choice. And in this case, when we warn you, the result will certainly not be good. But if you want to insist, but if you want to stay on the opposite path of what we guide, it's all right. It's a choice you are making.
My brothers and sisters, you can look ahead to the walk of humanity. And all we do is try to move you to smoother timelines, but soft, without so much suffering, as much as possible, is what we do. But if you want to stay on a more complicated, grief, less enlightened timeline, that's a choice, and we respect that choice. Those who follow our orientations will undoubtedly have an easier and more enlightened path. Because if we orient, it is because we know it is more straightforward.
So, each of you has the power in your hands; you have capabilities. And the most incredible power of all, that of choice, over every action done or to be done. The energy of the Alcyon Sun, the Dragons, and all the Beings of Light illuminating this planet is coming thick and fast to the crown chakra of every living being on this planet, be they animal or human. And this Light, these energies are transforming you. They are preparing your bodies for the Fifth Dimension. It is now solely and exclusively up to you to choose whether or not to go to the Fifth Dimension. So, eliminate your egos because, at this time, it is the worst advisor.
Translation by
Angels and Light Therapies
Vania Rodrigues
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